SubscribeStar Story: The Step-Sister, Part Thirteen

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Part Thirteen

Claudia barely trusted herself to speak. Not when every breath threatened to turn into something more.

The crazy part was, Celeste was barely doing anything. Even now, when she was actually touching Claudia’s bare womanhood, the preppy girl was merely brushing and tracing with her fingertips. Thanks to everything that had led up to this latest teasing contact, however, Claudia’s body was on fire. She didn’t care what kind of girl Celeste was, or that Sara was holding the remote that dictated some of the sensations she was currently dealing with. Claudia just wanted to get off.

At the same time, she was determined to maintain some dignity. The preppy outfit she was wearing was ridiculous, and Sara’s friends had already witnessed a lot that she wouldn’t be able to live down. Although Claudia was desperate for what Celeste was offering, and had already displayed such desperation by stating what she wanted when it had been calmly insisted of her, she didn’t want to make it more obvious than it already was by accidentally letting another moan slip out in the middle of the living room.

This was all so backwards. Normally, Claudia had zero reservations about making sounds in the bedroom, and would often go out of her way to subtly coax a partner into doing the same if the girl of the week was the type to hold back. Now Claudia was the one who was getting dangerously close to needing to bite her lip, and Celeste probably knew it. So Claudia nodded her head. Yes, she could do an allegedly small favor. Writing a blank check was also something Claudia would never agree to under normal circumstances. The problem was, she could only fight so many battles when dealing with the persistent desire that came with Celeste’s light, experienced touches, as well as the plug vibrating away.

Celeste leaned forward with all of her body language pointing towards another kiss. Just before their lips touched, however, she gave a teasing brush in a similar style to what she was doing below. “If you want me, Claudia . . . ” she murmured, trailing off.

Claudia couldn’t help herself. Despite her best efforts to maintain some semblance of control, she ended up quietly whining against Celeste’s lips. Pushing forward in an attempt to start up another hot make-out session like before, she instead found the preppy girl’s lips eluding her by a fraction of an inch no matter how far she chased. “F-fuck you,” Claudia muttered. Their lips and noses were constantly brushing, and yet Celeste somehow managed to always maintain the frustratingly teasing distance.

Almost as if punishing her for taking the initiative, Celeste slipped two of her fingers inside Claudia for a brief moment. Then she retreated, going right back to the gentle traces. “Be proper, babe. Like Sara. No swearing,” she whispered, “Apologize, and I might just let you kiss me.”

Gasping from the penetration that didn’t actually lead to anything, Claudia found herself awkwardly saying, “Sorry.” She had played with other dominant girls before. It was always fun trying to out-Domme the other, and dynamics like that usually erupted into passion sooner rather than later. This was nothing like that. For once, she was truly submitting to another girl. It felt so unnatural.

Technically giving the kiss she offered, Celeste took Claudia’s lower lip and gave her two seconds of pressure. Then, just as Claudia tried to get more, the preppy girl pulled back once again. “If you want me, you have to do something for me,” Celeste quietly said. Her fingers gave a pointed rub to Claudia’s clit from the outside to punctuate the sentiment, “Well? Will you?”

Huffing in annoyance when she was denied more of a kiss, only to sharply inhale when one of her sweet spots was used against her, Claudia hurriedly nodded again.

“Good,” Celeste, “Look at me, babe.”

Claudia reluctantly did as she was told. Glancing up wasn’t enough, apparently, as Celeste’s other hand was suddenly there to hold Claudia’s chin and ensure the alternative girl’s head would stay tilted up.

Once she was satisfied with their new position, Celeste gave another light stroke below before saying, “You’re going to be our servant tonight, Claudia. Yes?”

As if it was that simple. Immediately balking at the suggestion despite wanting nothing more than for Celeste’s fingers to slip inside her again, Claudia quietly scoffed and replied, “What-”

And then Celeste did just that. Pushing into Claudia’s slit more roughly than before without ever breaking eye contact, Celeste hooked her fingers up and gave an assertive rub to yet another effective spot. “You’re our servant. Say it.”

Claudia’s eyes immediately fluttered and she let out a stifled moan. Vigorously shaking her head, she rejected the demeaning statement. “N-no, I-” She was not this easy. Girls normally had to work much harder to get her remotely close to the edge. Of course, those girls didn’t have the advantage of her already being turned on before ever touching her.

“Yes,” Celeste calmly replied. She began slowly retreating, threatening to leave Claudia yet again. Only this time, Celeste was more fully inside her. “Unless you want to stop?”

Shaking her head for a completely different reason, Claudia was ashamed of how she instinctively attempted to use her grip on Celeste to keep her close, while also thrusting her pelvis forward to keep as much contact with the girl’s fingers. If she were thinking logically, Claudia would know that none of that would keep Celeste’s hand in place if Celeste decided to tease away. However, logic was tough to use when she was in such a state.

Casually smirking down at her and reading the non-verbal objection, Celeste said, “Say it, Claudia. It’s just three little words. I’m.” She touched Claudia’s clit for real. “Your.” Her fingers shifted away after just one perfect gesture. “Servant.” Celeste pulled out entirely.

Claudia gasped in shock and total disappointment. “No!” she breathily exclaimed. Celeste had physically offered so much in such a short time, yet hadn’t followed through on any of it. And it totally worked. Claudia needed more, and she immediately blurted out, “I’m your servant. Okay? I said it. I’m your servant.”

“Don’t just say it to me,” Celeste said. While keeping her hand between Claudia’s thighs, Celeste took a single step back and worked on more fully detaching herself from the horny girl. Trusting Claudia to stand up on her own for a few seconds, Celeste removed Claudia’s hands one at a time, then circled around to stand behind her. All while maintaining contact in the most important area. “Say it to her,” Celeste whispered in Claudia’s ear, then leaned down and gave a deep kiss to her neck.

The transition was already a lot to handle. Claudia had gotten used to Celeste’s warmth and proximity, and she had also been consistently relying on having someone to steady herself on. Losing all of that while still being teased was difficult enough, and then a completely new sensitive area was being taken advantage of. Only this time, Celeste’s height wasn’t there to obscure the rest of the room. The juxtaposition was so uncomfortable. Claudia was still very much turned on. Only now, she not only was looking at her step-sister, but Celeste was directing her to speak to Sara.

The last person Claudia wanted to focus on while clouded with lust was Sara. They were hardly related, considering how recently their parents met, but it was honestly less about the step-sister thing anyway. It was more that Sara was obnoxious enough on an average day, and that was before Claudia had to deal with this level of her smug, bossy attitude. Trying her hardest to look anywhere but the bitchy girl who was leaning back on the sofa with an idle smile, Claudia attempted to backpedal, “Wait, I-” That’s about as far as she got. Then Celeste gave one of those effective clit rubs while sinking her teeth into Claudia’s neck. Briefly forgetting the importance she had placed on biting her tongue, Claudia’s lips parted and she let out a full moan. She couldn’t help herself. After holding back reaction after reaction, and after being mercilessly teased for so long, she had absolutely no control when Celeste surprised her with such perfect roughness.

“Come on, slut,” Celeste murmured, this time into Claudia’s neck, “Three little words. Or this . . . ” She nipped the same spot as before with her lips while giving another rub with her fingers, then stopped it all at the same time, “Is all you’re getting.”

The sight of Sara wasn’t quite sobering enough when Celeste was still working her magic. On the cusp of yet another moan, Claudia had to make a conscious effort to resist the latest wave of lust in order to repeat the phrase being dictated to her. “I’m your servant,” she forced out. It was both easier and more difficult; saying it again was more natural after already forming the words once, only now she had to deal with the fact that Sara was relishing every syllable.

“For the whole night?” Sara casually asked. Setting her phone down on the sofa next to Claudia’s, she arched her back for a small stretch. She took her time getting to her feet, clearly in no rush as she took in the scene before her from a slightly different angle before sauntering forward. “How about it, sis? That would be a kind way to repay me for all the time and effort I put into you today.”

From behind her, Celeste snaked her free arm underneath one of Claudia’s. Pressing her chest into the newly pink-clad girl’s back, Celeste eventually palmed one of Claudia’s breasts. Over her clothes, rather than underneath, and she used the grip to pull Claudia back into a different kind of embrace. “You’re our servant for the whole night,” Celeste said. Once again into Claudia’s neck, and once again followed by a rough bite that was the perfect combination of painful and pleasurable.

Now that Sara was closer, the whole situation was more confusing and fucked up than before. Claudia’s eyes briefly fluttered and her breath hitched while she tried to look anywhere but at her step-sister. “For the whole night,” Claudia echoed, repeating the addition as soon as she found her voice again. The plug was still vibrating away in her backside, adding to the list of things that was making it impossible to focus or think straight.

“Prove it,” Sara said, “Let’s start simple.”

What will Sara demand?

Have Claudia fetch the girls drinks and start making dinner for them?

Treat her step-sister like sentient furniture, such as a footrest?

Or get Claudia started on the chores that were on Sara’s list for the weekend?

Read more of “The Step-Sister” (25+ parts) and vote on future outcomes on my SubscribeStar!


The Sister, Parts 1-40


The Present, Parts 1-25