The Sister, Parts 1-40

Part One

The honk of a car horn interrupted a kiss with my girlfriend that had barely started.

Blatant and immediate proof of what I was trying to tell Jessica a few days ago, and you bet your ass that I gave her a knowing look as we separated from what could very well could have led to passionate kitchen sex. She just huffed and gave me a look of her own. “Hey, it’s better than if she walked in on us,” she said.

Jessica and I had been dating for almost eight months; pretty much since we met at the beginning of university. And, while there are plenty of private places to sneak away to when you can’t convince your roommate to give you the place for the night, there’s always a risk and an inconvenience that go hand in hand with the thrill of anything semi-public. So when Jess told me that we could have her family’s lake house all to ourselves for the weekend, I was ecstatic. 

It was spring break.

Now that we were getting more serious, or as serious as two college first-years could be, she floated the idea of introducing me to her family. Cleverly too, might I add. Tempting me with almost ten days at the lake was a great way to soften the blow of spending a few non-stop days with parents who would no doubt be interrogating me and deciding whether or not I’d receive their approval. And, on top of that, Jessica and I would have the place for a few days before her family arrived on Monday. Every room was fair game for nudity and promiscuity, which was a refreshing change of pace from sharing a single dorm room with someone else and needing to plan out alone time. We would have a whole house, with no one else around.

At least, that was the plan.

Until Jessica’s younger sister, Natalie, asked if she could drive up on Friday too. Apparently all of Natalie’s friends ended up busy over the weekend, and she really wanted to reconnect with her older sister since they didn’t get to see each other as much now that Jessica was off at college. Since Natalie’s spring break didn’t line up with ours, she would be stuck at school while their parents visited during the week. It made a lot more sense for her to visit over the weekend instead of skipping school, and Jessica seemed to agree.

Naturally, I was torn. Being a good boyfriend meant putting my needs aside sometimes, and it was obvious that Jessica missed her sister enough to consider giving up what was supposed to be a hot weekend for the two of us. But my more selfish side was annoyed. Anything outside the bedroom wasn’t going to happen now, and her third wheel of a sister was going to be sleeping right down the hall. Having a private bedroom wouldn’t mean as much if we had to keep things as quiet as possible at night. I tried to split the difference and suggested that Natalie come up on Saturday, but the decision was pretty much out of my hands once Jessica approved the girl’s request.

“We’ll have next weekend, remember?” Jessica had reminded me.

It’s true. The two of us were originally going to have both weekends to ourselves, as her parents worked more on Friday through Sunday than they did during normal weekday hours. I would just have to be patient, and wait a full week to get the kind of privacy I thought we’d have for the first few days. Selfish sexual needs aside, it also wouldn’t be as relaxing of a vacation with Jessica’s sister constantly around as well. 

“You owe me later tonight,” I said. It was playful, but a little bit true. Using the last bit of privacy we’d have for a while, I leaned back in for one more deep kiss. Separating again, I walked past her and towards the front door, “I’ll go introduce myself and help Natalie with her bags.”

Such a  gentleman!” she called after me, “Serious brownie points, babe.”

I opened the door just in time to see Natalie’s silver sedan pulling up to the end of the long dirt driveway, and went out to meet her. As she opened the car door and stepped out, I was greeted by a miniature version of my girlfriend. For a high school senior, Natalie was more cute than hot. A surprising contrast to Jessica, who was definitely the latter. Natalie was more petite, shorter with fewer curves, but still dressed to accentuate what she did have. Tight jean shorts that were fashionably torn hugged her hips and upper thighs, and a white crop top left a hint of cleavage and plenty of midriff on display. Her hair and light skin tone, however, was completely identical to my girlfriend’s. 

Normally I wouldn’t just blatantly check a girl out while I’m dating someone else, especially not that girl’s sister, but Natalie happened to do a big stretch the moment she was standing up, that both lifted her top and jutted out her chest. That, and I’m used to freely checking Jessica out, and the parallels between the two sisters made it almost a reflex. I managed to bring my gaze back up to her face before she opened her eyes, and the eyes looking back at me were as familiar as the hair and skin tone on the younger girl. 

“Oh, hey,” she said, with a warm smile, “You must be the boyfriend. Wow, you’re hotter than I thought you’d be.”

For a second, I was thrown, but managed to play it off with a chuckle. “Don’t be a suck up,” I teased, “There’s going to be enough of that going around when your parents get here.”

Unlike my attempt to avert my gaze a moment ago, Natalie took a moment to shamelessly look me up and down before speaking again. Then, with a shrug, she said, “I meant it. Anyway, help me with my bags?”

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and opened the car door and bent over to grab her things from the back seat. Rather than just grabbing them, she fiddled with one or two of the pockets first. The entire time, I just had to awkwardly stand there and try not to stare at her ass that was more or less right in my face as the tight jean shorts hugged her backside. She shifted her weight once or twice, drawing even more attention to her pert rear. Jessica would kill me if she caught me checking out her sister, so I made a conscious effort to not look. Easier said than done, short of outright turning around.

After what felt like forever, even though it was probably just a few of seconds, Natalie was pulling out a duffel bag and backpack. “Here you go, babe,” she said with a wink as she handed me everything but her phone, “You’re the best!”


Jessica could have mentioned the flirty streak. With no sarcastic reply coming to me this time, I just replied with, “Pretty sure you could’ve handled these yourself.” Best to shut down anything overly friendly right away, lest Jessica get the wrong idea.

I walked back towards the lake house with Natalie’s things, and she was quick to meet my stride and walk beside me. Until we reached the porch, that is. Then the girl scurried up the stairs and placed herself directly between me and the front door. 

“Yeah?” I asked, curious what she was up to now.

Natalie stepped forward and placed one of her slender hands on my chest. “Just to give you a fair warning,” she said, looking up at me with a flirty smirk, “You’re going to fuck me by the end of the weekend.”

Part Two

I was speechless.

Natalie did not just say that. It was so direct, so unexpected, and so wrong. I half expected her to break character and play it off as a joke, or perhaps this was a test and Jessica wanted to see how faithful I’d be in a situation like this. Either way, I’d only look bad if I waited for either of those outcomes to resolve. If she was kidding, and took my stunned expression the wrong way, I’d look pretty bad. If Jessica was watching and interpreted my lack of escape as something else entirely . . . Well, that would be way worse. 

“Umm, Natalie?” I finally said. At the same time, I carefully took her wrist and guided her hand off my chest. Normally, I’d back up, but I was pinned enough as it was between her and the door. Short of squirming off to the side, or trying to gently push her back without making any inappropriate contact, I was stuck. “Not funny.”

She just cocked her head to the side. “I wasn’t trying to be funny. You and I are going to sleep together this weekend.”

What was with this girl? 

I had no idea how to handle her attitude. She wasn’t being overconfident, or smug, or anything like that. It was more like the decision had already been made; that it was fact, not fantasy. No girl had ever been this straightforward with me, which made it all the more surreal. 

“Umm, no we’re not,” I replied, forcing a light chuckle. Admittedly, Natalie was cute, but I’m not like that. Cheating fantasies may sound fun in theory, but there’s no way in hell that I’d actually do that to a girlfriend. Least of all, with her own sister.

“Let’s go inside, okay?” While I had no intention of betraying Jessica, the situation was already making me nervous. Why did the two of us take so long? What did we talk about? I was already trapped in a position where I’d have to lie to my girlfriend about a thing or two, or at least omit. Based on how she talked about Natalie, I doubt she would believe a word I said about the girl’s advances.

“Why not?” she asked, with a pout, “It’s not like Jess has to know. You’re saying I’m not attractive?”

Speaking of traps . . .

It was a totally unfair question. Not just for the normal reason, where there really isn’t a good answer when you’re dating someone else and/or not interested in them. The bonus difficulty lay in that Natalie was basically a mini Jessica. Not in personality, as I already learned, but they shared a number of physical qualities that I was attracted to. The cliché answer would be that she’s attractive, but I’m not attracted to her, except even that wasn’t objectively true. In another life, this would all be pretty hot. IF I wasn’t already dating Jessica.

“I’m not saying anything,” I said. Better to avoid playing along. Not wanting to give her another opening, I turned and opened the door, ignoring what I’m pretty sure was her chest nudging my arm from our proximity. Heading right inside, I called out to Jessica as yet another way to separate myself from Natalie before she tried to further tempt me. “Natalie’s here!” I exclaimed, as if she didn’t already know that, “Where should I put her things?”

To my relief, Jessica was right around the corner. No more opportunities for Natalie to mess with me. I still genuinely didn’t know if she was teasing or actually being serious. “Across from us,” Jessica said, “That’s her room.”

Right. I had already been given the tour. Both sisters got the corner rooms upstairs with a good view of the lake, while their parents used the master bedroom on the main floor. Then guests could take any other room in the sizable house.

“You got it,” I said. Hopefully she didn’t notice that I was the slightest bit flustered from everything outside.

“Natalie!” she exclaimed. Jessica pushed past me and flung her arms around her sister. 

Rather than stick around for the greetings, I used the distraction of my girlfriend to slip away and take Natalie’s things upstairs. Better to get it done when she didn’t have a chance to follow me up and start flirting again. I knew this weekend was going to be less relaxing with a third wheel around, but never considered that Jessica’s sister was going to be such a handful. Just a few minutes with the girl, and I was already trying to figure out how I’d manage to avoid any one on one time with her. 

Once I was alone upstairs, I started thinking a little more clearly. In retrospect, maybe Natalie didn’t mean any of it. She could just be a total flirt, or that could be her style of humor. Seriously, what kind of girl just walks up to a guy and says she wants to bang? Especially to her sister’s boyfriend? Concluding that she didn’t mean any of it, I set her bags outside her door and made my way down towards the voices in the kitchen. 

The moment I turned the corner, Natalie bounded over and hooked her arm into mine. “Seriously, sis. He’s hot. How’d you manage to land a guy like this three seconds after starting college?”

Jessica just scoffed. “It wasn’t three seconds, Nat. And right place, right time, I guess.”

I could tell right away that Jessica didn’t suspect anything, nor was she bothered in any way about the physical contact as Natalie and I faced her arm in arm. It only confirmed my theory; that Natalie was friendly, flirty, touchy, whatever. 

“Lucky you,” Natalie sighed. She slipped her arm out of mine as effortlessly as she linked us a few seconds ago. Placing that hand on her hip, she glanced from me to Jessica. “So? What’s the plan? Please tell me we’re hitting the lake. My legs can’t take much more sitting today!”

“Oh, poor you,” Jessica teased, “And what do you think, babe? I’ve been dying to try out my new bikini.”

It was her way of trying to make up for Natalie’s arrival and the interruption of what could have been a good time. While Jessica and I still couldn’t do anything like that with her sister around, she could at least show off her body by the lake. The proposal was innocent enough with Natalie standing right there, but I knew what she meant.

“Yeah, sounds fun,” I said, “Should I grab anything for us?” 

“Sunscreen, towels, drinks,” Jessica said, pausing to think, “Snacks, maybe?”

Without missing a beat, Natalie piped up with a warm smile. “I can help!”

It didn’t take long for her to point out that I wouldn’t know where to find everything. This was my first time at their lake house, after all. Jessica was appreciative of the gesture, and happy to get changed while her sister and I grabbed a few things to bring down to the dock. I, on the other hand, was a little more wary.

For good reason, too.

The moment it was just Natalie and I in the kitchen, she stepped back over and took my hand. Her fingers intertwined with mine and she glanced up at me with an innocent smile. “Come on, babe,” she said, “I’ll show you around.”

Part Three

I didn’t know what to do.

The whole point of this vacation was so that I could meet Jessica’s family, and that included Natalie. They were clearly close as sisters, and I couldn’t have my girlfriend’s younger sister dislike me. If I yanked my hand away, she might get offended or upset. But if I kept holding her hand, it might encourage her to keep being touchy. She was cute, sure, and the gesture was innocent enough, but it still felt wrong doing something like that when it was behind Jessica’s back. 

I guess there wasn’t a problem when Natalie hooked her arm in mine in the kitchen when we were all in there. Was this more of the same? Or had the younger girl intentionally waited until Jessica was out of sight before attaching herself to me? We had only just met, and I still couldn’t get a read on her.

“Thanks, babe,” I said, testing the waters. How would she react?

Apparently with a smile and a wink. “I knew you had a thing for me.” She gave my hand a squeeze and stopped by the door at the edge of the kitchen. “Do you think Jessica trusts us, all alone in the garage? It’s so dark, and private, and perfect for sneaking around.”

“Natalie . . .” I muttered, feeling myself flush a bit at her words. Was she serious?

“That’s my name,” she giggled, “Don’t worry, babe. Our first kiss will be somewhere a lot more exciting than a dusty old garage. Maybe on the boat? Or in the lake? I look pretty hot in a bikini! Maybe even hotter than Jessica. You’ll have to compare once we’re both changed.”

My eyes instantly scanned the kitchen and hallway beyond for any trace of Jessica. What if she heard this? They were Natalie’s words, but I could easily take some blame for how close we were standing, how we were holding hands while she talked about kissing me and alluding to how I’d be checking her out later.

As if reading my mind, Natalie just rolled her eyes. “Jessica is upstairs. She can’t hear us, don’t worry. Where do you want to make-out with me?”

“Nowhere!” I exclaimed, quickly lowering my voice, “Natalie, this isn’t funny.” 

“We went over this already. I’m not trying to be funny. You’re saying you don’t want to kiss me? Not even a little peck?”

“No. I don’t.” 

“Liar.” With another pout, she let go of my hand and stepped away. “If you’re going to be boring, then go grab the cooler from the garage. I’ll be right here, waiting for you to come back and change your mind. Because, let’s face it. I’m a catch, and I’m an amazing kisser. Jessica doesn’t have to know, promise!”

Oh God, was she serious? If this was only supposed to be teasing, or a sick joke, Natalie was pushing things pretty far without breaking into a smile and letting me off the hook. The worst part was, her flirting was working on some level. I could imagine her, a mini version of Jessica, wearing a bikini simply due to how she planted the image. And, with her lips pursed in a cute pout while talking about kissing, I couldn’t stay away from that visual as well. Heading into the garage without her suddenly seemed like a very good idea. 

“Enough, Natalie.” Before she could come up with another flirty response, I opened the door and retreated into the garage. All I could hear before I closed the door behind me was a light giggle. 

Letting out a relieved exhale from the solitude, I began looking around for the cooler. Despite my protests around Natalie, it was impossible to ignore everything she had done. Her ass in my face while she bent over to deal with her things in the car, her hand on my chest as she glanced up with those flirty eyes, and all those things about how I was hot; how she planned on kissing me, fucking me. 

In a matter of seconds, I felt a faint twitch between my legs. 


I immediately began thinking of literally anything to make the brief wave of horniness go away. Thankfully, Natalie had sent me in here alone. What if she caught the effect she was having on me, and only after a few minutes of meeting her? I’m a guy; I can’t help it. A cute girl, flaunting herself and being so direct. A younger, more flirty version of my girlfriend, at that. My body was telling me what I subconsciously appreciated about the girl, but I needed to shut that down. More importantly, I needed to avoid any more alone time with Natalie.

After taking a few seconds to get myself back to normal, I resumed my search. The garage wasn’t that big, and the red cooler was pretty easy to spot since we had all parked outside. I was tempted to wait a few minutes before going back into the kitchen, so Jessica would have time to make it back downstairs, but that would potentially give Natalie an excuse to come out and help if I was taking too long. 

Choosing the lesser of two evils, I grabbed the cooler and took it inside. And regretted it immediately. 

Natalie was standing in the middle of the kitchen, almost completely topless. Her crop top and bra were sitting on the island in plain sight, and she was using both hands to hold the cups of a light pink bikini against her breasts. All four strings of the top were loose, and she was looking at me with a coy smile. 

“Oh, hey,” she said, “You were faster than I thought. I hope that’s not true about all the things you do.”

“Natalie!” I exclaimed. Averting my gaze immediately, in case she decided to lower the bikini top and get me in some real trouble with Jessica by flashing me and giving me a sight I’d have to forever avoid telling my girlfriend about, I took half a step back too. Maybe it wasn’t too late to go back into the garage and let her finish changing in the middle of the kitchen. Because that’s a normal thing to do. 

“Good timing, actually. Can you tie these for me?” Natalie said, with another one of her little giggles, “You know, before Jessica comes down and gets the wrong idea?”

Part Four

The wrong idea, indeed.

Natalie was nearly topless. If she lowered her hands or even adjusted her grip on the bikini top, there was a good chance I was going to see her boobs. It was beyond confusing. Under normal circumstances, this would be incredibly hot. An attractive girl, walking the perfect balance of coy and sexy; not to mention the perfect balance of dressed and undressed. There was so much smooth, fair skin on display. Her jean shorts and untied pink top didn’t leave much to the imagination, yet still covered what mattered most.

“Natalie-” I began. What should I even say? Tying the strings for her like she wanted was the best way to keep the bikini top in place, but that could be yet another trap. 


“Just- cut this out, okay? 

“Cut what out?” Natalie asked, with a small pout, “I’m just trying to get to know my big sister’s boyfriend. But if you don’t want to help me, maybe I should help you instead . . .” Little by little, she began lowering her bikini top. Each second felt like an eternity as I watched, unable to take my eyes off her breasts that were becoming more and more bared to me. The rational, faithful part of my mind knew that I should look away. But it’s difficult to think properly when an attractive girl is moments away from being topless in front of you. 

She stopped just shy of exposing her nipples. A lucky break for me; or, more likely, a tease by her. I finally managed to tear my eyes away, going so far as to slightly shift my body towards an empty side of the room, but she definitely would have already noticed my staring.

“What? It’s harmless if you don’t go too far.” Natalie sauntered over, only stopping once she had circled around to stand right in front of me. Her bikini top was back to where it had started, though the way she was holding her smaller breasts created a bit of cleavage that was difficult to ignore when looking down at her. “Eyes up here, babe,” she said, immediately catching me, “Now, would you like to kiss me? Or would you rather tie me up?”

God, this was going to be a tough weekend.

Any hopes that Natalie was joking around were all but dashed at this point. I knew a handful of innocently flirty girls, but this was something else entirely. I’m pretty sure the petite girl in front of me would wholeheartedly make out with me right now if I gave her the chance. And, though I knew what she actually meant, the phrase ‘tie me up’ sparked a totally different image with the way she said it. 

But I couldn’t. Horny or not, this was Jessica’s sister. Not only was that the most taboo form of cheating, but the fallout was absolutely not worth it, no matter the temptation. I would have to keep it from Jessica, forever, and also deal with Natalie’s knowing looks every single time there was a family trip like this. “I’m not kissing you, Natalie,” I said. Apparently it didn’t sink in enough the first time.

“Well, of course you’re not. Pretty sure I’d know if we were kissing; you know, with your lips on mine and all,” she winked, “Come on, just a peck? I promise you won’t regret it!”

Unlikely. “No. But I’ll tie your bikini top for you, okay?” Sooner rather than later, hopefully. Anything to get her flirty gaze and partially exposed boobs out of my face. 

“Okay, fine,” she huffed, “We’ll make out later, then.”

With that, Natalie turned to face the opposite direction. I decided to not dignify her persistence with a response. It wasn’t worth it. This girl had a way of turning every single thing I said against me. 

For a moment, I just took in her bare back as I waited to be handed the strings. While there was nothing particularly wrong with looking at this part of another girl, I still felt guilty for appreciating how soft and smooth her back and shoulders looked. And, even worse, I couldn’t help but briefly imagine a topless Natalie as I saw nothing but bare skin above her waist. 

“Oops!” Natalie’s voice snapped me out of my momentarily distracted thoughts. “Sorry, babe. One sec.”

It took me a second to figure out what she was talking about. With her body in the way, I didn’t notice at first that she had ‘accidentally’ dropped her bikini top. But when Natalie used both of her now empty hands to brush her hair back, I realized that she was now standing fully topless in the kitchen.

Before I could even process that I was now dealing with a half naked girl standing just a foot or two in front of me, Natalie went to retrieve her top. There was a reason she adjusted her hair. Just like that, she bent all the way over. Pert rear jutting out; jean shorts hugging her even more tightly than usual. The unexpected motion brought her inches from connecting with my crotch, and I was back to inappropriately staring.

“You do know I’m eighteen, right?” Talking from her new position, Natalie turned to glance over her shoulder.

Fucking tease. 

Good to know she’s legal. I was definitely more hung up on the fact that she was Jessica’s sister, but there would be yet another layer of wrongness to all of this if Natalie was a high school senior with a later birthday. She’d probably be acting exactly the same, but there would be a lot more potential trouble for me. Either way, this was still wrong for the main reason: I have a girlfriend.


“Mm hmm?” 

How do you even talk to a girl who turns everything into a sexy invitation? I was trying to come up with a potentially safe reply, taking a small step backwards just in case, when I heard the worst–

Jessica’s footsteps on the stairs. 

Part Five

What was I supposed to do?

My girlfriend was about to walk into the kitchen, and her younger sister was topless and just a few inches away from me. I hadn’t even done anything wrong, despite the overt temptations Natalie kept throwing my way, but it would certainly look that way even if I was innocent. 

Thankfully, Natalie was better under pressure than I was. “Quick, tie me up!” Snapping back up to her feet, she muttered the directive while hugging the pink bikini top to her chest with one arm. With her free hand, she tossed each string over her shoulder.

“Umm, right.” It made sense, didn’t it? Better to help than for Jessica to walk in and jump to conclusions. 

I fumbled to grab the pink strings. Natalie’s hair was still pulled forward over her right shoulder, so I had easy access to make a quick knot over her neck. In my haste, I was definitely worried that I potentially did something wrong, but there wasn’t time to dwell on it. Instead, I let the girl pass me the lower strings one by one, and I did a similar maneuver below. Under normal circumstances, I might have appreciated brushing against the smoothness of her back, but I had more pressing things on my mind.

We weren’t a second too late, as Jessica turned the corner just as Natalie stepped away in her now tied bikini top and grabbed her glass of water from the counter. “Hey, sis!” she exclaimed. Quite the little actress. Nothing in her tone gave away everything that transpired over the last few minutes, and I was actually a little grateful she was drawing attention away from me for a moment. I was more skeptical about my own ability to play it cool. “And damn, girl! Someone’s a lucky guy.”

She was right. Jessica’s new bikini was stunning. Just the right shade of blue to go with her hair and skin tone, and I always appreciated her cleavage in a tight top. Not to mention the rest of her body when she was wearing so few layers. It was just the thing I needed to keep my eyes away from her sister. 

“Eww, Natalie! Don’t stare,” she scoffed, slightly turning away, “It’s weird.”

Natalie just giggled. “What? We’re sisters. Besides, I’ll always be jealous of your curves. It’s so not fair.”

Jessica didn’t dignify that with a response. “Well, babe?” she said, turning towards me. I could practically hear the follow-up question in her voice. ‘What do you think?’ It was her usual line when showing off a new outfit or a set of lingerie that she just picked out. Only this time, she went a different route. “Are you going to get changed, or what?” Right. Her sister was here as a third wheel, so of course she wouldn’t ask my impression about her new bikini right now. But she wanted to.

“Oh, yeah,” I replied, “It just took forever to find this,” I said, gesturing to the red cooler on the counter just beside me. While somewhat lying to her made me feel guilty, it was preferably to the real reason that things were taking so long.

“You had him get the cooler?” Jessica rolled her eyes, but with a smile, “Nat, it’s his first time here. There are, like, a thousand other things he could have gotten more easily.”

“But now he has the lay of the land!” Natalie said, “Well, not all of it. Can I show him upstairs? Or do you want a little alone time up there?”

This time, it was Jessica’s turn to blush. “Natalie!”


“Nothing. Sure, give him the tour. But quickly, okay? I’ll go take the cover off the boat.”

“We’ll be quick; promise!”

I should have spoken up. Saying that I would have preferred Jessica to give me the tour would have earned me a few brownie points with her as well as avoided more alone time with her flirty sister. Except, of course, that Natalie had set things up where it would look questionable if Jessica and I went off together. And, since my girlfriend was a little embarrassed by the implication, I was once again stuck with Natalie. 

My hot girlfriend sauntered past, shooting me a playful wink once only I could see her face, and grabbed the keys to the boat. “See you soon.”

Ugh, Jessica had no idea what she was doing. To her, it was a way to tease me under her sister’s nose. But to me, it was the second time one of these sisters was being secretive with their advances. And, even worse, Jessica was sparking a twitch of excitement right before leaving me with a miniature version of herself. 

The moment she stepped out onto the back deck, Natalie pursed her lips in that same small pout, “Going to miss her?” she asked, “It’s okay. I’ll keep you company!”

“Look, Natalie-”

“Look, babe. We have to be quick, remember? Now, can I take you upstairs?”

God, there was no winning with her. The suggestive question wasn’t lost on me in the slightest, and I was once again stuck between playing along or blowing her off. And, unlike before, it was more difficult to avoid the subtle temptation thanks to the way that Jessica left me. It’s not like I was going to do anything. So far, it had mostly been harmless flirting, save for the little show Natalie put on earlier.

Still, I had to be careful.

“Lead the way,” I said. If she was showing me the way, then maybe she wouldn’t try to walk me around by holding my hand like she boldly did earlier. 

Of course, the girl rolled with it immediately, once again taking me by surprise. “Sure thing, handsome. Enjoy the view.”

Part Six

For a small girl, Natalie had a pretty solid ass.

I had already gotten a good look at it when she was bent over to collect her things in the car earlier, though I had tried not to stare at the time. It was more difficult to look away, however, when she was ahead of me on the stairs. Her pink bikini bottoms hugged her hips tightly enough that I could actually see the shape of her pert rear as she took each step. 

Looking was okay, right? That wasn’t cheating. 

Since I had to keep my eyes forward anyway, since there weren’t many other options as we ascended the stairs. So, for a few seconds, I indulged myself and took a good, long stare at Natalie’s ass. Since she was wearing nothing but a bikini, I could clearly see every way her lower body shifted as she took each stair. If Natalie hadn’t said anything a minute ago, perhaps I could’ve just checked her out and moved on. But she had practically invited this; ‘Enjoy the view,’ in that lilting, innocent yet not so innocent tone. And I couldn’t really help myself from doing exactly what she wanted. 

At least she didn’t glance back and catch me in the act. 

When we reached the top of the stairs, Natalie just turned the corner like nothing was going on. Walking through the lake house like she owned the place; which she did, by extension. But, even after just knowing her for a half hour or so, I already suspected there was a method to her casual behavior. Not saying anything because she wanted to keep me in suspense. Or maybe playing it cool to make me think I missed my shot. Was it bad that I wanted to know?

Finally breaking the silence, Natalie said, “Here we are, babe.” The corner bedrooms were at the end of the short hall, right after the bathroom and linen closet. Now that I saw one door on each side of the girl, I recalled Jessica telling me that we’d be across the hall from her sister. Before, it hadn’t made a huge difference to me. Now, I wasn’t so sure. Both doors were open, and she gestured towards the one to her left. “So are you sleeping with Jess tonight?” Natalie asked, before gesturing to the opposite door, “Or with me?”


The answer was obvious–with my girlfriend. But there was just something about her younger sister. Despite her overt flirting, she didn’t come across as ‘slutty’ in the slightest. That would’ve made it easier to shut her down. Instead, it was like she was weaponizing her cuteness. Looking innocent, but contrasting that image with her words. Being clear with her intentions, yet being so nonchalant about them at the same time. And, of course, she was a visually miniature version of my girlfriend on top of that.

“With Jessica,” I quickly said. Any hesitation, and the silence would just encourage the tempting girl to make herself, well, tempting.

Natalie gasped. “Oh my God, you’re sleeping with her tonight? When I’m right across the hall? Wow.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“So you’re not? Because then you should sneak over to my room tonight. If Jessica isn’t going to give you what you need, someone should!”


“Just think about it,” she said, with a wink. Then she turned and sauntered through the first doorway she had gestured to. “Come on, babe. This one’s your room.”

Maybe a quarter of me was actually hoping for something to happen with this girl. While I’d never make the first move, I’m not sure I’d be able to help myself if she tried something. At least, not when she kept subtly flaunting her body and verbally throwing herself at me. But the rest of me was still determined to be faithful to Jessica, as well as worried that this was all some kind of sick test. One wrong move with Natalie, and there was the chance that she’d run off and rat me out, leaving me with neither sister. 

Although the more time I spent with Jessica’s tease of a sister, the more I was convinced the flirt was acting alone. It would be one thing if she made a pass at me to see how I’d react. But to play games for this long? That felt like something else entirely. And, even though I had an idea of what she was doing, I was still falling for it.

I actually hadn’t seen the bedroom yet. Natalie had arrived right before Jessica had a chance to give me the tour, and the younger girl had gone out of her way to attach us at the hip ever since then. There were two big glass doors that offered an amazing view of the lake, just like Jessica had told me about, and there was a deck just outside the doors as well. My girlfriend’s duffel bag was sitting on the queen bed, still open and a little messy; because she changed a few minutes ago. 

And then there was Natalie’s ass.

The girl was fully bent over. In the kitchen, the danger was how close her backside was to brush against my crotch. In the bedroom, however, it was back to the matter of averting my gaze. I had a perfect view of all that bare leg, not to mention how her pink bottoms once again left very little to the imagination. She wasn’t just striking the pose for my benefit–well, not only for my benefit–Natalie was going through my suitcase. 

“Hmm, no protection? Shame. Oh, here we are!” Natalie snapped back up with my swimsuit in her hand

‘That’s because the condoms are in my backpack.’ Except I would never give her ammo like that when she had already taunted me about ‘sleeping with Jessica.’ Instead, I just went with a simple, “Thanks.” 

“Alright,” she said, eyeing me up and down for a moment, “Strip for me?”

Part Seven

The surprise on my face must have been obvious. 

Strip? Surely Natalie couldn’t be serious. 

And yet, I couldn’t help but notice the look on her own face. Interest, and curiosity, as she gave me that once over. It was one thing when she teased me by flaunting her own body, but the thought of reciprocating in a similar manner was something else entirely. I couldn’t do that; I had a girlfriend. Either Natalie was flirting with me just for the sport of it, or she actually wanted me. And it was my job to somehow thwart the advances of a sexy girl who was throwing herself at me. 

“Natalie, I’m dating Jessica,” I said. The best way to deal with teasing interest was to be direct, right? “You and me? It’s not happening.”

Instead of the cute pout that I expected based on her response to my last few ‘rejections,’ she dropped her jaw for a moment in exaggerated shock. “Jess is my sister!” she exclaimed, “I’d never dream of stealing you away from her like that.”

Says the girl who openly stated that she wanted to fuck me. But if she was dropping it, then I wasn’t going to complain. The fantasy might be hot, but the reality would be a nightmare. “Good. Then-”

“But I do need to make sure that she’s being satisfied,” she said, cutting me off, “So I’m going to have to try you out for myself. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors, and then you’ll have my approval for life!” 

Just like that, we were back. “Natalie-”

She sighed dramatically enough to cut me off. “Fine. If you’re going to be a prude about it, then you don’t have to strip all the way. Just let me take your shirt off, okay?”

“Umm . . .”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with a guy being shirtless. Is it really that big of a deal if I help you out? It’s harmless. And what Jessica doesn’t know, won’t hurt her. Right?”

I hesitated for a moment, weighing her words. She had a way of explaining things in a way that made sense, while also addressing the potential issue instead of avoiding it. It’s socially acceptable for a guy to walk around without a shirt on, sure. The rest got a little hazy, however. It wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal for Natalie to ‘help,’ but it also wasn’t exactly appropriate. Though she was right; Jessica wouldn’t know. 

But I would. And Natalie would. 

It really was tempting, when coming from a mini-Jessica who was wearing nothing but a skimpy pink bikini. Still, I couldn’t in good conscience let her strip me, could I? Even if it was just my shirt. “Look, Natalie . . .”

I barely made it that far. She stepped forward and placed both of her hands on my shoulders, looking up at me with deep eyes and a soft smile. “It’s okay. You can trust me,” she said. Never taking her eyes off mine, her soft hands trailed down my chest, over my abdomen, and paused at my waist. I’m not sure whether or not I would have let her roam further; thankfully, she didn’t put me in that position. Instead, she began fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt. “Ask me, babe.” 

For a second, I was too stunned to speak. The last thing I expected was that kind of contact, but her touch felt too good to ignore. Instead of the gentle way Jessica tended to glide her hands from point A to point B, the way I had gotten used to after only being with the same girl for a few weeks now, Natalie kept full contact the whole time. Her fingers and palms fully pressed into me on the way down, only leaving herself enough space to continue the movement without too much friction. If that wasn’t enough, the eye contact was impossible to ignore. Her gaze was expectant, yet patient. There was an innocence to it as well, despite her not so innocent actions.

“Ask what?” I finally managed to get out. With one touch, one drawn out movement, it was like the entire dynamic between us had changed. I was still mentally present enough to be aware of who she was and why we shouldn’t be doing whatever we were doing, but I didn’t have nearly as much resolve as I did a few minutes ago.

Natalie slipped her hands underneath my shirt and rested them on my bare sides, just above my waist. They were soft, and warm. And too still, now that I had experienced what it felt like when they were more active on my body. “Ask me to take off your shirt,” she simply said. “No, wait. Ask me to strip you. That’s more fun.”

“Just my shirt?” I hesitantly asked. This was harmless, according to Natalie. Not technically cheating, right? Just like when I stole a glance or two on the way up the stairs, it’s not like we were actually doing anything. She would just be removing my shirt. In the back of my mind, I knew it was wrong, but told myself it was fine as long as nothing happened. 

“Mm hmm,” Natalie hummed, with a small nod of her head, “But I have to hear the magic words,” she said. Her fingertips idly traced my bare sides, and her eye contact was as casually fearless as ever. “‘Please strip me, Natalie.’ You can handle that, can’t you?”

I found myself nodding as well. Like she said, it wasn’t a big deal. Guys took their shirts off all the time, often in public. She was just helping me out. Totally harmless. Obviously, this had nothing to do with the fact that Natalie was a hot eighteen year old with amazing hands and captivating eyes. Obviously.

So, with barely any hesitation, I said it.

“Please strip me, Natalie.”

Part Eight

“Good boy.”

I don’t know why, but those two little words had quite the effect on me. For starters, no one had ever said it to me before. It was one of those things that you didn’t realize you wanted until it was offered to you. And to be spoken to like that by a younger girl? It didn’t come across as patronizing in the slightest, but it was still unexpected and confusing all at the same time. 

If there was something I should have said in response, I lost my chance pretty quickly. Now that Natalie had succeeded in getting me to ask her to strip me, she got right to work. Teasing as ever, the girl slowly lifted my shirt. Whatever fingers weren’t involved in gripping the dark fabric remained on my bare sides. I could feel them tracing upwards, and could follow her gradual pace. Her eyes hadn’t left mine in quite some time, and we stood in suspended silence until she finally broke it.

“Arms up, babe,” Natalie said. While she waited, her hands casually rested on my chest. Soft, and warm, and gently pressing into my bare skin with the unspoken excuse of using them to keep my shirt from falling back down.

It was getting difficult to resist her. With barely any hesitation, I lifted my arms so she could continue my shirt’s journey. It was easier to justify things this time around, as letting her take the shirt off completely was more ‘appropriate’ than delaying any action and letting her hands remain where they were. Granted, the right thing to do would be shutting this whole thing down and getting some privacy to change. But it was impossible to ignore how good her touch felt, and I was admittedly curious what she was planning. As long as it didn’t cross any serious lines, I was willing to indulge myself now that Natalie had worked her way past my first line of defense. 

Natalie lifted the black v-neck past my shoulders and over my head, and surprised me with yet another move right as soon as I lost sight of her. All of a sudden, I felt her chest pushing into mine. She must have taken a step or two forward, and her bikini top didn’t do much to hide how her smaller breasts felt against my body. 

If I was single, this would have been something else entirely. Despite the temptation, however, I tried to take a step back. Honestly, I wasn’t sure where the next line even was now that Natalie had blurred the first one so much, but something told me that this was inching too close to it. She was ready for me, like always. “Come on; stay,” she said, “Be brave.” Both of her hands gripped my bare sides again, softly yet assertively; this time, without my shirt in the way. She pulled me back towards her, simultaneously pressing herself forward into me. 

Still blinded by the v-neck, I had to make a call. Natalie probably wanted me to finish the job of taking off my shirt, as the new position of her hands meant that my arms were already trusted to hold it in place around my head. If I didn’t finish stripping my top half, I’d either be stuck as we were, or I’d somehow have to pull it back down while the two of us were so intimately connected. 

The thought of Jessica crossed my mind, and I was instantly at war with myself. Be faithful, and push away the hot girl throwing herself at me? Or keep playing along with Natalie, and hope that I don’t do something I regret when the brain below my waist was the one making more of the decisions?

Natalie must have sensed my inner turmoil, or perhaps she was just impatient. “You are brave, aren’t you?” she asked. Idly rubbing back and forth with her thumbs as she held me close, I could feel her breasts shifting against me as she adjusted her body’s position. 

“That’s not fair.” I began pulling the top over my head, not wanting to be awkwardly stuck without seeing anything, while I tried to address the girl’s question. Of course I was brave, but a ‘yes’ was instantly going to be used against me in this context. But I also couldn’t say ‘no.’ Not only was it not true, but I could already imagine how she might use it against me. ‘That’s okay. I’ll teach you, babe. THIS is how to be brave.’ Fuck, that was a dangerous string of thoughts. A fleeting fantasy conjured up in the moment, and one that made me lean a little more towards Natalie as I continued my internal struggle.

The first thing I saw was Natalie’s face, mere inches from mine. I guess I should have expected her to be so close, considering how our bodies were pressed together above the waist, but nothing really prepared me for the mischievous smirk and expectant eyes she was greeting me with. “What’s not fair?” she murmured, leaning in the slightest bit and ever so slightly cocking her head to the side.

God, it would be so easy to lean forward and kiss her. It honestly wasn’t even our proximity; instead, I found myself melting against her wildly attractive expression. It conveyed a sexy confidence, with just a dash of cuteness that made her all the more tempting. Not to mention how wrong this all was, which was both nerve inducing and yet a little bit hot at the same time. 

“You know what I mean.” Rationally, I knew I should slam on the brakes. Push her away. But I couldn’t. Natalie’s stare was intoxicating.

She leaned further forward, gracefully lifting up on her toes to put herself closer as well. “If you’re brave,” she whispered, closing her eyes and nudging my nose with hers, “Then prove it.”

Natalie lightly brushed her lips against mine . . .

Part Nine

If this were a build-up to a normal kiss, my eyes would have been closed the moment she started leaning in. 

But this wasn’t a normal kiss. It was Natalie; it was Jessica’s younger sister. Even as her lips briefly made contact with mine, I found myself with my eyes still open. Rather than being met with her usual smirk and flirty glances, I was faced with a more vulnerable expression. Eyes closed, lips slightly pursed, and patiently waiting for me to decide whether or not to meet her halfway. 

Honestly, this would have been a lot easier if she just fucking kissed me. Then I would have an excuse, and could blame her a lot more easily. I mean, she had laid out her intentions from the very beginning, even if I hadn’t taken her seriously at the time. This was all Natalie. Flaunting her body, ‘innocently’ teasing me with her words and her actions, and now putting her hands on me and setting us up for a kiss. But now, she was waiting. Just like I had given in and asked her to take off my shirt, I was going to have to cave for this and be culpable as well. 

Looking at her was too tempting. Too many similar features to Jessica and, admittedly, Natalie currently had that softly intimate look that would make just about any guy melt. The most appropriate and faithful thing to do, of course, would be to step back and walk away. Instead, I split the difference and closed my own eyes. Foolishly thinking that it would help, that I’d find some clarity by blacking out the image that was giving me such pause. Instead, it only drew attention to all the physical sensations I had only peripherally been aware of so far.

Natalie’s hands, on my now bare sides. They were never fully still; her fingers idly traced up and down, reminding me of their presence, alternating with a small circle or two of her thumbs every now and then. I could also distinctly feel both of her breasts as they pressed against me, soft yet firm enough to make out her smaller form even through the pink bikini. And finally, her lips. Not just their proximity, the way that she brushed them against mine a second time in an attempt to encourage me to close the rest of the distance, but also the way her warm breath washed over my own lips. 


“Natalie, we shouldn’t,” I whispered. The words were more for me than they were for her. Clearly she had no shame when it came to doing something like this. Was this a habit of hers? Did she make a sport out of trying out her sister’s boyfriends? I wasn’t vain enough to believe that I was somehow special enough to draw her eye after all of two seconds, but this could also be a new venture of hers for all I knew. 

And did it matter? Right now, it was me and her. It was difficult to think about the rest of the world when I was wrapped up in Natalie’s warmth and tempting touch. 

“It’s just a kiss,” she quietly replied, “It doesn’t mean anything. You don’t like me, do you?”

No, not really. I mean, we literally just met. Every second of silence that passed after her question, however, could have implied the opposite. So without thinking much about where she might be taking this, I said, “No. I like Jessica.” Once again, more for myself. While it felt like we had already crossed a line, there was still time to tap the brakes. Except everything she was doing felt so good, and it would be so easy to just go for it. Clearly she wanted it. And it’s not like I didn’t want it. 

It was just, well, wrong. She was my girlfriend’s sister. And, even though she was eighteen, she was also in fucking high school. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. 

“So, what’s the harm?” Natalie shifted her weight, pressing a little further into me and settling her lips against mine. Still not kissing me, but positioning herself in a way where I physically felt each word she formed. “No feelings. No pressure. Just fun.”

What, friends with benefits? In the most taboo fashion possible? “Natalie-” I began, but had no idea how to continue. Especially when talking on my own just drew further attention to how our lips were almost fully pressed together without actually kissing. The way her boobs were pushing into my chest caused another twitch below my waist, and it took a bit of willpower to stop that from turning into something more. The last thing I needed was for Natalie to have undeniable proof that she was having an effect on me, though the fact that we were still here like this was probably enough of an indication. 

“Hmm?” she responded. Humming into my lips and slightly parting her own, she softly sighed, “Come on, babe. I know you want me.”

She wasn’t wrong. 

“It doesn’t mean anything?” I asked. One more time. I needed to hear it one more time, before giving into my desires. Ironically needing validation from the very girl who would have no problem saying just about anything to make this happen.

“Of course not,” she said. Even when Natalie’s voice was little more than a whisper, the lilting tone was still there. But now that we were here, now that we were so close to doing something that was wrong in so many ways, the girl’s voice was a lot more seductive than it was flirty. “And no one has to know.”

“No one has to know . . .” I echoed. 

As in, not Jessica. But as I teetered over the edge, taunted and baited and strung along by the cute bombshell before me, it was getting more and more difficult to think about my girlfriend. She wasn’t here right now. But Natalie was, and she was right. I wanted her.

Unable to resist any longer, I went for it.

Part Ten

My first kiss with Jessica had been tame. 

It was one of those ‘first date’ kisses you share at the end of the night; a peck to affirm that you both had a good time. Not that I would have been opposed to something more, of course, but I usually aimed for the more patient and respectful route to play things safe and not push my luck. If a girl wanted more than that at the end of the night, she usually wasn’t shy about communicating as much. 

Natalie was nothing like her older sister. After so much suspense, it was like a dam had broken. Instead of water, however, it was sheer passion. Our lips crashed together, and all bets were off as she locked hers with mine. So far, I had managed to keep my hands to myself, though they had reflexively moved towards her once or twice throughout the last few minutes of teasing. As we began making out, I could no longer hold myself back. Matching the intensity of her kiss, I gripped her bare sides just underneath her bikini top. 

Once I was there, I discovered that it wasn’t good enough. Her skin was so smooth and inviting, and I wanted more of Natalie’s tempting body as she both pulled me into her and pressed herself against me at the same time. My hands shifted until my arms were wrapped around her. One hand held her upper back, ready to untie the strings of her bikini at a moment’s notice; the other hand rested on her lower back, poised to reach lower. Our bodies were pretty flush already, but I made a point to match her energy and pull her even closer.

I was rewarded with a hum against my lips. It was the lightest little moan, but the way I could feel it through our connection was wildly arousing. Natalie was also a really good kisser. She had told me as much, of course, but experiencing it was a lot different than the fleeting image/fantasy her words had created earlier. Normally making out with someone for the first time required some degree of adjustment as you got used to their lips and their style. Not with Natalie. She seemed to fit against me perfectly, and there was never an awkward moment as our lips met again and again. Even the small breaks were sexy. After a deep kiss, she would round it off with a light nibble, or a playful lick, or a sultry sigh. The girl’s warm breath against my lips was as intoxicating as all the physical sensations. Anything and everything she did sparked more passion and lust from me, and I continued the hot make-out session with her without any reservations. 

Just like my hands were more or less acting of my own accord, the twitch or two below my waist from before was developing into a more noticeable hardness that wasn’t going to go away any time soon. Especially not after Natalie noticed. It wasn’t just her chest that was pressed against me; the moment she felt my member shift between us, she gently grinded her hips in a way that instantly coaxed me to full attention. 

“Mmm,” she purred against my lips. Her hands trailed from my sides to my waist, and she slightly separated herself from me; just enough so her fingers could begin toying with the button of my jeans, but not undoing it. At least, not undoing it yet. She just found a good grip and gave a small tug to further announce her presence. “Ask, babe,” Natalie whispered.

I knew what she wanted to hear. It was the same as before, only this time I didn’t hesitate in the slightest to go along with it. “Strip me.” My voice was just as quiet, as we spoke to each other without separating our lips. Deep down, I knew that this was wrong. I was making out with my girlfriend’s sister. A fucking eighteen year old finishing up her last semester of high school. But Natalie was right–I wanted her. And the further we went, the more difficult it was to think clearly. Wanting something and taking it were two different things entirely, but we had long since crossed that line. 

“Strip me, what?” she asked. Her hands stopped their idle movements. They simply rested in place, and I immediately picked up on the teasing threat. If I didn’t play along, this could all easily stop. 

“Strip me, please,” I said, without missing a beat. 

A second later, I could actually feel her smirking against my lips. “Close,” she replied. Her lips sank into mine for a long, almost intimate kiss. One hand kept its grip on the waistband of my jeans, while the other roamed downwards, inch by inch. With the lightest touch, she grazed her fingertips against the tip of my shift. The fact that I was wearing clothes made it even more of a tease; as I could barely appreciate the feeling with the layers in the way. “Strip me, Natalie,” she corrected me. 

I could hardly stop my body from reacting. My hips shifted forward, trying to meet her hand for a more satisfying touch than the first one. No luck. For every bit I moved towards her, Natalie drew her hand that much farther away. It was always within reach, always brushing against the sensitive spot it had found, but never enough for me to get anything from it. “Fuck you.” I knew exactly what she was doing, but felt powerless to stop it. This was her game, and I was just along for the ride. Of course, that didn’t mean I couldn’t call her out on things.

“Soon, babe. You can fuck me in a minute.” Her flirty tone was back, lilting and dripping with seductive confidence. “But first, say the magic words.”

The way she twisted my words should have been frustrating, but I could only think about how hot it sounded in her voice. Not wasting a second, I locked lips with her to show that I could be assertive, too. Then, I murmured the phrase from earlier.

“Please strip me, Natalie.”

Part Eleven

“With pleasure.”

We were too close together for me to actually see the smirk, but I could practically sense it based on her tone. I felt another light stroke of her fingertips over my jeans, and foolishly took the bait and tried to shift my hips forward like before. Once again, I was denied; Natalie’s hand retreated upwards this time, to meet her other hand at the button of my jeans. She didn’t tease me this time around, however, and wasted no time in undoing it.

I was in too deep at this point to slow down, and found my own hand pulling on the string of her bikini top to undo the loose knot. Last time, I had averted my gaze when she had been dangerously close to revealing her chest. Now that we were here and my brain was doing less of the thinking, however, I was determined to see what Natalie looked like topless. The fucked up part was, a part of me was interested in comparing her to Jessica. 

Instead of stripping each other during a passionate kiss, this was more like a neverending moment of suspense. Inch by inch, Natalie lowered my zipper and I finished untying her pink top. Our lips brushed a few times, breaths mingling as we stood intimately close to each other. It was like we were daring each other to make the first move.

Once my jeans were properly loosened, Natalie’s hands trailed up to grip the waistband on opposite sides. There was something about the way she never broke contact that was subtly arousing, which just added to everything else she had done to ensure I was thoroughly lusting after her. I paired my upward movements with her own, tracing the smooth skin of her upper back with my fingers until I could untie the second set of strings still gently knotted on her neck. She must have rushed the job when Jessica arrived downstairs earlier, as it barely took one tug for the strings to become undone. 

The bikini top fell to the floor between us, and Natalie was quick to step forward and press her bare breasts against me. Shifting her head forward, she pressed her lips to my ear. Just like how we just were, there was a long moment of silence and stillness as I took in all the points of contact. Her hands, on my hips. Boobs, against my bare chest. Soft breathing, which I could feel both from the proximity of her lips and the way her chest slightly rose and fell against mine. 

She finally broke the spell with a light nibble and a sultry sigh. “Do you want to fuck me?” she whispered.

There was only one answer. “Yes.” My hands trailed back down from her neck until I was holding her bare sides. I wanted to explore her chest, to see just how those small, perky breasts felt in my hands, but had to settle on my palms resting on their sides for now. Due to the way our heads were positioned, I was fairly close to Natalie’s ear as well, and guessed that she might want to hear some more ‘magic words’ to keep this going. “I want to fuck you, Natalie.”

“Good boy.” The same ‘praise’ from earlier. She said it so casually, yet it struck even more of a chord when murmured in my ear. Taking a second to make sure she had a good grip on both pants and my underwear, Natalie gave a small downward tug. Little by little, teasing as ever, the cocky girl pulled my clothes down until she succeeded in freeing my dick that was thoroughly hard from everything she was throwing at me. “You know,” Natalie said. Apparently deciding that she had stripped me enough for the time being, she softly wrapped one hand around my exposed shaft. Without even a squeeze or a stroke, it was enough to make my member pulse and maintain a full erection from her touch, “It’s not too late to call this off. I mean, I am your girlfriend’s little sister. That doesn’t bother you?”

Fucking BRAT. 

Of course I knew that. It was a much bigger hang-up than her age, since knowing she was eighteen and just a year younger than me offset the fact that she wasn’t due to graduate for another couple months. Cheating was harder to justify, particularly considering who I was doing it with. And just when those thoughts had come close to disappearing into the depths of my mind, Natalie brought them right back to the surface. The shameless girl had waited until we were both nearly naked, until my cock was in her fucking hand.

A part of me was tempted to push her away. Less because of my need to be faithful to Jessica, and more to keep Natalie from getting what she wanted. But I couldn’t. I knew exactly what she was doing, but I was too hot for her to stop it. Of course, it did bother me on some level. She probably knew so, but I still wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of saying it out loud. “It doesn’t mean anything,” I muttered. Her words. 

“No one has to know,” she replied. The other little mantra she had coined a few minutes ago. Only this time, it came with a condition. “IF you do a little something for me.”

Whatever resolve I had in terms of pushing back against the girl’s games, more in the name of ruining a bit of her fun rather than actually trying to get myself out of this fucked up mess, instantly crumbled when she lightly squeezed while simultaneously sighing a borderline moan right into my ear.

“. . . What do you want?” I hesitantly asked. 

“Nothing you can’t handle, babe,” she said. Pulling back so she could meet my eyes, while keeping us positioned just how we were, she gazed up at me with a seductive smirk. “I want to hear the words. Tell me exactly who you want to fuck.”

Part Twelve

“I want to fuck my girlfriend’s little sister.” 

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them, echoing her phrase as an answer to the question. I was just saying what I had to; although such justification didn’t really work that well when the statement was undeniably true. It had just been a lot easier when my reluctant lust had temporarily buried the important details along the way.

“Good boy,” Natalie purred. Right away, her idle touching below turned into a more active grip. A few pointed tugs put me dangerously on edge, since I was already hard simply from her hand’s presence down there. If I was the one handling myself, I could be a little more deliberate about the pacing. But this was the work of the eighteen year old temptress, and she was about to ruin what was supposed to be reserved for her tight, young body. “Forget about Jessica. I’m a better fuck; trust me.” 

She knew exactly what she was doing. If her touches alone weren’t enough, the mental image of screwing her added fuel to the flames as well. “Natalie-” I started. Fuck, I was NOT about to get off to a fucking hand job after all this. 

“I know.” She said the words in a pout, before nervously biting her lip. Except it wasn’t nerves at all; she was just putting on a show. Her gaze dropped to my manhood during the moment of false innocence, but then her deep eyes flitted right back up to meet mine. “You do want to fuck me, right?” Her question was punctuated with a deft squeeze and subtle jerk that almost made me lose control right then and there. 

Blurting out an impulsive, “Yes,” I tried to figure out how to make that happen. My hands were still holding her bare sides, but I couldn’t do much to reposition Natalie while her grip below had me in such a precarious spot. 

Before I could figure out what the best move was, she decided for us. “Then let’s do this, babe.” 

Out of nowhere, she dropped to her knees. 

It all happened so fast. There was some grace to it, but I was still caught completely off guard with how quickly she made it down there while somehow keeping her eyes on mine. With one more effective tug on my hardness, I caught the glimpse of a smirk before she parted her lips and effortlessly drew me all the way down her throat. 

I was gone in an instant. Her mouth was warm and inviting, and the way she closed her eyes while taking me made the whole thing even hotter. A topless Natalie, a mini Jessica, going down on me. She let me simply sit in her throat for a few seconds, almost showing me that she could easily handle it without flinching, and then worked her way up and down my shaft with a few bobs of her head. 

The last bit of resistance I had was shattered when she got her tongue involved. Unable to help myself, I thrusted into her movements and exploded just a few seconds later. Quietly grunting in pleasure, I released my load in several bursts into her waiting mouth. Natalie kept working me, swirling her tongue around my cock and practically encouraging every last pulse until I was satisfied. At some point, I realized that I was grasping her hair and holding her in place, but couldn’t remember when I first grabbed it. The grip was probably completely unnecessary, too, as she seemed more than happy to stay right where she was whether I was involved in keeping her there or not. 

Natalie stayed on her knees and adjusted her technique every few seconds. Despite how frustratingly early I ended up losing control, it was hands down the best oral experience I ever had. The girl matched my rhythm perfectly, and coaxed me perfectly through the whole thing with her throat and tongue. Even at the end, she made the effort to gently suck out the last few drops, finishing things off by flicking her tongue out to lick the tip as she finally allowed me to pop out of her mouth. 

My amazement was fleeting, however. As I came down from the incredible peak, reality began creeping back in. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. FUCK. 

Natalie’s eyes fluttered open and I found myself face to face with the sobering image of who I just had a wildly inappropriate experience with. It didn’t matter how good it felt. This was Natalie’s sister. It’s not like that was news; I had thought it a dozen times already, and said it out loud at her request pretty recently. But that was when she had tempted me enough that my lust won out over my more rational mind. Instantly letting go of her hair, I found myself more confused than ever. Because yes, there was a lot of instant regret and guilt about what we had just done. And yet, there was an undeniable hunger for more of her in the back of my mind, despite the post-nut clarity. 

And she looked so damn pleased with herself. 

Standing back up as my grip on her hair loosened, Natalie scooped up her bikini top along the way. With her other hand, she took my wrist and pulled me fully away from her locks so she could step back. For a moment, I was grateful for the healthy distance while I was so flustered and conflicted about what we had just done, until I found myself faced with a whole new temptation. Before, we were too close for me to get a good look at her; there also wasn’t a great angle when she was on her knees. But now? I had an unfettered view of her bare chest.

“Better than Jessica?” she coyly asked. That could’ve been referring to a few different things. Without waiting for a reply, she just brushed her hair back and smiled. “One hole down, babe. If you’re a good boy, you might just get to fuck the other two before midnight.”

Part Thirteen

Natalie stood there, content and confident in her topless state. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and she knew it. Her pink bikini bottoms made it so she was more or less just wearing underwear. Other than that, however, every inch of her was on display. The girl was a perfect combination of cute and hot, and it was obvious now that her youthful innocence was just a mask. In the bedroom, she was bratty at worst. At best? A fucking seductress. 

“Look, Natalie . . . ” I began. Forcing my gaze upwards and away from her bare breasts, I found myself at a total loss for words. Because as badly as I wanted to insist that this was a huge mistake, Natalie was still offering herself up for me. And now that I had a taste of how good she was in comparison to my girlfriend, as well as the visual temptation before me, my faithfulness was continuing to waver. Could I still use the ‘turned on’ excuse after my recent release? 

She just smirked. “Yes?”

No. This was a terrible idea. “Please get out. And swear that this stays between us.” I just needed her gone so I could sort all this out. Jessica and I were perfect for each other. Natalie was literally just sex appeal, as it’s not like I knew anything about her aside from the bits and pieces I heard from Jessica talking about her family here and there. Even if Natalie was better in the bedroom, which was very likely considering the talents she had already shown me, that wasn’t enough of a reason to risk blowing up my relationship. I quickly pulled my underwear up to cover myself, belatedly realizing that trying to push Natalie away while my pants were halfway down my legs wouldn’t be the strongest move. 

She took a deep breath, followed by a dramatic sigh. It was enough to make her chest rise and fall, which could have been intentional. The motion was noticeable enough from a few feet away that my eyes were drawn back down for a split second before I focused above her neck again. “Kicking me out? Rude.”

“I’m serious, Natalie. You can’t tell anyone.”

“Don’t worry; I don’t kiss and tell. Or, in your case, suck and tell,” she winked, “So, when are we fucking? And where? Ooh, I’ve never done it on the boat before!”

“No, we’re not-” I cut myself off. Saying it out loud felt like a bad idea. Like Jessica could overhear this conversation at any given moment, even if I had no control over what her sister was saying. “We’re not doing that.” Speaking of my girlfriend, it wouldn’t be long before she started wondering what was taking the two of us so long. And, now that Natalie had gone down on me, I was left in a position where I’d have to play it cool and pretend that nothing had happened aside from dawdling. Not to mention that this was already a secret I’d have to take to the grave in our relationship, which was one of the many worries I had before; the last thing I needed was to do more with Natalie. 

She gave me another one of those cute pouts. “You just said this stays between us. And it will. So, like, why won’t you fuck me?”

Unbelievable. “Why do you think?!” Was it not obvious?

“You said you wanted to,” Natalie reminded me. Taking a step forward and looking right into my eyes, she echoed my words from earlier. “I want to fuck my girlfriend’s little sister.” Another step. “And you meant it, didn’t you?” Sauntering over to me, just like she did downstairs, she gently took one of my hands and began lifting it while looking up at me with those ‘fuck me’ eyes. 

There was nothing forceful about this latest advance. Or any of her advances, honestly. I was more than capable of pulling my hand out of her delicate grip, or taking a step back, or pretty much doing anything to stop whatever the eighteen year old vixen was instigating this time around. But I didn’t. All I could do while staring into those captivating eyes was say, “We shouldn’t . . . ” while letting her place my hand on one of her bare breasts.

“Hot, isn’t it?” Natalie smirked. She held my hand on her chest and guided my fingers into a small squeeze. “You want to fuck me, but you shouldn’t. And it would be such a shame if you didn’t. I’d bet you anything that I’m better in bed than my sister is.” Her other hand landed on the front of my boxers and she brought me back to my fullness with just a single touch through the thin fabric. “Plus I’m cuter.” She led my thumb to brush her nipple, taking a shaky breath from the sensation. Fuck. Apparently both sisters were sensitive to that motion. 

That bit of knowledge was confusingly hot, as I reflexively began wondering what else their bodies might have in common. In a way, it was like having a cheat sheet, though I doubted all of the answers would be right. “Natalie, wait . . . ” I murmured. She was exactly right. I did want her, but that didn’t mean I should be acting on that desire. Easier said than done, when I was feeling her up for the first time and once again hard in her hand. 

“If you want to stop, say the word.” Giving me the choice, yet making it impossible by punctuating the offer with a light squeeze below. How could I deny her? I had only just been given the opportunity to explore the chest I had been eyeing for what felt like ages, and her touch was magically teasing. And those fucking eyes . . .

I knew it was wrong. Just like before. But instead of voicing for the hundredth time that we shouldn’t be doing this, I simply gave a squeeze of my own to the soft breast I was palming. 

Natalie just smirked again. “That’s what I thought.”

Part Fourteen

It was like I was in a trance, yet fully aware of what was happening at the same time. My hand moved of its own accord, exploring Natalie’s bare breast with yet another soft squeeze. Without her guidance this time, I brushed my thumb across her nipple in the way that seemed to make her react before. Sure enough, she slightly tensed just like Jessica from the sensitive spot they had in common.

Still idly smirking, she looked up at me and quietly said, “You can have the other one, too.” With a single finger, she traced up the entire length of my hardness over my boxers. Just enough pressure to ensure I stayed that way, while effectively teasing me at the same time. “If that’s what you want.”

There was no excuse. I had been given ample opportunities to put a stop to this, and this was a choice Natalie was letting me make all on my own. Gently groping her, instead of pulling away from her bare chest. And now, slowly raising my other hand until I was palming her opposite breast. Despite how I was feeling her up, a small part of me was desperately trying to be faithful even after the most amazing blowjob I had ever been given. “Natalie . . . ” I muttered. Meeting her eyes and trying to communicate how wrong all of this was without managing to even remotely find the words. Inappropriately touching her, but at least having the self control to keep my hands still for the time being. 

“It’s okay,” she said. Her hand below took more of a grip around my shaft as she never once broke eye contact with me. “I won’t tell.” Slightly pushing forward into my hands, nonverbally nudging me to play with her now that I had a mirrored grip on her smaller breasts, she continued, “And you won’t tell, will you?”

Of course I wouldn’t. Jessica would murder me. My reputation would never recover, either. It was the worst possible kind of cheating, and we weren’t exactly attending the largest university. If I wanted to keep my girlfriend and our friends’ respect, then no one could ever find out about this. “No, but-”

“But nothing, babe. We’re just having some fun, aren’t we? It doesn’t mean anything. And you can’t deny that I turn you on; maybe more than Jessica does.” She delicately tugged at the waistband of my boxers, and then snaked her hand inside until her fingers were wrapped around my bare hardness. Like before, it was more of a teasing grip that kept me at attention without pushing for anything more. Yet. Then, after giving a small squeeze, she asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

That wasn’t fair. I obviously didn’t want her to stop. Her soft fingers were just as skilled and as tempting as before. It’s more that we needed to stop. Like, a long time ago. And her question was calling back to the out she had recently given me, where all I had to do was say the word. I had the power to end this right now. But, at the same time, the knowing tone as she asked made it more rhetorical than anything else. 

Sensing my hesitation, Natalie spoke up as she idly traced up and down with her fingertips. “How about this? If you don’t want this, drop your hands. Easy enough, right?” Fuck. She was going out of her way to make it as easy as possible for me. Now I didn’t even need to say anything, as the seductive girl had made it pretty clear that she was capable of twisting each and every one of my words if she wanted to. Going on, she said, “But if you do want me . . . then show me with your hands.” To punctuate her emphasized words, she gave a long, slow squeeze with her hand that gave way for a single up and down pump of her hand that was just as sensual and teasing all at the same time. 

Deep down, I knew that I shouldn’t. I had been telling myself over and over how wrong this was, but had yet to find the willpower to pull away. And there was that lingering nervousness about how long we had been up here. This should have ended after I released into her mouth, when I had a moment of level headedness. Instead, I was back to thinking with my dick, and Natalie knew it. Against my better judgment, and despite how easy it would have been to simply lower my hands, I gave into my basest desires. My fingers sunk into her soft breasts for a deeper squeeze than before, and I once again went for one of those effective nipple brushes; this time, with both my thumbs. Though I was being incredibly selfish and stupid through all this, I also felt the need to impress and satisfy the girl at the same time instead of just taking all the pleasure for myself. 

Sharply inhaling and arching a bit into my hands, Natalie responded by squeezing me again down below before shifting her fingers in a way that caused me to slightly pulse against her hand. “Good boy,” she smirked, “Keep going.”

For a good minute or two, that’s all we did. I squeezed and massaged her breasts, both appreciating how she felt in my hands while also paying attention to the similarities between her and Jessica in terms of what worked and what didn’t. And, in a game she had unofficially started with me, Natalie taught me through both her reactions and her own touch. Whenever something worked well on her, I could usually tell through her breath and body language. But, just to be sure, she would also play with me more effectively whenever I found a good spot and/or motion on her. 

It was the most unique experience I had ever had with a girl. There was no making out or roaming beyond her breasts like I would normally do to try to keep things interesting. And we were still looking into each others’ eyes. Not only was it confusingly intimate against all the wrongness that this actually was, but it allowed me to more fully see how my various touches were affecting her. While she still looked fairly smug with her constant smirk and deep gaze, I could see that she was getting a little flushed as we progressed. 

I only felt more encouraged to get things just right, if only in the name of wiping that smirk off her face. And I did. Putting all the pieces together, I waited until her breath was hitched from one of my smaller motions before giving her what I had learned was a perfect squeeze followed by the usual nipple rub that never failed. To my satisfaction, as well as to hers, I succeeded in drawing a breathy moan from her lips as her eyes ever so slightly fluttered before she managed to train them on mine again.

Rewarding me with a touch below that brought me right to the edge again, Natalie backed off at the last second as she took a quiet breath. Then she finally broke the silence with a near whisper. “Has my sister ever let you fuck her in the ass before?”

Part Fifteen

Without even thinking about the potential repercussions of offering up such knowledge, I gave a small shake of my head.

No. Jessica had never let me fuck her like that before. While she certainly wasn’t vanilla, that was something we hadn’t ventured into yet. It had come up in discussion once or twice, but she ultimately ended up nudging the idea away for the time being. Maybe Jessica would let me do it eventually, but Natalie was offering it now. Well, not officially. But the implication was heavily there.

“She’s such a prude,” Natalie smirked. Tracing my fully erect manhood with her fingertips, ensuring I stayed that way, she continued gazing up into my eyes. “But I’m not. You can have all of me, babe. All you need to do . . . ” She softly wrapped her fingers around me down there and gave another teasing squeeze and partial pump that threatened to push me over the edge again. Shifting forward and getting back on her toes to position her face closer to mine, she concluded, “ . . . is say it. Tell me what you want.”

We had been through this before. Kind of. Except it hadn’t been quite as, well, charged as it was now. And just because I had said it once or twice didn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t as daunting to do so again. Wrong, and fucked up, and all the usual reasons to not give in to Natalie’s beyond tempting advances. Yet I couldn’t resist. “I want to fuck you,” I murmured. Her bare breasts were in my hands. She was quietly moaning to my touch and idly stroking me down there to the point that I desperately wanted more. We were already well over the line.

There were still lines to cross, however, and she was about to take us past one of them. Natalie leaned further up and closed her eyes, brushing her lips against mine. Unlike the passionate way we had launched into making out with each other earlier, this was more intimate and, of course, teasing. Because we weren’t actually kissing. Natalie nudged my lips with hers once or twice, going so far as to part them to match the way I was naturally doing so. But that was it. Just when I felt the slightest hint of pressure, she pulled back ever so slightly. Staying a hair’s breadth away and trying to bait me into chasing her.

I didn’t fall for it. Despite how the nearly nude eighteen year old girl was very much succeeding in seducing me, I wasn’t totally helpless against her wickedly sexy games. I knew how to dance that physically flirting give and take in the bedroom. If anything, who Natalie was helped in that regard, as there was still that underlying hesitation amidst all the ways I had already given in to her. “Fuck you,” I muttered against her lips. I wasn’t going to make the first move here, as that was obviously what she wanted.

“You will,” she effortlessly replied, her voice still barely above a whisper, “Fuck me, that is. It’s what you want.” Repeating her recent tactic, she punctuated the last word with an effective gesture of her fingertips below my waist. “Hold me?”

For a moment, I thought it was an unusual way to ask for an embrace. Especially since my hands were currently fondling her breasts. Then I figured out what she actually meant. Natalie rested her free hand on my upper chest for a moment before gliding it up to my shoulder. Next, she lifted a single leg and deftly wrapped it around my waist as she used the hand on the shoulder to slightly lift herself up. Fuck, she was flexible. Her other toe hadn’t left the ground, yet she managed to get her leg that high on me? Belatedly connecting the dots, I realized she wouldn’t actually be able to get up without my help. Not at the speed she was taking, at least. As much as I appreciated having unlimited access to her boobs, I suppose she had given me more than enough time with them. Not breaking contact with her smooth skin, I shifted my hands around from her chest until they rested on the small of her back. I planned on holding her ass once she was straddling my standing self, but she had to get there first.

Natalie really took her time. Instead of jumping up on me, like I was most used to, she climbed slowly and deliberately up my body. Keeping one hand on my hardness below, she only used two of her limbs to gently hoist herself upwards. Bracing her leg against my waist and her hand on my shoulder, she made a point to push her bare chest into mine before gracefully pulling herself both into me and then towards the position she was aiming for.

Working with her, I adjusted my own body as she sensually climbed into place. It didn’t take long for me to notice a development I had somehow entirely missed: Natalie was bottomless. As my hands trailed down from her lower back to her waist, I found that there was no bikini for me to work around. When the fuck did she have a chance to strip that last layer off? And how had I not noticed when she first wrapped her leg around me? Of course, I wasn’t complaining. Without the pink bikini bottoms in the way, my hands were free to grip her bare ass as I held her body up.

Mere seconds after my pleasantly surprising discovery, Natalie made her next move. Smooth as ever, she lifted herself slightly further before brushing herself against my tip. Still gripping me down there, she guided me into place before slowly settling her body back down. Now I was the one looking up at her as she straddled me with both legs. Instead of a smug smirk, Natalie was biting her lip and giving me the most pouty eyes. It’s not at all what I expected, yet it worked nonetheless. I slowly rocked my hips forward, pushing against her as she lowered her body onto my manhood.

Her tight slit was wet and warm and inviting, and I couldn’t help but part my lips in an exhale as I penetrated her. “Natalie . . . ” I trailed off, sliding further inside her and pulsing against the way she seemed to perfectly envelop me with the way she subtly moved her hips. What was I even trying to say? Maybe her name was it. I couldn’t seem to grasp much more than that at the moment.

She waited until I was fully inside her before responding. “You want me?”

What did she fucking think? I simply nodded. Her piercing eyes seemed to demand my attention, as well as her playfully seductive voice. It would be so easy to start thrusting, to earn some of the satisfaction I absolutely deserved after putting up with all her teasing games. But not yet. She was still running the show, even now.

For a moment, I thought she was going to compel me to say the same damning phrase as before. And honestly, I was ready to do so. It didn’t matter. It’s not like it would mean anything. At this point, our actions were a lot more inappropriate than our words.

Instead, she went a slightly different direction with it. “Tell me I’m better,” she quietly said, “Tell me you want me more than you want her.”

Part Sixteen

Natalie didn’t seem like the type to have a sister complex.

She and Jessica were night and day when it came to personalities. And, based on Natalie smirky arrogance, this was more about messing with me than it was about anything else. Constantly reminding me that I had a girlfriend who was dangerously nearby, and exactly who it was that I was currently fucking. Natalie stared me down, waiting to hear the words she had demanded.

In a way, it was true. She was better, at least from a sexual standpoint. Jessica had never gone down on me, as she wasn’t super into that, and Natalie had somehow figured out my body in a matter of minutes compared to the time it had taken Jessica to learn the nuances. Even now, Natalie and I were in a position far less vanilla than my first time with her sister had been. What else did the tempting girl have to offer, if this experience was what she started with? And why the fuck was I thinking along those lines, when I was so recently prioritizing resistance?

Gently rocking her hips, just enough to keep me hard down there while still teasing anything more, she continued her intense downward gaze. “Don’t you dare take your eyes off of me. Not for a second,” she murmured.

Again, I nodded. Throat suddenly feeling very dry, and wanting nothing more than to push this further than merely existing inside her tight, petite body, I reflexively thrusted forward in response to the movement of her hips.

She literally went the opposite way. Not letting me start anything, yet keeping me on the hook every second of the way. “I’m better than Jessica?” she smirked, “Say it.”

“Fuck you,” I muttered.

“Only after you say it,” she replied, in a lilting tone.

Fucking brat. But I did as I was told. Giving her bare backside a firm squeeze first and using my grip to pull her forward so it would be more difficult for her to tease me in a similar manner as before, I echoed, “You’re better than Jessica.”

Going along with my gesture, she rocked forward, only giving me the satisfaction after I said what she wanted. Unlike before, however, she slowly shifted back and then forward again. Actually letting me fuck her, rather than simply allowing me to penetrate her. “You want me more?” she asked, in a breathy exhale. Eyes still trained on mine, silently demanding that I reciprocate like she recently told me to.

Nodding first, and thrusting in response to her movements, I said, “I want you more.”

“More than who?” Rather than backing off, she slightly increased her speed. Her hand that had been gripping and guiding me down there before had come up to mirror her other hand, and she used both of them to sink her fingers into my shoulders as she held me more tightly than before. Taking a shaky inhale, her eyes fluttered but never truly closed. She let out a quiet moan, looking at me with the most sultry yet expectant expression.

Unable to think clearly any more, I matched her pace and said exactly what she wanted. “More than-” Cut off my a quiet grunt of my own as Natalie and I fell into a rhythm that was building slowly yet quickly, I quietly said the rest, “-your sister.” While mentioning the relationship hadn’t been a requirement, I was at the point where I would say anything to keep her from edging me further. Or maybe, deep down, I was caught up in the taboo of the whole thing and slightly leaning into it now that we were long past the point of no return. And yet, she backed off nonetheless, slowing down enough that it was noticeable. Falling for it in my desperation, I blurted out the whole thing. “I want you more than your sister!”

Rather than smirking again, she pouted. “But she’s your girlfriend. I’m just an innocent little high schooler. Maybe we shouldn’t . . .”


After all the times I tried to protest with ‘we shouldn’t,’ she was throwing the words back into my face when it was clear that I didn’t plan on stopping now that we had made it this far. She was fully naked, wrapped around me, and I didn’t care that she was eighteen or Natalie’s sister. This was going to happen. End of story. If only to satiate her one last time, I said with a glare, “I want you, Natalie. More than Jessica. More than anyone.”

“But I’m your girlfriend’s-

“Shut the fuck up.” Thrusting into her, hearing the last two words in my head despite how I had cut her off before she could say them, I stared into her eyes and told her with my body to just get on with it. We had been through the taboo enough with her constant teasing reminders. Enough was enough.

“Good boy,” she whispered. Even though I had been the one to just assert myself, she instantly and effortlessly reframed things like she was still every bit in control. And it fucking worked. That same little phrase instantly caused me to harden more than before; I slightly pulsed inside her as she matched my more aggressive movements, but I was better than that. After all this, I was going to make things last.

Unfortunately, the universe had other plans.

Just as I was preparing myself to truly and fully fuck Natalie, Jessica’s voice cut through the clouds of lust that had me wrapped around her sister’s finger. “Hey, babe? You still upstairs?”

‘Shit. SHIT.’

Of course she was coming to find me. It’s not like taking the cover off a boat took very long; she had probably applied sunscreen afterwards, but then what? I had totally lost track of time. Natalie and I could have been in here for two minutes or a half hour for all I knew, and Jessica wasn’t just going to stand around waiting for us. There was no way she would suspect something like this, but still. I was fucking dead if she found us in the same room together and caught a whiff–literally or figuratively–of what we had been doing.

“I’m her little sister,” Natalie grinned.

And then she did the complete opposite of teasing. With no warning, she started rocking her hips against mine, perfectly flexing her muscles to coax out any firmness I had momentarily lost from hearing my girlfriend’s voice calling through the house.

I was completely helpless against her sudden advances. Not even Jessica’s voice had been enough to fully bring me back to reality, nor had the enormous risk of her discovering us if we didn’t hurry. Using my grip on her bare ass to make sure she stayed at a good angle, I began thrusting into Natalie, desperately trying to keep up with her wicked pace. There was no edging or build-up involved. She knew just what to do to get me off as quickly as possible.

Within seconds, I was releasing inside of her. Natalie let out a breathy moan, biting her lip right away to keep things quiet as I continued to pump into her with no hesitation now that I had started. She bounced up and down on me in all the right ways, making sure to take every last bit of me before slowing down.

We never once broke eye contact throughout the climactic experience, and she sighed out one more soft moan before smirking. “Told you,” she said.

Part Seventeen

Natalie was right.

She was easily one of the best fucks I’ve ever had, and definitely better than her sister. Only from a sexual perspective, however. There were a lot of reasons that I was dating Jessica, and it didn’t matter that she was a little less adventurous in the bedroom. I certainly wouldn’t choose the smug, arrogant brat that was currently straddling me over my girlfriend, although apparently I would fool around with her if she stripped down and threw herself at me.

As if the clarity of release wasn’t enough, Jessica’s voice snapped me back to thinking about just how bad this whole situation was. “Hello? Anyone?”

Clearly I was the only one freaking out. Natalie’s smirk hadn’t faded, nor was she making any efforts to dismount me. “You’re mine this weekend, yeah?” she murmured. Without waiting for an answer, she lunged forward and locked lips with me for a few seconds.

I kissed her back out of reflex for a moment, before coming to my senses and pulling away. “Natalie!” I hissed. What was she doing?! I had to get dressed, and she had to hide. Actually, no. I couldn’t even let Jessica into the room, at least not until the air cleared from what Natalie and I had just done. Maybe I could claim that I had just gotten myself off, but even that was a pretty big risk. My girlfriend had a decent nose, and she could also read me pretty well. The only way to keep this from her was to avoid any possible source of suspicion.

What I really needed was a couple minutes alone to process everything that I just did with her sister, and to breathe in general. Until I could do that, however, I would need to pretend that everything was normal.

The problem was, I was literally still inside Natalie. And she was like a fucking koala, thoroughly wrapped around me and staying close enough so her nose was nudging mine. “I’ll leave when you tell me you love me,” she murmured.

Was she serious? If it were any other circumstance, I would have balked at her teasing request. Instead, I instantly blurted out the words. “Fine. I love you. Now, go!” We both knew that I didn’t mean it; she was just being a brat.

“Like you mean it, babe,” she giggled, before dictating, “I love you, Natalie.”

Of all the- Jessica could be here any SECOND. Suddenly way more annoyed with the girl than I was hot for her, I met her gaze and echoed the phrase with as much false meaning as I could muster. “I love you, Natalie. And you’re better than your sister.” While I felt a little guilty about saying the second half unprompted, especially in a more intimate tone, I was trying to get ahead of whatever games she would potentially try while I was far more desperate and rushed than she seemed to be.

In response, she gave me one more lingering peck. “Good boy,” she whispered. Then, finally, she quickly yet gracefully lifted herself enough to detach from me and placed her feet back on the floor. The entire time, she maintained eye contact and kept up the idle smirk. “Next chance you get, you’re going to whisper that in my ear. That is, if you don’t want to get in trouble with my dear sister. You know, the one I’m better than?” she winked.

I didn’t know what to say. Despite everything, I still found myself caught up in her sultry confidence. Probably because she was still fully nude, which offset the immature and over the top advances.

Natalie dropped the act a little bit as she stepped back. “Tell Jessica I forgot something in the car. And you’re a little flushed because the AC hasn’t kicked in. And . . . ” her eyes flitted down to check me out, before she glanced back up with a sly smile, “You should probably put your suit on.” With that, she made short work of grabbing her bikini and sauntering over to the window. Rather than hiding, she opened what I realized was going to be her escape route. Before climbing out, the young vixen gave me one last look over her shoulder. “Don’t forget, babe. You still have one more hole to fuck.” Natalie gave her bare ass an emphatic slap, then started working her way onto the roof without making any effort to protect her modesty down there.

I absolutely fell for it. The shameless offer, paired with the way she splayed herself to get one leg at a time through the window, and I couldn’t help the mental image of what it might be like to take her like that. Speaking of being the ‘better sister,’ that was one frontier I was pretty sure Jessica and I would never explore unless she had a dramatic change of heart about it.

After a couple seconds of staring, it hit me that there were a lot more pressing things to worry about. Racing over to my swimsuit that Natalie had retrieved from my suitcase before deciding that she should be involved in undressing me and everything that it led to, I nearly tripped in my haste to shove my first leg through the mesh. Slowing down just enough to be more efficient, I pulled the suit on without bothering to waste time with the strings. Instead, I went right for the bedroom door.

Pausing just long enough to take a quiet exhale to compose myself, I opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Just in fucking time, too. Jessica had just made it to the top of the stairs, meaning I wouldn’t have to go out of my way to keep her out of my room. Also, I was suddenly so grateful that we had separate bedrooms. We obviously planned on sharing a bed for the next couple days, but she had suggested unpacking as if we each were taking our own room for the sake of feigning innocence around her sister and her parents. Apparently, setting ourselves up to be ‘family friendly’ for the break came with the unexpected perk of all of Jessica’s things being in a different bedroom than mine. While she was probably just coming to find me at the moment, I didn’t have to stress about the possibility of how this might play out if she had forgotten something of hers.

Great. Now I was thinking in terms of ways I wouldn’t get caught.

While I wanted to purely blame Natalie, I couldn’t deny that my own stupid lust was part of the problem. Even if she was the one who coaxed it out of me, it’s not like I could say ‘it wasn’t my fault’ when I had willingly fucked the girl.

Did I regret it? Absolutely.

Would I do it again? Now that I was face to face with Jessica, the answer was clearly ‘no.’ While I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed Natalie in the heat of the moment, I needed to find a way to cut things off with her before she was able to cloud my judgment again with her aggressive flirting and overt temptations. Easier said than done, considering how the image of her bare backside was still at the forefront of my mind.

And, since Natalie was like a mini Jessica, that meant that my girlfriend was a taller and more endowed version of Natalie.

If I wasn’t careful, each sister was going to remind me of the other.

Part Eighteen

“There you are!” Jessica exclaimed, “Took you long enough. Did you sunscreen up here or something?”

‘Act normal, act normal, act normal.’

Hopefully the slight dimness of the upstairs hallway would mask the fact that my cheeks were still a little bit flushed from both my activity with Natalie as well as the way I had just been rushing to get dressed. “Just taking care of a little unpacking,” I lied. While she had unintentionally handed me a possible excuse, it’s not like I could affirm something like that and then start putting on lotion outside right afterwards. “And I wanted to reply to a few messages so I can officially ignore my computer for the rest of the break.” Just casually lying to my girlfriend’s face. No big deal. Now I just had to keep her out of my room for a while, because I hadn’t even started taking things out of my suitcase beyond my swimwear.

“Well, that’s boring,” she winked. Teasing, of course; we both knew full well that she was super organized and always on top of her assignments, especially compared to me. “Some of us have already done the sunscreen thing, and the boat’s ready to go. I just need a strong man to haul the cooler out, and to take care of my back.”

About as much flirting as she would risk now that her sister was here. I was the only one between us that knew that Natalie probably wasn’t within earshot. Then again, she could be. Her adventure on the roof could take her anywhere; for all I knew, she could have just moved one room over, or she could be climbing down the side of the house totally naked. “A strong man? Wait, did Natalie invite her boyfriend or something?” Trying to get back into the teasing rhythm we had before her sister showed up, I tried to return my attention to Jessica’s bare back that she had just offered, rather than the image of a bare Natalie shinnying down a tree or a drainpipe.

“Shut up,” Jessica giggled. She rolled her eyes and playfully hit my arm. “Come on, let’s go. Where is Natalie, anyway? I didn’t see her downstairs.”

The brat’s name alone was enough to make me nervous all over again, and I prayed that Jess didn’t catch a glimpse of anything on my face. Although her sister had given me something to say, I had to frame it in a way that would make sense out loud. “Getting something from her car?” I said, with an innocent uptick, “I don’t know; she yelled something through the door a couple minutes ago. Couldn’t quite hear everything.”

Jessica scoffed. “Because she didn’t actually stop at the door to say it, I bet. Nat does that from one floor away, too. One of these days, she’ll learn that it’s important to get someone’s attention before launching into the rest.”

Oh, Natalie definitely got my attention.

And she still low key had it; even with Jessica right here, it was difficult to get the girl off my mind. Not because I wanted more of her or anything. It’s that we just hooked up, and talking about her wasn’t helping when I was trying to play it cool and keep my girlfriend from suspecting anything. There were a lot of things I’d confess to Jessica just to get them out in the open, including if literally any other girl made a pass at me, but this was a secret I would take to the grave.

I changed the subject as quickly as I was able while still keeping it natural and breathed a quiet sigh of relief when she led the way back towards the stairs. Away from my room, and all the things that could poke holes in the story of my recent absence. With Natalie here, I assumed that the three of us would be hanging out in the more public rooms to avoid the raised eyebrows and suggestive comments that Jessica wasn’t fond of. On the off chance that we’d be upstairs at any point today, however, I would need to steal away before then to put my room together.

Trying my hardest to focus on Jessica and put the recent taboo events out of my mind, I followed my girlfriend into the kitchen to help with the cooler. Once again, she made a comment about her sister, as apparently Jess had expected her to load the thing up with ice and drinks. Since Natalie and I had been otherwise occupied, however, the job hadn’t even been started. It was easy to tell that there wasn’t any animosity between them whatsoever. Jessica seemed to like her sister, but also still saw her as a teenager with some immature and irresponsible tendencies. No wonder Natalie was shameless about flirting and flaunting herself whenever Jessica looked away; it was so easy for Natalie to put on the ‘innocent little sister’ act, while showing me a completely different side of herself when it was just the two of us.

I definitely wasn’t ready for the three of us to be together on the boat, or ready for Natalie to reappear in that bikini in general, but I couldn’t exactly suggest ditching her here. A big part of this trip was getting to know Jessica’s family, including her younger sister. Jessica had even mentioned that there was a silver lining to Natalie being here a few days early; it would be nice for all of us to hang out before their parents arrived and shifted the dynamic a little. Theoretically, a good idea. Until Natalie and I started the weekend by getting to know each other way too well behind Jessica’s back.

Since Jess was clueless to all of that, however, it was my job to pretend that Natalie and I had only interacted a little bit so far.

Since there wasn’t a good way to suggest anything except the current plan, I kept myself busy with lining up a collection of drinks and snacks on the counter while Jessica filled the cooler with ice. We had stopped by the nearest store on the way and gotten enough groceries for the weekend, and brought some alcohol from campus as well. Apparently Jessica was cool with Natalie drinking. Not exactly a point in the ‘innocent’ column for the eighteen year old flirt, although it’s not like the girl was going out of her way to paint herself in that light at every turn. That’s just how it felt based on how she acted around myself and her sister all the way up until she smirked and declared her sexual intentions to me.

As for drinking, plenty of people did that before college, myself and Jessica included. Plus this was technically with ‘family supervision,’ albeit with a sibling who also wasn’t of legal drinking age yet. Whatever. The current plan was to swing by the local recycling place and dump all the empty cans and bottles the morning Jessica’s parents were making the drive up. Anything we didn’t finish would be stashed away for the following weekend, when we would have the place all to ourselves.

In terms of my own consumption, I would need to be careful. Considering what Natalie pulled off when I was stone cold sober, I definitely didn’t trust myself around the girl while I was a few drinks deep.

There I went, planning things around Natalie, even when she wasn’t within sight.

Part Nineteen

The normalcy of the next few minutes was much needed.

Hauling the cooler down to the boat and a little more small talk with Jessica was a good way to bring me more fully back to reality, although I knew there wasn’t much hope of ever actually getting there. The recent memories kept replaying in my mind, which in turn made me feel guilty, nervous, and turned on all at the same time. Would I ever recover from doing something so fucked up? Obviously, I could never tell Jessica. But I’d also never be able to get Natalie out of my mind now that she had so thoroughly invaded my more primal side.

Applying sunscreen to Jessica’s back certainly didn’t help. At this point, each sister physically reminded me of the other. Their hair, skin tone, and eyes were strikingly similar. Honestly, I wasn’t sure which was worse–Jessica reminding me of Natalie, or the reverse? Either way, the softness and warmth of my girlfriend’s back wasn’t as subtly arousing as it probably would have been if it were just the two of us. Partly because I was still all kinds of confused and internally flustered, and partly because I knew it wouldn’t lead anywhere when Natalie would be joining us any minute.

No matter how much I braced myself for her arrival, I still wasn’t prepared to see the bikini clad eighteen year old sauntering down from the house. The sight of her in that familiar pink bikini was enough to make dozens of inappropriate images from earlier flash through my mind. She was a good actress, I’d give her that. It was like nothing had ever happened between the two of us. “Hey!” she exclaimed as she stepped onto the dock, back to her perky and seemingly innocent self, “Ready to go?”

Jessica lightly scoffed, “Just waiting on you. Working hard as usual, I see.”

“Always,” Natalie giggled. She displayed her empty hands with a smile, “Come on, this was, like, the longest week ever. I need a break! Besides, that’s what amazing older sisters are for. You are amazing, Jessica!”

“Uh huh. And what does that make you?”

“Your favorite sister, obvi! You know you love me.”

Jessica just rolled her eyes. “Brat. Get in already! Some of us are ready for the lake.”

“She’s so bossy, isn’t she?” Natalie grinned, “Although I’ve heard some guys like that. Ooh, is he one of them?”

“Don’t listen to her,” Jess said. She glanced over her shoulder at me for a moment, then turned her attention back to her sister, “Why don’t you catch us up on your love life instead of being annoying about ours?”

Natalie raised an eyebrow. “So, this is love? Ooh, have you two said the L word yet?!”

So far, this had just been two sisters casually bickering. Based on how they sounded as they went back and forth, it didn’t sound like they were actually annoying each other. Kind of like how some friends bantered and/or insulted each other instead of being nice, because they had reached that level with each other, I had seen countless siblings showing affection the same way.

However, neither Jessica nor I were ready for Natalie’s casually probing question. It was more personal, which is why Jess lightly blushed and didn’t have a response right away. As for me, I could easily guess the unspoken question meant just for me–‘Did you tell me that you loved me before you told Jessica?’

Luckily, Jessica and I were already saying that to each other. While it obviously didn’t mean anything when I told Natalie the same upstairs, considering how urgent our situation had been, it still would have been bad if she heard those three little words from me first. And, even if I was safe in that sense, Natalie’s teasing question was enough to remind me what I was responsible for saying to her as soon as I could. I wasn’t sure how she planned on screwing with me without incriminating herself, but I also didn’t doubt her ability to do so.

“That’s so not your business,” Jessica replied. She stepped forward, as I was more or less done with her back, and settled into the seat behind the wheel, “Last chance to join us, Nat, or we’re leaving you behind.”

“Huh. Not sure if that’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no,’” Natalie mused. She made short work of climbing into the boat, and I couldn’t help but glance towards her chest at a moment as her body moved in a way that temporarily drew attention to her cleavage, “If you haven’t, you totally should,” she told me, “It’s easy! I love you, Jessica. Do you love me, too?”

“I love that you have your own car. Actually, we probably need a few more things from the grocery store. Maybe you could make a trip over there while we take the boat out?”

“No way! I am here to supervise. No making out in the boat. Parents’ orders.”

“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a boy to bring yourself. And last time I checked, only high school girls need supervision.”

“I’m graduating in, like, two months!” Natalie pointed out. She shot me a wink, as if I needed a reminder about the second reason why fucking her was so wrong, “Speaking of boys, do you mind if your boyfriend gets my back? I would ask you, but it sounds like you don’t want to be at the dock any longer.”

Jessica turned the key and started up the boat in response. “He’s all yours,” she said, then looked over her shoulder at me, “You can say ‘no’ if you want and let Natalie burn. Her skin is just as sensitive as mine is.”

Natalie pouted towards me, “You’re not as mean as my dear sister, are you? If I say ‘pretty please,’ will you help a girl out?”

It was such a perfect trap. I knew exactly what Natalie was doing, but that didn’t stop it from working. Although Jessica gave me permission to say ‘no,’ it still felt like doing so would come across as more suspicious than actually doing the task asked of me. There was no good reason I could think of to avoid touching Natalie in such a normal way. We had just met, and sunscreen was objectively a harmless thing to help someone with. Of course, it wasn’t as innocent as Natalie was making it sound, and I was definitely not ready to put my hands back on her. Especially not with Jessica right there.

And yet, there was no time to come up with a reasonable excuse not to. “I guess,” I said, making a point to sound as neutral and uninterested as possible, “But only if you promise to bring everything back inside when we get back.” If she was going to play games, then I could at least throw out something that would keep her from a repeat performance later on. Also, keeping Natalie from roping me into doing chores with her had the extra benefit of earning more brownie points with Jessica.

Natalie huffed out a dramatic sigh. “Fine. But you better not miss any spots.” With that, she stepped over to me. Now facing away from her sister, she bit her lower lip and gave me those same ‘fuck me’ eyes as before. Lowering her voice so the motor would keep Jessica from hearing, she murmured, “Put your hands all over me, babe. And tell me what I want to hear.”

Part Twenty

I knew exactly what I had to say.

I also knew that I was a dead man if my girlfriend heard any of it.

Natalie wasted no time in sitting down at the back of the boat, as lingering too long in the face-to-face position would look odd to Jessica who was clearly clueless as to how shameless her younger sister was. She patted the white leather next to her with an innocent smile, and held up the sunscreen with her other hand. I kept waiting for a decent excuse to miraculously come to me, but it never did. The only way to act normal was to reluctantly play along with Natalie’s games.

Never making things easy for me, of course, Natalie shifted over at the last second as I sat down. For a second, we were sitting way too close. Her leg was flush with mine, and she leaned her entire upper body against me. But not for long. She adjusted right away, pivoting to face the opposite direction before Jessica could potentially look back and see the momentary too-close proximity.

We were sitting in such a way that both of us were facing Jessica’s side of the boat, which had no doubt been Natalie’s intention when she first sat down. Although what we were about to do wasn’t technically cheating, it definitely felt like an extension of everything we had done in my bedroom. That very much had been cheating, albeit under unique circumstances. Natalie had been throwing herself at me ever since we met; any and all attempts to reject her had barely made a dent in her advances, either. And now she was starting things up again, this time less than five feet away from her sister.

She was apparently going to make me do all the work, too. Natalie’s hair was down, and she had made no effort to move it herself like Jessica did when I took care of her back a few minutes ago. Nervously glancing towards my girlfriend, who was still facing forward despite how she had started backing the boat out, I tentatively took Natalie’s hair and shifted it towards her right shoulder. At the same time, I leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “I love you, Natalie. You’re better than your sister.

Natalie just gave a soft hum in response. Finally helping me out, she adjusted her soft locks once they were mostly on her front side. Then she offered me the sunscreen over her opposite shoulder. “He really is the sweetest, isn’t he?” she teased, back to her regular speaking voice.

“That makes one of you,” Jessica scoffed.

“Rude! Are you saying I’m not sweet?”

“Hmm, I guess you can be sweet. I’m mostly saying that you’re lazy.”

I was more than content to stay silent and let them playfully banter as siblings. Natalie’s opening compliment was bad enough with its double meaning intended just for me, and I definitely didn’t need the two of them talking about me when Natalie could probably make just about anything remind me of our recent experience upstairs.

There was also the task at hand that I still had to take care of. Giving myself a decent amount of the cool liquid to work with, but not so much that I’d have to spend longer than necessary rubbing it in, I hesitantly ran my hand over Natalie’s back. Her smooth skin was just as warm as Jessica’s had been, and she gave the smallest of gasps in response to the cold that came with my touch. I couldn’t help but think back to her hushed moans from earlier.

I tried my best to mentally reframe my assistance in the harmless way I assumed Jessica saw it. This wasn’t the first time I had applied lotion to a girl’s back; there had been instances here and there where a platonic female friend asked for help, and there was nothing more to it than getting the area she couldn’t easily reach. Of course, none of those girls had fucked me less than ten minutes prior.

The good news was, there wasn’t much Natalie would be able to do on the boat. I would have to brace myself for her idle flirting and teasing that carried more weight than Jessica realized, but otherwise I’d be fine. All of us were sitting within five feet of each other, and the younger of the two sisters wouldn’t dare be as shameless and/or overtly seductive as she had been upstairs. Not when she seemed to enjoy putting on an act for Jessica that greatly contrasted the way she behaved when just around me.

As for her sunscreen, I definitely didn’t drag the process out. At the same time, I couldn’t fully rush through things either. Her bikini strings were in the way in several places, meaning I had to spend a little extra time on her shoulders and upper back.

“Don’t forget my neck!” she chirped. Pulling her hair a little more to the side for me, she also tilted her head ever so slightly to one side. It was subtle, but it absolutely worked. For a fleeting moment, I was visualizing kissing her there, rather than the light circles I proceeded to give her with my fingertips. Continuing her quietly flirty games, she gave another soft hum just audible enough for me to hear as I worked on her neck. Natalie was going to be on her own for her lower back. I had been more than content to slip under the waistband of Jessica’s bikini bottoms, but getting anywhere near her sister’s waist would be dangerous territory.

After finishing up with the sunscreen and shifting Natalie’s light pink strings back into place, I scooted a few inches away to both signify that I was done and to get some personal space. The fewer opportunities she had to tease me, whether that was a playful touch or a comment that was less innocent than it sounded, the better.

“Thanks, babe. You’re the best!” Natalie grinned. She held out her hand, “Sunscreen, please? Unless you want to do the rest?”

I definitely wasn’t expecting a suggestion like that, and neither was Jessica. “Jesus, Nat. Don’t be gross,” she groaned. Glancing over her shoulder to give Natalie a look, she added, “And don’t call him ‘babe.’”

“Omg, Jess. Don’t use the lord’s name in vain!” She plucked the bottle of lotion from my hand with an idle smile. “And I thought this trip was all about hazing your new boyfriend. I’m just doing my part!”

“You can do your part by kicking his ass in Chess and making unfair alliances with me in games we can all play,” Jessica said, “And you’re welcome to tease him. Just not like that; it’s weird for everyone!”

Fine,” Natalie sighed, “Any other rules, sister dearest?”

“Hmm. If I cook, you’re in charge of dishes, and vice versa. Until our parents get here, anyway. Then we can figure out a rotation.”

“Jess, I was kidding. I don’t actually want more rules. You see what I have to deal with?”

“See what I have to deal with?” Jessica echoed.

“Whatever,” Natalie rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile. Then, the second Jess turned to take the boat towards the main part of the lake, Natalie squirted a small dollop of sunscreen onto her hand. Biting her lip and meeting my eyes, she slipped fingers underneath her bikini top and gave herself a squeeze.

Part 21

I tried not to stare; I really did.

Natalie just had a way of drawing my eye again and again. To Jessica, it was only ever going to look like her sister was applying sunscreen. To me, however, it was a hot younger girl running her hands all over her body.

She spent way longer than necessary on her chest. Massaging her visible cleavage, slightly pushing up one breast and then the other as she began working the lotion into the rest of her torso, and occasionally arching her back throughout the process. Then there were her legs. Natalie started with her inner thighs, rubbing herself in suggestive circles while smirking towards me and perpetually flirting with her eyes as well. Even when she reached her knees, which shouldn’t have been an area that was designed for teasing, she split the difference by shifting forward in her seat and turning to face away from me before bending over. I ended up getting an eyeful of her backside, including how her bikini bottoms were riding down a bit and showing off more of her body.

Each time she flaunted a new area, I ended up checking her out to some degree before averting my gaze. I knew exactly what she was doing, yet it still worked. Plus it’s not like I could just glance away the entire time; if Jess noticed that I was trying too hard to not look, that would be almost more incriminating than anything else. Since Natalie was merely protecting herself from the sun, I would end up looking like the bad guy for being tempted. As long as she and I were sitting next to each other, I somehow had to act like everything was fine.

Just when Natalie was finishing up her last leg, Jessica slowed the boat down. “Good spot to drop anchor?” she asked.

“Sure!” Natalie smiled. Now that her sister was paying attention to her again, her expression was back to normal. The playful smirks were only meant for me, apparently. “Just have to do my arms, and then we can swim.”

“And then you can swim,” Jessica clarified, “Some of us didn’t take forever to get ready. I can get in right now.”

“You’re not going to wait for me? Rude!”

With a light scoff, Jess said, “Nope. It’s hot, and the water looks amazing. Maybe next time you won’t spend forever making it to the dock.” She turned off the engine and retrieved the anchor from where it was tucked away at the front of the boat. After tossing it in, she brushed her hair back and turned to me. “What about you, babe? Want to jump in together?”

“And leave me here all alone?” Natalie pouted, “Not fair! Did he even put on sunscreen?”

That made Jessica hesitate. “Wait, did you?” she asked.

Not even a little bit. Between the delay from fucking Natalie and how I had been responsible for helping both sisters with their backs, I hadn’t had a chance to apply any lotion to myself yet. I probably should have been sharing with Natalie over the last few minutes, but I had been a little distracted. “I can do it after we swim,” I suggested. Reasonable enough, as I didn’t burn as easily as her. And being alone with her sister again didn’t feel like the best idea.

The problem was, Jessica was responsible. Her reply didn’t surprise me in the slightest. “The water won’t keep you from burning,” she sighed, “It’s at least UV 5 right now. Sunscreen first. Then we’ll swim. Natalie, stop hoarding the lotion.”

“Yes, mother,” she giggled, “I suppose you’ll be wanting to do your dear boyfriend’s back for him?”

“Fuck, no,” Jess rolled her eyes, “Like I said, I’m getting in now.”

“Hey! That’s so not my job,” Natalie whined, “The whole point of being single is that I only have to worry about myself.”

“Maybe that selfish attitude is why you’re single. Come on, Nat. The sooner you two are done with all this, the sooner you can swim. Okay?”

Natalie huffed at that, but didn’t argue. “Fine,” she said, “But I’m not waiting for him to do the rest!”

Speaking of knowing exactly what Natalie was doing, I didn’t need one of her knowing looks to guess that she was inwardly excited about how she had managed to keep me on the boat with her while making it sound like she wasn’t particularly interested in the outcome. “I’ll try to be quick,” I nodded. When my girlfriend gave me a pointed look, I added, “And thorough.”

“Mm hmm,” Jessica said, “You don’t want to have a sunburn when you meet my parents, do you?”

She had a point there. Before I could express as much, Natalie jumped in. “Don’t worry, I won’t draw a penis on his back or anything!”

“Don’t. Be. Gross.” Repeating her demand from earlier, Jess walked over to the edge of the boat. “I’m going to cool off. Behave, sis.”

“I’ll do my best,” she winked.

Jessica stepped up onto the leather seat and proceeded to dive into the water without another word. The second she disappeared under the surface, Natalie pounced on me. Before I knew it, she was grabbing my face and locking her lips with mine. Out of pure instinct, I kissed her back for a couple seconds before coming to my senses and breaking things off. I couldn’t do much while her hands were cupping my cheeks and her body was leaning into mine, although I managed to pull back enough to escape her lips and hurriedly whisper, “Natalie! What are you doing?!”

Fully smirking and gazing into my eyes, she merely said, “Tell me that you love me.”

“Jessica’s going to see!” I hissed. We weren’t invisible on the boat, and I was pretty sure my girlfriend would be able to witness something like this even from her lower angle in the water.

Natalie didn’t seem to share my concern. “Say it,” she seductively murmured.

I didn’t know what else to do. Out of desperation, I blurted out, “I love you, Natalie!” It wasn’t the first time she had pressured me to say those words. Before, she had insisted on including her name, so I went right for what she preferred this time around.

“Good boy.” Leaning in and giving me a lingering peck, she then let go of my face and shifted back in her seat. “Be honest, babe. Which sister is the better kisser? No, wait. Which one of us has better boobs?” With that, she gripped her bikini top and proceeded to flash me.

This time, I did stare. With her bare, perky boobs right in front of me, it was impossible not to. “I, umm . . . ” For a second, I actually considered the question. Jessica had more curves in general, although I couldn’t deny that Natalie’s more petite form was attractive in its own way. Especially when she was so boldly and shamelessly showing herself off to me.

“Tell you what,” she grinned. After letting me get an eyeful, Natalie slowly pulled her top back down and settled it into place over her breasts, “Since you love me, and since you think I’m better than your girlfriend . . . ” She trailed off, giving herself a good squeeze with both hands, “Actually, turn around. I need to get your back, and Jessica needs to think that you’re her good boy.”

Part 22

By the time Jessica had emerged from the water and turned her attention back to the boat while treading water, Natalie and I were both standing up in order to make it clear to my girlfriend that her little sister was doing nothing but applying sunscreen to my back.

It had actually been my idea, rather than hers. I had jumped up from the white leather when it crossed my mind that the edge of the boat would partially obscure us due to Jessica seeing us from a lower angle. If this had just been sunscreen, I wouldn’t have thought twice about such things. After everything Natalie and I had done together, however, including the latest few things she had initiated but I certainly hadn’t denied, I couldn’t help but act in ways that would keep Jessica from being suspicious.

“I should really thank her,” Natalie said. Though she was out of my sight, I could tell that she was slightly leaning towards my right ear as her hands continued to roam my back. Not whispering, but speaking in a lowered tone that Jess definitely wouldn’t hear from down in the water. “For bringing me such a fun toy to play with, I mean. I was worried about being bored up here, you know?”

I didn’t say a word. Partially because it felt so wrong to be looking at my girlfriend while her sister so boldly flirted with me, and partially because I had no idea what to say to something like that. No one had ever spoken to me in such a playfully objectifying way. Just like ‘good boy,’ which was also a first for me, Natalie’s style of teasing was surprisingly effective.

“Soooo, when are we going to have some more fun together?” she asked. Her hands finished working the lotion into my shoulders and she shifted inwards to massage my neck. “After Jess goes to bed? Or is it more hot when we fool around while she’s still awake?”

This time, I did reply. Giving a small shake of my head, I murmured. “Natalie. We can’t.”

“Mm hmm. Except, umm . . . we did, remember? So I’m pretty sure we can.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Do I? But, I’m so young and naive! Why don’t you explain it to me, babe?”

We both knew damn well that she was far from naive. And we both knew exactly why all of this wasn’t okay. Except there was no good way to assert the obvious when I was constantly worried about Jessica catching a snippet of the conversation. Luckily for me, my girlfriend was as much of a mermaid as she had told me on the way to her family’s vacation house. She loved the water, and watching her swim confirmed she was far more interested in enjoying the lake than she was in impatiently waiting for us to join her.

“Don’t play dumb,” I said, “What we did? It can’t happen again.”

Natalie let out a dramatic sigh. “You said you would fuck all my holes. You promised!” Pausing with both her hands and her voice for a moment, she then went on, “Fine. Be like that. But, I’m curious–if you had to choose, which would it be? Fuck me while she’s awake in the other room? Or while she’s sleeping?”

It was impossible to keep the mental images away. Taking her from behind. Making out with her in a dark hallway while Jessica was doing dishes around the corner. Going at it in Natalie’s room while my girlfriend was sleeping soundly on the other side of the wall. “Neither,” I managed to reply. It also wasn’t lost on me that she was twisting what had been her overt teasing from earlier into a ‘promise’ that I definitely hadn’t made.

“Both. Got it,” she softly giggled. Her hands glided down to my lower back to rub sunscreen on the one area she hadn’t hit yet. “You know, a lot of boys would kill for this kind of attention from me.” Her fingertips slipped beneath the waistband of my swim shorts, tracing just a little bit lower than necessary as she circled left and right with the lotion. “And you said it yourself. I’m better. You want me more. So what’s the problem?”

Yeah, but she compelled me to say both of those things. It didn’t matter if there was a hint of truth to them. Not that it was a fair comparison, considering that I had known Jessica for more than half a year and Natalie for less than half a day.

“I’m dating your sister,” I said. Saying it out loud felt so ridiculous. It’s not like it was new information for her.

“Uh huh.” Her hand dipped lower and gave a light squeeze to my bare ass. “And you can fuck her whenever you want. You only have me for a few days.” Removing her hand as if nothing had ever happened, she sensually ran her palms up my back. “Think about it, babe. We’ll chat soon, ‘kay?” Natalie concluded her physical contact by tracing an invisible heart on my skin with mirrored index fingers. Then she circled around and sauntered over to the edge of the boat. “Coming in!” she called to Jessica.

The way Natalie slightly bent forward drew attention to her backside. If that wasn’t enough, she glanced over her shoulder and gave me a small air kiss with just her lips. With that, she wasted no time in jumping over the side and into the water.

This weekend was turning into so much more than I had bargained for. It would have been one thing if Natalie’s general presence had been cock blocking me from what was supposed to be a sexy weekend alone with Jessica, like I had initially expected. Never in a million years had I anticipated needing to fend off the sexual advances of my girlfriend’s persistent eighteen year old sister.

There was no denying that everything about her tempted me. And yet, it was not nearly as easy as she was suggesting. I wasn’t about to have a weekend fling with Natalie behind Jessica’s back. Even if she was throwing herself at me whenever she had the opportunity to. At this point, I was certain this wasn’t some elaborate test of my faithfulness. Things would have never gone so far upstairs if that was the case. This was all Natalie, and I had to imagine this wasn’t just because she wanted to fuck around with some college guy. I wasn’t about to flatter myself like that; though I was attractive enough, there was no way Natalie decided on sight that she wanted to sleep with me.

No, she absolutely got off on seducing someone she wasn’t supposed to be with, and with someone who very much wasn’t supposed to be with her.

At least I was safe for now. Alone on the boat for as long as it took me to apply sunscreen to the rest of my body, with no major decisions to make for the time being. Maybe if I glued myself to Jessica for the rest of the day, I wouldn’t be put in any more situations where I had to resist Natalie’s advances. I was only human, and I didn’t always think with just my brain.

If she pounced on me out of the blue again, there was no telling how I’d react. So far, my track record wasn’t great where Natalie was involved.

Part 23

Our time in the lake wasn’t particularly eventful.

Jessica had made it clear before the trip that she didn’t want us to be too couple-y when her sister was around, or in front of her parents in a few days. They all knew we were dating, of course, but she wasn’t big on PDA in general; that went doubly for when it came to family. And Natalie obviously wasn’t going to try anything when my girlfriend was right there.

The three of us faced each other in a small circle, treading water and making small talk about school and hobbies for a while. Eventually, Natalie said she was going to grab a drink and lounge on the boat. Objectively, that sounded preferable to me over staying in the lake, but I wasn’t about to put myself in another partially secluded setting with the girl. Instead, I stayed with Jessica, knowing that we’d probably be in the water for a while due to how much she loved it.

Natalie did toss us each a can, which actually did sound good upon her casual offer from above. I hadn’t forgotten my earlier resolve about not drinking too much, as I knew I had to keep my guard up moving forward, but a single beverage would take the edge off. Because ever since we had taken the boat out, it had taken me a conscious effort to both play it cool in front of Jessica while simultaneously doing my best to ignore Natalie’s flirty glances.

Eventually, Jessica led the way back onto the boat. The sight of her bikini-clad ass made me happy to be the second one up the ladder, though I was only able to appreciate her body for so long before Natalie drew my attention. Mostly because the younger sister was tanning on the back of the boat, meaning I had to climb over her legs in order to follow Jessica to the main section. It was impossible to ignore the way Natalie was lying down; she wasn’t even doing anything, but the simple image of her eyes closed in the lingerie-adjacent outfit made me visualize her on a bed.

Even when she wasn’t teasing me or making advances, I was thinking about her like that. How could I not, when we had done so many things together despite the taboo pairing?

As I grabbed a towel, Jessica offered me another drink. Though my tolerance was just fine, I was internally hesitant to take a second one. At the same time, I was nervous about appearing suspicious in the slightest. Jessica and I had attended countless parties and hangouts together, and she knew full well that I wasn’t a lightweight. This was our spring break, and neither of us had to drive for the rest of the day, so it could potentially seem out of place if I passed on an offer I normally wouldn’t blink at.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to risk a third. Since it took a little over half the day just to drive to the lake house, there was only so much afternoon for us to spend on the boat. By the time we were done drying off and chatting for a bit, during which Natalie occasionally chimed in without ever sitting up or opening her eyes, Jessica decided that we should head back to the house and maybe start thinking about dinner.

Natalie’s offer to haul everything back up hadn’t been forgotten by her older sister, and Jessica made sure to remind her just before we reached the dock. I would normally offer to help, like I had done when Natalie first arrived, but everything was different now. Still, I made sure to at least grab what I could carry for a single trip. There was no need to be lazy; I just needed to avoid more one-on-one time with the young vixen.

The good news was, it didn’t make much sense for Natalie and I to be paired up for many things. Either Jessica would be spending quality time with her boyfriend, or with her sister. Though I would still have to deal with Natalie’s knowing looks and the occasional comment that had a double meaning, she wouldn’t have an opportunity to tempt me like before now that I knew what to watch out for.

Or so I thought.

Less than five minutes later, I discovered a flaw in my plan. Separate bedrooms meant that I couldn’t attach myself at Jessica’s hip. We parted ways at the top of the stairs. She surprised me by initiating a brief kiss, apparently okay with doing so as long as we were guaranteed a moment of privacy. The moment our lips touched, I couldn’t help but compare her to her sister. It didn’t matter how far I stayed away from Natalie physically; she was still very much present in my thoughts. Probably because it vaguely felt like Jessica and I were ‘sneaking around,’ due to the private kiss, which in turn made me think about passionately making out with Natalie earlier.

Of course, it wasn’t as if I could really compare them. This little kiss with Jessica was casual and affectionate, which shared nothing at all with the intensity of- “Sure we can’t share a room tonight?” I asked Jessica. Eternally grateful that no one had turned on the hallway lights yet, making the upper floor darker than earlier due to it being later in the day, I tried to banish the flush on my cheeks that came from thinking about fucking someone that wasn’t her. And that I was asking Jessica to break one of the rules she had gone over with me because I was low key being turned on by the memory of Natalie despite having my barely dressed girlfriend right in front of me.

“Eager much?” she teased. Pulling back from the kiss, she shook her head with a smile, “Patience, babe. The place is all ours in a week, remember? Then I’m all yours, whenever and wherever and however you want. Yeah?”

No arguments there. Save for that it made me want to jump her right that second, and I couldn’t. After stealing one last kiss, I went to my room to change out of my swimsuit and into a fresh outfit.

The other problem with separate bedrooms, aside from not being able to fool around with Jessica right now or later tonight, was that it was easier for Natalie to find time alone with me outside the chores and social activities I had anticipated.

Rather than knocking on my door like a normal person, she surprised me by quietly rapping on the window.

Part 24

Natalie didn’t wait for me to let her in.

It’s not like I had locked the window after she used it as her exit earlier, so she made short work of opening it back up. If anything, her little knock was more of a teasing greeting than anything else. “Hey,” she said, sounding both casual and flirty at the same time. Swinging her legs through, briefly drawing attention to her smooth thighs that were completely on display while she was still in a bikini, it didn’t seem to take her much effort to shift and twist her upper half until she was standing in my bedroom again. “Miss me?”

“Natalie, you need to go.” Yes, it was tempting. We were both barely dressed, as I was still wearing nothing but my swim trunks. No matter how much I told myself that I needed to fend off the girl’s advances, that didn’t change the fact that we had already done a lot and each encounter had left me wanting more. Not to the point that I planned on pursuing her, but definitely enough that I noticed.

She didn’t seem to agree with my reply. Strutting right up to me and placing a hand on my bare shoulder, Natalie gazed up at me with a bit of a pout. “You didn’t answer my question. Did you miss me, babe?”

It wasn’t exactly a fair question. I obviously couldn't say ‘yes,’ as that would fuel her insistence that we should mess around behind Jessica’s back. At the same time, I didn’t want to respond with a blunt ‘no’ either. Partly because it wasn’t exactly true, and partly because it was tough to reject such a face, even when I knew it was very much an act. Also, I was supposed to be getting along with my girlfriend’s sister, something that was turning out to be a much different endeavor than I had anticipated.

Trying to split the difference, as I belatedly realized I didn’t have to pick between ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ I said, “It’s only been a few minutes, Natalie.” Fuck, she made it impossible to think clearly when she was in my personal space and giving me those eyes. Trying to be a good boyfriend, which was difficult when Jessica’s sister was constantly throwing herself at me, I delicately took the girl’s hand off of me. “That’s not long enough to miss anyone.”

“Not true!” Rather than trying to keep her hand where it was, she rolled with the punches. Before I knew it, she gracefully maneuvered out of my grip, only to use our proximity to slide her palm into mine. Our fingers were laced together in a matter of seconds, and she gave me a smile after successfully getting us to hold hands. “I missed you. Why do you think I unloaded the boat so fast?”

For once, she actually sounded like a teenager. Dismissing my point in the most immature fashion, then coming across like she was some head over heels girl. Of course, I knew better. Natalie wasn’t nearly as cute or innocent as she seemed. “Natalie-”

“Mmm. I love it when you say my name. And the reason I rushed to deal with the load on the boat . . . is because all I could think about was dealing with your load.” Natalie bit her lip and gave me those eyes that were anything but pouty.

How was her dirty pick-up line so cringe yet so effective? Probably because the combination of the words and the seductive look just made me think about how it felt to be inside her earlier. And it didn’t help that I had just teased Jessica about fooling around, only for Natalie to offer me that very thing.

I was about to echo her name in another attempt to cool things down between us, except now I had to worry about her comment about how she enjoyed that. Meeting her eyes while trying to ignore the twitch or two I could feel below my waist despite how the surprise and risk of Natalie’s latest appearance had kept me from getting too aroused so far, I said as calmly as possible, “This is wrong.” Hesitating again, as the phrase ‘we shouldn’t’ was on the tip of my tongue until I remembered how ineffective it had been in previous instances, I quickly shifted to the first alternative that crossed my mind before Natalie could chime in. “I’m dating Jessica.”

“Mm hmm. But Jess isn’t here right now, is she?” Natalie said, “Tell you what, babe . . . If you really want me to leave, then kiss me. Do that, and I promise I’ll go.”

Doubt. Initiating a kiss would be yet another damning action of mine on top of everything else, and I was skeptical about what ‘I promise’ meant to an eighteen year old girl. Then again, it was objectively not as bad as a lot of other things we could be doing. “Just a kiss?” I asked. In the back of my mind, I knew it was a bad idea. If I wasn’t careful, I could easily lose a mile for what I was tentatively about to give her. But if I could get her to leave with a simple peck, that would avoid a lot more trouble that would potentially happen if she stayed.

Natalie nodded. “Just a kiss. Like this.” She squeezed my hand and then leaned in, lifting herself up on her toes and nudging her nose against mine. We remained suspended in the almost-kissing position for a few seconds, long enough for her to softly exhale against my lips. My eyes were already closed at this point, as it was the natural instinct when it came to the kind of intimate build-up Natalie had set up for us. Then she parted her lips and gently locked them with mine.

Since I had literally just kissed Jessica, it was even more difficult than before to avoid comparing the two sisters. Then, it had just been an intrusive thought. Now, I was actively thinking about how Natalie was better, at least in terms of how she didn’t mind sharing more than a PG peck when others were at the lake house. Jessica had unintentionally and unknowingly set me up for failure with Natalie, as it was easy to chase the younger girl’s lips when I had been left wanting more a few minutes ago with my girlfriend.

Natalie ended up sharing two or three kisses, all of which were soft and lingering as one led to another to another. Though I was supposed to be the hesitant one between us, she was the one who ended up slightly pulling back and breaking things off.

“Like that,” she murmured, “Now it’s your turn. Kiss me?”

Part 25

In theory, it was a simple enough task. What was another kiss after a few others that had all been strung together? And after everything else we had done beyond kissing?

At the same time, this was my chance to end things between us. To insist that this had to stop, and that fucking her had been a huge mistake, and how Natalie really needed to stop flirting and throwing herself at me whenever humanly possible. But also, she said that she would leave if I kissed her. While playing that game was probably a bad idea, maybe it was more efficient than trying to talk to her rationally. I had tried that before, and it hadn’t gone so well.

Then there was the temptation of the younger girl’s lips brushing against mine, as well as the way she gently exhaled after asking/telling me to kiss her. Between the justification of how doing what she wanted was the lesser evil compared to letting her stay and potentially seduce me into doing more, and the fact that every second of not leaning in was creating that much more sexual tension between us, I finally ended up going for it.

Only to be teased.

Natalie briefly pressed her lips against mine as if she was going to reciprocate my hesitant advance, but shifted away before it could really be called a kiss. “Aren’t you going to hold me, babe?” she asked. With the hand that was currently holding mine, she guided me to her waist and placed me so I was gripping her side.

Temporarily forgetting who I was with or why we shouldn’t be doing any of this, my other hand came up to mirror the grip on her opposite side. It was just the natural thing to do now that my first hand was in place. Feeling the contrast of her smooth skin and the texture of her bikini, I gently pulled her towards me out of instinct.

“Good boy,” Natalie whispered. Running with my light pull, she shifted forward and let her chest press ever so slightly into my body. Enough that I could feel her bikini and her upper curves against my bare skin, but without doing much more than casually resting there. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

Apparently so. Now that my hands were on her and she was teasing me with her body, she was even more difficult to resist than a minute or two ago. I didn’t think twice about leaning in to meet her lips.

This time, she didn’t make me chase. And although I was the one who technically initiated, Natalie was the one who really went for it. The moment our lips met, she locked hers with mine in a far more passionate manner than the previous instance. One of her hands ran through my hair as she deepened the kiss, causing me to grip her more firmly and jerk her forwards as she plunged her tongue into my mouth.

The plan had been one little peck for the sake of getting Natalie to leave. Instead, I found myself fully making out with her and completely unable to hold back. Our lips crashed together again and again, and our bodies were almost completely flush; she pressed into me as I pulled her in, and I was quickly lost in her softness and warmth as she pushed and rubbed my chest with her breasts while doing her best to tangle our limbs in the vertical position.

Just a kiss. It was just supposed to be a kiss.

So why was Natalie’s other hand tugging at the waistband of my swimsuit? It didn’t take her long to find enough room to snake her hand underneath the still damp material. I was hard well before she actually found her way down there, and the young temptress wasted no time in wrapping her hand around me and giving a soft tug.

Tensing up and honestly feeling like I might explode like an inexperienced virgin, I quickly focused my efforts on finding the stamina I normally had. There was just something about Natalie. In less than half a day, she had somehow learned every single button to push, and never failed to make me desperately want her despite my best intentions.

Which made it all the more frustrating when she suddenly took everything away. Everything.

Out of nowhere, Natalie pulled away from what had been a heated make-out session, removed her hand from my swimsuit, and took a big step back. “Okay,” she smiled, “You kissed me. Now I should go, right?”

“I-” I had no fucking clue what to say. She knew exactly what she was doing, yet was acting innocent about the whole thing on the surface. To make matters worse, the bed was behind her. Whether that was intentional or not on her part, I was briefly thinking about what it would take to do everything we just did in a more horizontal position. And, of course, to actually get somewhere more than three seconds of a handjob. Thanks to the sudden wave of cold brought on by the lack of Natalie’s warmth, however, the other part of me was able to remember that all of this was a terrible idea. “Yes,” I said. She needed to leave while I still had some self control. “Go. And no more of this, Natalie. I’m dating-”

“My sister. Yeah, yeah.” Rolling her eyes while keeping up the friendly smile, she said, “We can talk about it later, okay?”

Talk about what later? “Natalie-”

“Sorry, babe. I have to go, remember? Miss me!” She sauntered over to the window, only pausing to blow me a kiss over her shoulder.

I almost told her to stay, except I was still half erect and a bit flustered from everything. Also, shirtless. If I was going to talk Natalie down from her (admittedly hot) advances, wearing clothes would be a good start.

So I let her go. And, just like earlier, I couldn’t keep myself from checking out her backside as she climbed out the window.

Part 26

It was going to be a long weekend.

We weren’t even done with the first day yet, and I was beyond worried about all the things that could go wrong. Even if Jessica never found out about her sister’s antics, or how I had been unable to resist so many of them, I was still going to have to live with the fact that I cheated on her in the worst way possible. And was continuing to do so, considering how I had literally just made out with Natalie.

After making triple sure that the girl wasn’t somehow lingering outside my window, I quickly dropped my swim trunks and proceeded to get dressed. Jeans had been a little hot earlier, as their lake house didn’t have central air. As Jessica had told me about ahead of time, the place was usually fine as long as they kept the windows open and ran the ceiling fans of whatever room(s) we were in. Fine for spring/summer clothes, that is.

I chose a pair of shorts and a light tank top. Normally I wouldn’t put that much thought into what I was wearing, especially on vacation. But I was thinking about Natalie, which was becoming a more and more common occurrence. While the outfit I was wearing was comfortable in the warmer environment, I was also showing a lot of bare skin. Easy for her to touch, and kiss, and-

Shaking my head and doing my best to shake myself out of it, I let out an exaggerated sigh. Yep. Long weekend, indeed. If I could just make it another day or two with limited one on one time with Natalie, something that was clearly going to be difficult when neither my bedroom door or window locked, then things would be easier. Surely the arrival of the sisters’ parents would make it more difficult for her to subtly flirt with me out in the open.

After taking another breath or two to center myself, I opened the door and headed back towards the main floor. It’s not like I could just hide away in my bedroom; even if I could, that would just give Natalie more potential openings. Wait, she wouldn’t try to sneak in after we all went to bed, would she?


Somehow, someway, I was going to have to convince Jessica to share a room with me despite how she had decided that sleeping separately was best when family was around. And there was no good way to explain to her that the opposite was the case when I couldn’t explain why it was actually better if we were in the same bed. Also, we were only going to have so much time to talk alone when her third wheel of a flirty sister would be around for most of the evening.

“Hey, babe,” Jessica said. Greeting me from the kitchen when she noticed me through the hollow window that looked out into the living room, she gestured for me to join her, “Help me cook? Natalie’s too easily distracted to be helpful in the kitchen.”

Yeah, but she can focus on other endeavors she puts her mind to.’ With what I hoped was a straight face, I replied, “Sure thing.” Joining her in the other room, I asked, “What do you need me to do?”

We didn’t cook together too often. The beauty of living in dorms on campus was that meals were provided. As college students, we definitely fit the cliché of going for frozen pizza and other cheap apps that could just be thrown in the oven for late night studying, post-party snacking, etc. The only real exception to the easy/lazy meals was when we went on a fall break trip with some of our friends in October and actually made some real food throughout the extended weekend. And, speaking of clichés, I mostly ended up responsible for whatever Jess and our other female friends told me to do in the kitchen; they were the more organized ones who actually planned out the meals, and the vacation as a whole. Aside from assisting in a minor capacity when it came to preparing the food, the guys and I mostly contributed by doing all the cleaning afterwards.

“Chop those peppers?” she requested, “And get the bread out for when the oven is ready.”

Though I had been slightly hesitant to wear clothes that would potentially give Natalie easier access, I was happy to see Jessica in more casual attire than she had worn on the drive up. The pink tank top was new to me, as I had mostly seen her in autumn and winter clothes so far. Apparently both sisters enjoyed wearing the color. The jean shorts were reminiscent of what Natalie arrived wearing, and I realized I was still thinking about her even when appreciating an outfit that my girlfriend had on.

Cooking with a significant other could be hot under normal circumstances. Enjoying each others’ company whenever we had to ‘figure out’ how to get around each other. Holding her hips and kissing her neck from behind as she worked on the pasta.

Just not when her family was here. So I resigned myself to actually doing the tasks she had given me and nothing else. At least it was just the two of us for the time being. “Can I put on some music?” I asked, after a minute or two. Better than cooking in silence.

I took a short break to connect to the bluetooth and put on a playlist I knew she liked. Jessica didn’t know any of the things that had been going on behind her back; it was definitely more Natalie’s fault, considering how she was the one initiating things and constantly dismissing my reservations, but I still hadn’t been able to say ‘no.’ The lingering guilt is what was making me do things like playing her favorite music. Anything to get myself some brownie points, even if Jessica had no idea why I needed them.

Natalie’s absence should have been a sign that something was up.

She finally joined us on the main floor, with damp hair and a refreshed look that made it clear she had just taken a shower. Her outfit? Jean shorts and a pink crop top. There was absolutely no way it was a coincidence.

“Smells amazing!” she exclaimed. Bounding into the kitchen, she sidled up to me and gave me a playful hip check, “Hey. You two behaving in here?”

Part 27

It hit me a moment later. Natalie smelled exactly like Jessica.

I wasn’t always tuned into my girlfriend’s scent, though I occasionally caught a familiar whiff of her shampoo/perfume when she embraced me or leaned on my shoulder for the first time in a given day. Either Natalie used the same products due to how she grew up with Jessica, or maybe she drowned her hair in a bottle of Jessica’s shampoo just to mess with me. Either way, I easily caught it without the girl attaching herself to me.

Jessica was apparently caught a little off guard as well, except about the outfit. “Did you match me on purpose?” she asked, sounding more confused than accusatory.

“Oh!” Natalie exclaimed. Like she was just now realizing it herself, which was total bullshit considering how I was fairly confident her mission this weekend was to toy with me in as many ways as possible. “Umm, pretty sure I should be asking you that, sis. Pink is my color!”

“Uh huh,” Jessica rolled her eyes, “Well, guess I’m changing after dinner.”

“Literally. No. Fun.” She roamed towards the other side of the kitchen, eventually leaning against the counter that was the most out of the way. Sticking around, but not contributing. Honestly, she probably would just end up getting in the way, as the kitchen wasn’t that big. The fact that she didn’t ask, however, was rather on brand for the girl who seemed to enjoy all the perks of vacation while avoiding any of the work involved along the way. “We’re sisters. Isn’t it kind of hot to dress the same? What does your boyfriend think?”

“He thinks that you’re a pest,” Jessica smirked. It was more playful than the sultry variety I was used to seeing on Natalie. “And that you should set the table instead of bothering us while we’re cooking. Isn’t that right, babe?”

Luckily, this was another teasing exchange. I wasn’t sure if the two of them ever actually fought, and really didn’t enjoy the thought of getting dragged into something like that. “I-”

That’s about as far as I made it before Natalie piped up. “I thought this weekend was all about getting to see my favorite sister, and meeting her amazing boyfriend?” she mused, “Isn’t that right, babe?”

“It’ll take you less than a minute to set the table,” I pointed out. Technically answering to ‘babe,’ though also siding with my girlfriend. Mostly, I just wanted to speak up before the younger girl said anything else that had a bit of a double meaning for the two of us who had done so many taboo acts behind the other’s back. “Unless you want to take my spot instead?”

Fine,” Natalie sighed, like an overly dramatic teenager, “You two can cook; it’s cute.” She pushed off the counter and pulled out plates and silverware for us, heading out into the other room to set everything out. All the while, she idly danced to the music playing on the main floor. Swaying her hips to the beat, occasionally pausing or exaggerating one of her movements to line up with a moment in the song. I wasn’t actively watching her, though I could see enough from where I was positioned in the kitchen. And, of course, she caught one of my little glances. Meeting my eyes with a smile, she blew me a kiss and then got right back to work like it was nothing.

Slightly flushing, I did my best to focus on the task at hand. Natalie really did have my number. No matter how hard I tried to ignore her, she had a way of stealing my attention all over again.

Dinner wasn’t particularly eventful. The three of us were young enough that there was really no formality. We kept the music on, and mostly discussed the ‘plan’ for the next couple days. Tomorrow was Saturday, and it was Spring Break; everyone was in agreement that sleeping in and more boat time was pretty much what we all wanted. There could be a more official itinerary once their parents arrived. In the meantime, my priority was still going to be avoiding as many one on one moments with Natalie as possible.

Unfortunately, Jessica had no idea what was going on between me and her little sister, which meant she wasn’t on my wavelength for that strategy.

“You’re on dish duty, sis,” Jessica said, “We cooked, so you get to clean.” Well, ‘we’ was a strong word; she did most of the heavy lifting.

“Whatever,” Natalie said, “If you’re going up to change, can I borrow your other half? If he doesn’t mind drying, everything will get done a lot faster!”

Well, so much for keeping my distance. I couldn’t exactly deny a simple chore without looking suspicious, though maybe Jessica would insist that Natalie had to do the whole job herself? “Hmm, I guess,” she shrugged, turning towards me, “But don’t let her switch on you. You can dry and put stuff away; Natalie has to do the actual dishes.”

‘Sure I can’t come upstairs with you and help you change?’ Wishful thinking. And definitely not something I could say in front of Natalie. So I ended up grabbing a couple plates from the table and helping Natalie move the dirty dishes into the kitchen. She really did have a way of finding opportunities in just about any situation to make things work in her favor. Told to pull her weight at the lake house? Rather than whining about it, she just leapt at the chance to bring me along.

It also didn’t take her very long to make a move. All of thirty seconds after we finished stacking everything up on the counter, Natalie cornered me by the fridge with her seductive smirk. “Your girlfriend will be upstairs for a minute,” she said, while gazing up at me with those impossibly flirty eyes, “Do you want to kiss me?”

Yes. At least, when she was asking me point-blank in a yes/no fashion. I obviously knew that I shouldn’t kiss her, or entertain the idea of doing anything else that we had done beyond that. And yet, my hesitation in answering wasn’t helping my case.

“Mm hmm,” she hummed, “I thought so. Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss me, babe.”

The kitchen was so public compared to my bedroom. Jessica could be back at any moment. And I had mentally coached myself through so many rational thoughts and potential plans to keep the young vixen at bay.

Despite all that, I found myself leaning forward and closing my eyes.

Part 28

What the fuck was I doing?!

It hit me a second later that I was the one who had physically initiated. Natalie’s hands weren’t on me, nor was she trying to tempt me by leaning in herself like most of the previous instances we had made out. All it took was her eyes and her flirty tone, and I naturally ended up shifting towards her.

By the time I realized that maybe I shouldn’t give her even ammo to use against me, not that she needed it, she had met me halfway. One hand gently resting on my chest, the other holding my side, Natalie pressed her lips into mine. Not actually kissing me, of course. Just waiting for me to make the second ‘first move’ in a matter of seconds, even if she was the one doing so many things that set up these moments.

“Natalie . . . ” I murmured against her lips. Could she feel how my heart rate was quickening from where her hand was? For fuck’s sake, we were in the kitchen. I’m not sure if the risk was subconsciously exciting me or making me nervous to the point that I couldn’t think straight. Either way, my hands moved of their own accord, reaching forward and tentatively gripping her hips. It felt more natural than awkwardly letting them rest by my sides; not because I wanted to pull the girl closer, obviously.

“That’s. My. Name.” The same bratty response she had used once before. Rather than giggle the phrase, however, she gave it a whispered lilt while letting each syllable form against my lips. Idly fiddling with the waistband of my shorts, proving that maybe I should have worn something more difficult for her to get into, “If you want me, you better be quick. We don’t have much time.”

No kidding. Putting on a new tank top would take Jessica all of ten seconds, unless she got distracted and delayed in her room by something else. “I don’t- umm,” I muttered. ‘I don’t want you./ Four simple words. Except they didn’t feel true in the slightest after everything in my room and on the boat, and I was fairly confident she would call bullshit if I tried to reject her in such a manner. ‘We shouldn’t’ was pointless, too. How many times had I tried that?

A sound from upstairs shook me out of the indecision paralysis. Due to how the music was still playing on the main floor, I wasn’t sure if it was a floorboard creaking, a door closing, or maybe Jessica dropping something? Either way, it was enough to make me settle on the fact that I should not be letting Natalie partially pin me against the fridge. Even if I had definitely been leaning towards closing that final distance a few seconds ago.

Natalie seemed to feel the same way where the risk was involved; she was just more calm about it. “Shame. Looks like you missed your chance.” She shifted past my lips and gave my cheek a lingering before pulling back and meeting my eyes. “Next time, just go for it. Trust me, it’ll be fun.” With a soft smirk and a wink, she turned and stepped away, letting her movement remove her hands from me rather than actually taking them off. Then she turned on the faucet and started rinsing off the small pile of silverware that had been consolidated on top of the stack of plates.

Ever teasing, she bent over in just the right way when organizing the utensils in the dishwasher. The jean shorts hugged her ass in a way that was reminiscent of when we first met by her car. Only this time, I didn’t avert my gaze nearly as much. It didn’t help that I didn’t really have anything to do but stand there until she started working on the dishes that needed to be hand washed. And whenever she was upright, she was idly swinging her hips to the music.

I had agreed to help out with the cleaning, as it was only fair, so it wasn’t like I could just leave the room and put some distance between me and the girl. Turns out, whatever noise we heard wasn’t an indication of anything pressing. It took another couple minutes for Jessica to head back downstairs. Whether Natalie somehow timed it or not, she ended up placing a clean pan into my hand mere seconds before her sister came in.

“Making progress?” she asked. The plain blue tee wasn’t as exciting as the low cut of the tank top she had been in before, though I appreciated the differentiation between the two sisters. They had enough similarities in appearance, and I would take anything I could get in terms of mitigating the persistent lust brought on by the younger one. Jessica started clearing the counters and putting things away while we worked by the sink.

Slow progress,” Natalie whined, “Are you sure Prince Charming can’t switch with me? I’m so bad at washing dishes!”

“Uh huh. If only there was a way for you to practice and get better,” Jessica teased, “What do you guys want to do after this? We’ve got the usual board games in the closet, or-”

“We’ll end up playing most of those when Mom and Dad get here,” Natalie said, “Besides, that sounds exhausting right now. We could watch a movie? Or just drinks on the porch.”

Jessica sighed. “It’s almost like I was going to offer some other options before you cut me off. What do you think, babe?”

Hmm. A movie sounded like a commitment. Not for me, but for the two sisters. Ideally, Natalie would go to bed and I could finally have some alone time with Jessica. It probably wouldn’t lead anywhere beyond maybe a bit of making out, though even just some one on one quality time would be a refreshing change of pace compared to how things had been since Natalie arrived.

“Let’s chill on the porch,” I decided, “Our first night should be more social, right?”

“Great idea,” Jessica said, “That cool with you, sis?”

“Mm hmm,” Natalie hummed, “Make me a vodka cran?”

My girlfriend just chuckled. “Enjoy it while you can. Come Monday, we’ll maybe be offered a glass of wine at best. Can I make you something, babe? Rum and coke?”

As Jessica pulled out a couple bottles from our private stash of alcohol, Natalie and I finished up with the dishes. I had no idea what the younger sister had planned moving forward, or if she was just making all of this up along the way. Regardless, she met my eyes while handing me the final pan, biting her lip in her usual cute yet sultry way.

The expression faded as quickly as it arrived. Natalie dried off her hands and turned to Jessica with an innocent smile. “All done, sis! Thanks for lending me your boyfriend.”

Part 29

Similar to when we had been out on the boat, I was a little bit nervous when Jessica handed me a drink. Considering how much her sister had managed to toy with me when I was stone cold sober, even a single mixed drink felt like a bad idea. Granted, Natalie was drinking as well, but still.

Our time on the porch wasn’t particularly eventful. With all three of us sitting out there, Natalie knew better than to risk much. She still found several moments to shoot me a flirty gaze or a subtle smirk, which felt more like my fault than hers; I shouldn’t have been glancing her way in the first place. Meanwhile, Jessica was oblivious to everything. She just answered some more of her sister’s questions about what college was like, and asked Natalie about her own plans.

The eighteen year old was going to a state school, and had no clue what her major was going to be. I could already imagine her partying every weekend and hooking up with people left and right. Quickly shaking a couple visuals from that latter thought, I tried my best to play it cool when Natalie giggled in response to Jessica informing her that I hadn’t settled on a major, either. “We have so much in common!” she chirped.

“Uh huh. Except he actually gets decent grades in the meantime,” Jessica scoffed.

Natalie didn’t seem particularly offended. According to her, life is too short to waste time studying. Not when she could be having fun instead. Her tone wasn’t lost on me.

Other than Natalie’s idle flirting and my efforts to pretend that nothing was going on right in front of my girlfriend, the evening was arguably the most ‘normal’ things had been since her arrival. Beautiful summer evening weather, a view of the lake, and a well deserved vacation with my girlfriend. And her sister. I tried my best to enjoy the calm before the storm, as I was sure that there was more to come.

Around 11 PM, Jessica decided to call it a night. That made sense. While I had been studying for a couple midterms over the last week, she had been responsible for writing three rather lengthy and involved papers. She had also driven us up to the lakehouse on top of all that. Add a few drinks to the mix, and I wasn’t really surprised she was going to bed so early.

“You two can stay out if you want,” she said, “My bedroom’s on the opposite side. Just take it easy on the alcohol, Natalie.”

“No promises!” she grinned.

Of course, I had already resolved that any one on one time with Natalie was dangerous. If she could successfully seduce me in the kitchen when Jessica was wide awake and nearby, I didn’t want to imagine what she was capable of out here after my girlfriend went to bed. I could feel myself slightly stirring below the waist as I imagined the younger girl stripping down and bending over the railing for me. Looking back with that sultry pout and reminding me, ‘You still have one more hole to fuck.

Damnit. “I think I’ll turn in, too,” I said. Not that I could stand up quite yet. My shorts would give away my momentary arousal. Thankfully, my nerves were making it fairly easy to will it away.

Natalie just sighed. “I see how it is. Jess, he doesn’t want to hang out with me!”

“Poor you,” Jessica rolled her eyes, “I wonder if it has anything to do with the whining?”

“Literally, rude! Babe, how can you let her talk to me like that?!”

“Don’t call him that . . . ”

They weren’t actually fighting over me, though that didn’t stop the fucked up fantasy to cross my mind for a moment. Natalie really had done a number on me. Deciding that removing myself from the situation was the best call, I stood up and slightly turned away from Jessica as I picked up my empty glass. I was fairly confident that the front of my shorts was back to normal, yet it somehow felt better to risk Natalie seeing the hint of arousal than trying to explain it to my girlfriend.

At the same time, I wasn’t looking at the younger sister. I focused on the door in front of me and headed inside. By the time Jessica came in behind me, I was for sure fine. She told me that Natalie wasn’t tired, and was going to stay out there. Turns out, only one of them is bold in the kitchen; Jess merely gave me a goodnight peck on the cheek, as she was still trying to avoid potential PDA when family was around. Though she and Natalie had a lot of physical similarities, clearly only one of them enjoyed the public risk.

I wasn’t actually that tired. After heading upstairs and stepping into my room, I closed the door behind me and checked to see if it magically now had the ability to be locked. No dice. Just a basic bedroom door knob. I closed the blinds before changing, as the last thing that I needed was for Natalie to shinny up the side of the house and see me changing through the window. It would be a lot easier to see everything now that it was dark outside.

Just to be extra safe, I stepped into the private bathroom to take off my shorts and put on an athletic pair that would be more comfortable to sleep in. Since I was the only guy this weekend, I had been given a bedroom that offered a little more privacy in terms of taking a shower and so on. Originally, I told Jess that I would be fine with a guest bath down the hall, though now I was grateful to have my own space.

As I had already learned, and would continue to learn, such privacy worked to Natalie’s advantage as well.

When I was done changing and brushing my teeth, I stepped back into the main room. And, at almost the exact same time, she let herself in from the hallway door . . . wearing nothing but a towel.

“Hey, babe,” she murmured, “Jess is using our bathroom. Mind if I shower in yours?”

Part 30

I was both surprised and not surprised in the slightest.

The whole point of changing in the en suite bathroom was because I didn’t trust Natalie when it came to my bedroom. At the same time, I hadn’t expected her to make such an obvious pass at me. Of course she was naked save for the small towel wrapped around her body. If her intentions were pure, the girl would still be dressed. Even if she had toweled up only to find that Jessica was in the other bathroom, a normal girl would have put on her clothes again before asking for a favor like this.

Except Natalie wasn’t a normal girl. She was a young seductress who had pounced on every single opportunity she had throughout the last few hours to tease me, flirt with me, and make countless moves I couldn’t resist.

“She’s probably just brushing her teeth,” I said. Was it possible to pretend like I was taking Natalie’s words at face value? Staying exactly where I was, as proximity had already proven to be my enemy, I attempted to be stern. “Natalie, get out. You can’t be in here like that.”

“So you want me here in other ways?” she grinned. Ignoring me completely, she closed the bedroom door behind her. Still keeping her voice low, she said, “Let’s talk in the bathroom. You don’t want my sister to hear us, do you? I’d hate for her to get the wrong idea!” Not waiting for me to respond, she crossed the room and circled around me and strutted into the bathroom.

As usual, I was not equipped to deal with something like that. Natalie wasn’t exactly wrong. Jessica could be heading downstairs to grab a glass of water, or something she left in the living room, or to turn off a light that her irresponsible sister forgot to hit on the way upstairs. Any number of things that would result in her walking past my room and hearing hushed voices on the other side of the door. Even if Natalie and I hadn’t done anything–this time, at least–it wouldn’t look good for her to be in a towel and hanging out with me with the door closed.

Grimacing to myself, as I knew that doing what Natalie wanted was likely a bad idea regardless of how she framed it, I turned around and followed her into the bathroom.

It wasn’t a particularly cramped space, though it was definitely designed for just one person to use at a time. No double vanity or anything like that. “Look, Natalie-”

“Shh.” She placed her index finger against her lips in the universal ‘we need to be quiet’ gesture; it ended up drawing attention to her lips in general as well. “Close the door,” she whispered, “Just in case.”

Okay, my girlfriend’s hearing wasn’t that good. Then again, giving us that second layer of sound-proofing would mean that we could talk at a more normal volume. The whispers and murmurs made all of this feel more intimate, even though this wasn’t exactly the sexiest room. Well, there was always the shower. Not that I was thinking about that . . .

Once I reluctantly did as I was told, still feeling like anything that lowered the risk of Jess finding out about any number of things Natalie and I had done behind her back was the best play, I asked, “What do you want, Natalie?” As if I didn’t already know. Even with the door closed, I spoke rather quietly on instinct.

She tilted her head in false confusion. “Whatever do you mean? I already told you, remember?”

Right. To shower in my room. That was definitely why she was here. “You know what I mean,” I said.

“No, I don’t,” she pouted, “Why don’t you explain it to me, babe?”

Fuck. The way she was jutting out her lower lip and giving me puppy dog eyes somehow made me stir below the waist despite how nervous I was about this whole situation. If Jessica did come and check on me for whatever reason, I wasn’t sure that she’d believe that her sister’s toweled self was just here to use my bathroom. “Natalie-”

“Hey, can you do me a favor?” Stepping forward, still training those deep ‘innocent’ eyes on me, she asked, “Hold my towel up? I’d hate for it to fall off.” She took both my hands and guided them to the sides of her chest, where I ended up partially palming her breasts over the towel. “There. How’s that?”

What was wrong with me?!

It’s not like the girl was being particularly assertive with my limbs. I could have pulled free from her grip if I wanted to and, even now, all it would take was a big step back. As if being behind closed doors wasn’t enough, our current position made it feel like we were seconds away from doing something I couldn’t take back. Again.

Despite my nervousness, I ended up being reluctantly turned on like pretty much every time Natalie was casually seducing me. It was probably just the alcohol, paired with the exhaustion of a long day. And if I removed my hands now, I risked being the reason she ‘accidentally’ dropped her towel. It was difficult enough to resist her as things were; I had learned from experience that I didn’t stand a chance when she was naked and smirking up at me with those sultry eyes. Or, more likely, I was just clinging to any excuses I could think of.

Though Natalie was physically like a mini Jessica, their bedroom energy was night and day.

“Umm . . . ” I trailed off. Glancing away didn’t seem to break her spell, nor did it help me find a safe answer to her question.

Easily reading my expression and calling out how I was averting my gaze, she said, “Hey. Look at me, babe. You said you wanted to talk tonight, right?”

Did I? Everything from earlier was such a blur.

Once I met her eyes again, she pursed her lips in a smile and said, “Good boy. Okay, let’s talk.”

Part 31

Was this really the right time to talk?

Despite how nonchalant Natalie was being about all this, the situation still felt somewhat charged. She was naked save for a towel. My hands were on her, which meant I was stuck looking into her eyes as we stood face to face. And we were together behind two closed doors, where no one would catch us. Not that we were doing anything. Not that I was going to do anything.

At least, that was always what I told myself, but the effortlessly flirty eighteen year old had a way of changing my mind every single time.

When the silence dragged on a few seconds too long, I realized I was going to have to be the one to kick the conversation off. She was clearly more than content staying suspended in the intimate position. To make things more daunting, Natalie gently rested her hands on my shoulders. Now that she was done guiding my own hands, I could already hear her saying something along the lines of, ‘Well, I have to put them somewhere!’ With the usual lilt, of course. And if I mentioned her ‘innocent’ touch, that would delay what we actually needed to talk about.

Against my better judgment, I ignored the rest and launched into the talk that would have been a lot better in pretty much any other lake house room. With Natalie dressed, of course. It also felt somewhat pointless, as I was really only echoing what I had tried to say several times before. Without any preparation for this, my thoughts weren’t exactly organized.

“Natalie.” That already felt like a mistake. She perked up slightly at her name, gazing up at me with a cute smile. “I’m dating Jessica. Your sister.” Did I really need to state why all of this was wrong? Of course, I was assuming it was the taboo she was chasing. While I liked to consider myself decently attractive, I doubted a girl like her would take one look at me and decide that we should hook up.

“Mm hmm. I know.” Her fingers idly fiddled with the shoulder part of my tank top, and she never once took her eyes off me. “Don’t you remember what I said, babe? I can’t let you date my lovely sister until I know that she has someone who can satisfy her. And since I doubt she will talk about her sex life . . . ”

Right. I had completely forgotten about that little line she had used earlier. It was just as crazy the second time around; in order to get Natalie’s approval, she wanted me to fuck her? Granted, I knew she didn’t actually mean it. It was teasingly logical on the surface, while actually just a seductive excuse to break the rules and fool around with me behind her sister’s back.

Internally cringing at what I was about to remind her of, even if Natalie had literally been there and was well aware of what we had done, I pointed out, “We already did all that. Earlier.” When she had gone down on me, before I ended up fucking her with Jessica’s voice in the background.

Apparently Natalie was ready for that. “Uh huh. And was I satisfied? Or were you the only one that got off?”

“I- That’s not what I mean,” I flushed. Also, she had been the one leading everything earlier. There was never once a chance to reciprocate, especially considering how quickly we had to wrap things up.

“In your defense, it did feel good,” she softly smirked, “When you were inside me, that is. But you were the only one who got an orgasm, so it didn’t really count. How can I trust that you don’t leave Jessica wanting?”

I hesitated. Not because I was actually considering the concept of pleasuring Natalie for the sake of her approval; it just felt like a bad idea to say anything about my sex life with her sister. The two of them seemed to have a good enough relationship, though there was still the matter of trust. Somehow that line felt more important than the lines Natalie and I had already crossed. At the same time, saying nothing would imply that she was right. So, I aimed to deflect. “This is cheating, Natalie.” Perhaps saying the obvious would have some effect.

“And that doesn’t turn you on? Not even a little bit?” she asked, with a cute tilt of her head, “It’s not like she has to know. You’re not going to tell her, are you?”

What Jessica doesn’t know won’t hurt her.’ That’s what Natalie said earlier. A classic line. I also couldn’t deny that the younger girl before me didn’t turn me on. However, this had all spiraled out of control so quickly. I genuinely had no idea if the wrongness was part of the arousal that Natalie was so easy to spark, or any number of other factors–her shameless flirting, her ‘innocent’ routine, the fact that she was more or less a younger Jessica, etc. Her age and her relationship with my girlfriend could easily be part of it; I still hadn’t had any real time to process Natalie’s advances since she first arrived, including how I was going to handle this conversation.

“Of course I’m not going to tell her,” I muttered, “But, that doesn’t mean-”

“And my lips are sealed,” Natalie cut me off, with that same sultry smile, “These lips, anyway. You’re welcome to penetrate the other ones.”

So much for finesse. Now that I had fucked her once, she clearly had no problem being more direct with me. Which was fair, when she was practically naked in here. And also made it difficult to have a rational discussion.

Natalie was more than happy to run with my hesitation. “And I did promise you my last hole.” Shifting forward and glancing up with those deep ‘fuck me’ eyes, she said, “You’ll know I’ll be clean back there if you shower with me.”

Part 32

That was the exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve. Yet the offer didn’t surprise me in the slightest, considering where we were and how she was ‘dressed’ for a shower.

“Natalie, you’re not listening,” I said. Or, more accurately, she was being highly selective about what she heard.

“You’re not even saying anything,” she huffed, “I’ve asked you so many questions! I’m trying to get to know my sister’s boyfriend, and he’s being so stubborn. Come on, babe. You can be honest with me.”

There was still nowhere else to look but into her eyes. She was also clearly content taking her sweet time with all this. There was no rush, as everyone else had turned in for the night. Crass as some of her words had been, the girl before me didn’t seem interested in just pouncing on me. Despite my persistent reluctance, she always set things up so we were both giving consent along the way. Which made me complicit, of course.

Though she was absolutely using my body against me at times, I could say ‘no’ at any step along the way. Even now, the best play was probably to walk away and tell her to get on with her shower. Instead, I stayed. Allowed myself to get more tangled up in her seductive games.

“And you can be less of a brat,” I muttered.

Instead of looking offended, her eyes lit up. “I love it when guys call me that. Okay, let’s make a deal. I’ll be less bratty if you’ll be more honest. So. Do I turn you on? Yes, or no?”

As if it was that black and white. Although there was really only one answer, considering how I had been hard for her multiple times earlier. She certainly wouldn’t believe any attempts at a denial. Slightly flushing in frustration, I said, “Yes. But, that doesn’t mean-”

“I knew it!” she exclaimed. Taking another half step closer and lowering her voice again, she went on, “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. Alright, next question. Are you a selfish boy who only cares about his own pleasure? Or do you make sure that the girl has a good time, too?”

“What do you think?” I sarcastically replied. Then again, she had already mentioned that I was the only one who got off before. Because, circumstances. Also, Natalie was eighteen, meaning any exploration she had done thus far was probably hit or miss in terms of whether partners took care of her or not. That train of thought was enough for me to briefly picture myself between her legs, which I tried to shake off as quickly as possible. And, since Natalie had already gotten on my case about actually answering questions, I tacked on, “Of course I reciprocate.” I braced myself for how she was going to insist I ‘owed her’ or something.

Instead, she just smiled. “Good boy. That’s one point for you. But sisterly approval doesn’t come cheap. Let’s say you need . . . hmm, how about ten points? That sounds fair!”

“No, thanks,” I said, “You should go, Natalie.” A lot of what she was throwing at me was confusing and difficult to deal with, though I knew for sure I had no interest in entertaining this latest suggestion. I wasn’t about to let her start some arbitrary point system.

“But, I haven’t showered yet,” she pouted, “And you’ve barely answered any questions! How about one more? For me? Pretty please?” The girl definitely wasn’t following through on her end of the deal, as this was pretty bratty behavior.

With a sigh, I said, “Fine. One more.” To keep us from being suspended in this position, obviously. Not because of how cute or effective her expression was.

Her eyes sparkled just like before. Taking another half step forward, she said, “Hmm, only one question. If I could ask you anything in the world . . . ” Trailing off in false thought, as if she didn’t already know exactly what she was going to throw at me, she lowered her voice like we were sharing a secret. “Do you want to shower with me right now?”

Somehow, I hadn’t seen that one coming. I had been bracing myself for something that revolved around her and/or Jessica in general, rather than her bringing things back to our current setting. Very much on my back foot, especially as her words immediately sparked a couple visuals in my mind, I scrambled to think of something to say.

Happy to fill the silence, Natalie clarified, “And not should we shower together. I’m asking if you want to. Yes, or no?”

There was really no point in lying. I had literally fucked the girl, and admitted that she turned me on. What guy wouldn’t want to shower with an attractive girl who was offering? Deciding that it was more efficient to be honest, even though her question was once again more gray than she made it sound, I hesitantly muttered, “Yes. But, we’re-”

“I fucking knew it,” she giggled, “Although I don’t know if you should get a point for that. Even if I am the better sister.”

Still trying to be a good boyfriend despite how nothing would change what Natalie and I had already done, I tried to avoid the obvious temptation to actually follow through with what I just said I wanted. The invitation had already been implied, and I was sure she would be using my answer against me any second. “That was your last question,” I reminded her, “Now hurry up and shower so I can go to bed.” It was a little early to actually turn the lights off; I was just trying to put a clock on her.

“I can’t shower without hot water,” Natalie said. She lowered her hands from my shoulders and gripped her towel so I wouldn’t have to. “Why don’t you be a gentleman and find a good temperature for me? I’ll wait right here. Oh. But first, be a good boy and kiss me!”

Part 33

Natalie leaned forward, gazing up at me with her lips pursed in a sultry smirk.

As usual, she was being bratty and persistent when it came to seducing me, yet waiting for me to give in at the same time. I was still confident she didn’t actually like me, considering how we had barely known each other for half a day. This was just a game to her, and/or a taboo desire. Taking something–or, more accurately, someone–she shouldn’t have. She had jumped me back on the boat, but otherwise I was catching onto the fact that it was more fun for her if I was given the chance to resist her advances.

Aside from my own hang-ups, there was nothing stopping us right now. We had almost kissed in the kitchen earlier. Honestly, it probably would have happened if she had me alone for another few seconds. There was far less risk here, and her words from that almost-moment were echoing in my head. ‘Next time, just go for it.’ Easier said than done, of course. Yet I certainly wasn’t shying away from her, either. “Natalie . . .“

“I swear to God, if you say ‘we shouldn’t,’ I’m going to scream,” she huffed, “Come on, babe. You want me. I want you. It’s not that complicated. What are you waiting for?” Then she lifted onto her toes and closed her eyes, tilting her head as she approached.

As if on autopilot, I did the same. It would have been weird to just stare at her as she brought us into an even more intimate proximity. I still didn’t kiss her. At least, not technically. Her lips brushed against mine and I allowed her to stay a hair’s breadth away, all while I wrestled with whether or not to actually let this happen again. It would be so easy, and she wasn’t wrong about the fact that I wanted her.

Ever the tease, Natalie seemed to be in no rush whatsoever. She merely existed in a kissable range, her lips pressing against mine and parting ever so slightly. I could feel every gentle breath against my own lips as we stood together in silence.

Jessica didn’t need to know. The temptress before me had been crystal clear about that. I did trust Natalie to keep all of this to herself, as I’m sure she didn’t want to forever ruin the relationship she had with her sister. And the longer she and I stayed suspended in the quiet drum roll, the less inclined I was to pull away. After what could have easily been ten seconds or ten minutes, I finally parted my own lips and closed what little distance was left between us.

This kiss was different.

My first make-out experience with Natalie was all passion, which had thoroughly set her apart from her sister. We had shared a similar energy out on the lake, when she pounced me out of nowhere. Now it was like she was swinging the opposite direction, and demonstrating that she was perfectly capable of being soft and patient when she wanted to be. Either that, or coaxing me back to her after the extended break since our last real time together.

Natalie gently took my lower lip. She pulled back from the lingering kiss long enough to exhale, then repeated the process with my upper lip. Though I met her exploratory pressure with my own, she was definitely the one leading. Teasing me in a brand new way. Our hands weren’t even involved at this point, as we had recently separated from the partial embrace.

The whole thing ended a lot more abruptly than I had anticipated. After another few kisses that were barely more than intimate pecks, I pushed in to initiate something of my own after she brushed against my lips one too many times without actually doing anything. And, when I did, she took a big step back. “Pause for a sec, babe,” she said, “You were going to heat up the water for us, right?”

“ . . . Right. No, wait.” Fucking brat. I thought she was just being a tease and finally getting on with the flimsy excuse she had used to slip into my room in the first place. After hooking me on her yet again, of course. That is, until I belatedly processed that she included me in the shower she was referencing. “Natalie-”

“You said you wanted to.” Belatedly twisting my words, looking as cute and confident as ever in her small towel, she gestured towards the shower. “Pretty please? I’m getting cold. At least start the water. Then we can figure out the rest.”

There were no arguments from me. Though I knew at some level that running the shower without settling this first was a bad idea, I could also use the moment to take a breath. I already wanted more of a kiss with Natalie, and it probably wouldn’t take much convincing on her end to get me into the tub with her at this rate. So I turned away and took my best guess at the hot/cold ratio; I had yet to shower in here, which meant I wasn’t familiar with what the sweet spot was.

And, as I turned the water on, I wondered if there was anything I could say to Natalie that she wouldn’t effortlessly turn into a way to flirt with me. Or if I even wanted to leave the bathroom at this point. We had already fucked each other once. And, the more we did with each other, the easier it was getting to justify going along with all this now that the damage was done.

Apparently it wasn’t going to be much of a decision.

As I stood up and turned back around, I found myself face to face with a fully naked Natalie.

Her towel was crumpled on the floor around her feet, and she was clasping her hands in front of her crotch to maintain that last bit of mystery as she otherwise bared her body to me. “Well?” she asked, with a small smile, “Are you going to stay, or not?”

Part 34

From our very first interaction to the present, I had yet to perceive Natalie as ‘slutty.’ Even when she was throwing herself at me, she walked that perfect line of cute and hot so well, and managed to be direct while not being overt or over the top with her seduction tricks. Here she was, standing fully nude in front of me, and it was really tough to think of anything else but leaping at the opportunity.

The one thing that kept me in reality was the fact that I was still dressed. I could still remove myself from the situation and avoid fucking the younger girl again; she would probably take a shower in here regardless, but that was obviously better than cheating on my girlfriend. Of course, that didn’t stop me from drinking in Natalie’s body with my eyes, when I should have been averting my gaze.

Natalie’s ‘logic’ was also starting to get to me. Doing the right thing didn’t mean nearly as much now that we had already done so much behind Jessica’s back. If I had to carry the secret of what Natalie and I did earlier to the grave anyway, maybe it was better to lean into all of this and get the most out of it. And, though it was a ridiculous concept to justify the thoughts racing through my mind, maybe getting on board with Natalie’s games and not resisting in the slightest would decrease her interest in me. She clearly enjoyed the chase, unless it was purely the allure of the taboo; my assumption was that it was both for her.

Before I could think through any of the ideas sparked by Natalie’s nudity, she walked up to me and moved things along when I didn’t come up with a response to her recent question. “I think you should stay,” she said. With that, she lowered herself to her knees and reached forward to undo the button on my shorts. She took her sweet time, too. Gripping the waistband, pausing to give me a chance to reject her, then deftly popping the button free when I ended up both frozen and speechless.

What was I supposed to say? A hot eighteen year old was more or less offering to go down on me. Again. I knew it was wrong, but it was getting more difficult to say ‘no’ to her with every passing minute. I was no longer just thinking with my brain, either. The sight of Natalie on her knees, casually undressing me with her lips pursed in that sultry smile, was enough to get me to stir below the waist.

After taking care of the button, she proceeded to slowly pull down my zipper, keeping her gaze trained on me all the while. Once the shorts were loose around my waist, she pulled them down far enough down my thighs that gravity would do the rest of the work for her. Then, just as nonchalantly as she had approached everything else, Natalie rested her hand on my crotch.

All it took was a single touch over my boxers for my faint arousal to turn into something a lot more telling. “You want to stay.” She shifted down far enough to slip her hand underneath one of the leg holes, then worked her way back up my bare thigh until she had a gentle grip on my partial hardness.

It wasn’t lost on me that she had so quickly gone from ‘I think’ to ‘You want.’ And I did, which I affirmed with a reluctant nod.

“Say it, babe.” After tracing up and down with her fingertips enough to work me closer towards a full erection, she teased away with her hand, retreating from my underwear long enough to get a grip on the waistband instead. Rather than further stripping me, Natalie merely fiddled with the fabric.

Knowing she wouldn’t continue until I did what she wanted, I muttered, “I want to stay.” Obviously. My window to shut this down had very much come and gone.

“Mm hmm,” she hummed. Rewarding me right away, she began pulling down my underwear. Pausing for suspense, letting my cock provide a moment of natural resistance against her little tugs, she then pulled the garment enough that I popped free of the fabric.

Right away, she leaned forward and took me into her mouth.

Fuck. With a single bob of her head, whatever lingering reservations I had about all of this vanished. Between the warmth and wetness that welcomed me–complete with her tongue playing against my manhood–as well as the literally steamy setting as Natalie went down on me while the hot water continued running in the background, I was officially under her spell.

To my dismay, she pulled back and detached herself within seconds. “Take off your shirt,” she quietly demanded.

I didn’t need to be told twice. Grabbing the hem of my tank top, I pulled it over my head and haphazardly tossed it towards the corner of the bathroom.

“Good boy.” Once again rewarding me in a way that made it obvious that she was doing so because I had done what she wanted, she wrapped her lips around me down there a second time. She pulled back just like before, this time standing up while saying, “But you already fucked that hole, babe.”

Now that we were both fully undressed and I was sufficiently turned on, all it took was a simple statement like that to make me throb in need. I knew exactly what she meant, and what she was leading to.

Natalie pressed her body into mine and gently rubbed against me. It was more than enough to make me put my hands on her on instinct, and keep her close. Not too close, apparently, as she shifted her hips back so I could no longer grind her beyond the fleeting moment I had been given. “You already fucked that hole, too,” she smirked, “Let’s go, babe. You can take me from behind in the shower.”

Part 35

Natalie took my hand and walked me the short distance to the tub, no doubt keeping hold of me on the off chance I found the resolve/morality to pull back at the last second. However, I was too far gone at this point. Not only was I hard, but I was being led into the shower by a naked girl who was offering me something my own girlfriend wasn’t willing to try.

It was never that big of a deal, especially since Jessica’s sex drive was high enough that we fucked each other way more than I had done with previous partners. But now that a mini version of her was giving me the chance, while I was clouded by lust and justifying all of this enough to continue going along with it, I followed her behind the curtain that marked the point of no return.

The water ended up being the perfect temperature despite how I had been blindly guessing when turning the knobs. It very well could have been too hot initially, but the shower had been running for a couple minutes while Natalie was nudging me to stay. She already had one of my hands, and she brought it up to her chest and guided me to cup her breast. “Wash me, babe,” she murmured. Finding my other hand and bringing it up to mirror the first one, “Put your hands all over me.”

Her chest felt just as good the second time around, with the added sensation of her body quickly becoming wet all over as the water flowed down from her shoulders. Without even thinking about it, I gave her a gentle squeeze and brushed my thumb over one of her nipples like she had led me to do in my bedroom earlier.

The gesture resulted in a shaky breath from her, as well as eyes that practically begged me to fuck her. It didn’t feel like an act, especially since she was the one who showed me that she liked being touched in such a way. “We have to be quiet,” she said. Placing her hands on my sides and turning us so the water was hitting my shoulders directly, she went on, “If you think I’m being too loud, I want you to cover my mouth. Call me a bad girl. Or maybe . . . a brat?”

Why was that so hot? As usual, it was difficult to avoid comparing Natalie to her sister due to their physical similarities. The kind of dynamic/roleplay she was suggesting was not at all what I was used to when it came to Jessica; we weren’t necessarily vanilla, but we also weren’t particularly adventurous.

“You are a brat,” I said. Infuriatingly persistent, yet irresistible at the same time. Just for good measure, I punctuated my words with a firm squeeze.

“Mmm,” she purred, “I like it when boys are rough with me. Is my sister the same way?”

That caused me to both flush and falter. Showering with Natalie was already wrong in so many ways. Sharing anything intimate about my relationship with Jessica, however, was a completely different kind of line. One I shouldn’t cross, even if it was approached in a teasing and nonchalant way. “That’s personal,” I quietly replied. Being direct was probably the best call.

Natalie just smiled. “I’m going to take that as a ‘no.’ Well? Are you going to wash me, or do you just want to play with my boobs all night?”

Brat. We hadn’t even been standing like this for that long, and she was the one who had put my hands on her chest in the first place. In response to the teasing way she was calling me out, I pinched both of her nipples. Not that hard, as I was used to how sensitive Jessica’s breasts were; it was instinct to touch Natalie in a similar way.

She sharply inhaled and arched towards my hands, rather than away. Then she bit her lip and glanced up at me with the sultry expression that she had given me a few times before this. “Don’t be shy,” she murmured, “I’m not as fragile as my sister.”

That sparked me to pinch her more sharply. Natalie knew that bringing up my girlfriend wasn’t the most comfortable for me, but she obviously wanted me to continuously be aware of just who I was fooling around with. Of course, she was wrong about Jessica. There was plenty of passion in the bedroom when it came to me and my girlfriend. Then again, I had never done this particular gesture on her.

Natalie tensed up from the pain/pleasure combination. However, it wasn’t too much for her, based on the way her head tilted back slightly as she let out a soft moan. She sounded like Jess, somewhat, though Natalie’s pitch was consistently a little bit higher. Looking mildly worried after the jolt of pleasure had passed, which was honestly refreshing compared to the usual smug smirk, she said, “I mean it, babe. Cover my mouth if I get too loud.”

“Or you could stop being such a slut.” The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. It just felt like such a natural response. Though her demeanor was cute, flirting, and disarming, I could at least call her out on the sounds she was making in the resonant space we were in. It was only fair, considering how she had just done something similar to me.

She didn’t look offended; in fact, it was the opposite. “There he is,” she grinned. Her hand appeared against my still hard cock, and she was quick to wrap her fingers around me. “Call me whatever you want. Slut. Brat. Bitch. Take your pick.”

“All of the above,” I said. If she was offering, that is. Name calling in the bedroom wasn’t my first instinct.

“Yes, please,” she said, “Now, come on. Stop feeling me up and get the soap. The sooner I’m squeaky clean, the sooner you can fuck me.”

Part 36

In classic teasing fashion, Natalie actually wanted this shower to be a shower on top of what it actually was with both of us naked in the confined space. When I reached for the soap, like she had told me to do, she clarified and said that I needed to start with her hair. So instead, I took the shampoo, while she turned around and faced away from me for this part. Of course, she didn’t just stand there. Rather than simply offering me her hair to wash, she also made a point to back up enough that her backside was nudging against me. A reminder of what was to come, as well as a subtle way to keep me up during this less sexual portion of the shower.

“You’ve showered with Jessica, right?” she casually asked, as I began working the shampoo in. Honestly, it didn’t make a lot of sense for me to be doing this particular part. Natalie knew her hair a lot better than I did; I’d be better off washing her body, as that was more straightforward than dealing with longer locks I had no experience with.

Because I hadn’t showered with Jessica; that first now belonged to Natalie. It wasn’t as if my girlfriend and I had an opportunity to do so on campus, and the autumn trip we had taken with our friends only had one and a half bathrooms that our small group had to share over the long weekend. Honestly, if Natalie hadn’t come up to the lake house early, there’s a good chance Jess and I would be doing this ourselves tonight.

The silver lining of Natalie having her back to me was that she couldn’t study my reaction to yet another mention of her sister. “I can still leave,” I reminded her. That really would be the ultimate tease, and she would absolutely deserve it. Except I was currently dealing with a sexual form of sunk cost fallacy, where Natalie and I had crossed enough lines that I didn’t care any more. We had already stripped down and were taking a shower together; if anything, fucking her was so I’d at least get something out of this after she put me in so many situations that I would have to take to my grave.

“Rude,” she murmured, “Make sure you really work it in, babe. The shampoo, I mean.”

Uh huh. Once again risking a little roughness I would never go for with her sister, I grasped Natalie’s hair and leaned forward to speak closer to her ear. “Brat.” And yet, her casual suggestive words worked, as I couldn’t help but picture burying myself inside of her.

Based on her breathy inhale, it was hardly a punishment for her. Her head tilted back as well, though it was unclear whether that was her following the grip I had on her locks or to preempt a moan that never quite came. Releasing her breath, she taunted, “Harder, Daddy.”

I rolled my eyes, not that she could see it. “Don’t call me that.” Whether she was kidding or not, as it was always difficult to tell with her tone, I had never been into the cliché term. Hopefully my objection would be taken seriously, rather than it turning into something like the Jessica references that she made a game out of in response to my distaste for it.

Gently swaying her hips from side to side, once again brushing against me down there, she said, “Harder, babe.” Though I couldn’t see her face, Natalie’s smirk was basically audible as she adjusted to a more affectionate name. The same one she had used so soon after meeting me, and rather frequently since then, even though a term like that was generally reserved for partners.

I couldn’t complain. It was preferable to what she had started with, plus I had already let it slide so many times before. Instead of bothering with a verbal response, I just gave her hair a firm yank.

She gasped again, then fucking giggled. “Just make sure you get those knots out afterwards, okay?”

Now that she had opened the door for me to call her names, I had ‘brat’ on the tip of my tongue again. Except she would probably enjoy that, and I was still trying to figure out if it was possible to punish her in a way that wouldn’t make her smirk or moan. Unlikely, considering how she was into roughness. Literally anything I did would only encourage her.

Focusing on the task that got us into all this, I began running my fingers through her hair. Gently and efficiently, which ended up proving that there was no winning when it came to showering with Natalie. Now things felt more intimate, which only made me think of Jessica and what a shower with her might be like. As if the similar hair and skin tone weren’t enough, Natalie’s little sighs of contentment were reminiscent of the sounds Jessica made when she was relaxed.

It didn’t take long to wash her hair once was holding still and being quiet. I made sure the shampoo made it all the way to the ends of her locks, and lightly massaged her scalp for good measure. Essentially doing everything I could to keep her from complaining and drawing the process out, as I was more interested in the part that came next. She did tell me to put my hands all over her body.

Once I was done, Natalie turned around and stepped underneath the water. With closed eyes, she tilted her head back and raised her hands to rinse everything out herself; her back naturally arched from the movements, causing her chest to slightly jut out. I couldn’t help but stare, and was somewhat tempted to give her a squeeze like before. She probably wouldn’t complain, and was maybe even baiting me to do so.

After the brief show, she took a step forward, opened her eyes, and looked up at me with a smile. “You’re in charge, babe,” she said, “What next?”

Part 37

It definitely didn’t feel like I was in charge.

I was older and taller than Natalie, and presumably stronger. Yet even after exploring a bit of roughness with the girl, I was still hesitant on some level. If I didn’t say or do something, however, she was almost certainly going to be smug about my indecision and come up with her own idea.

“Close your eyes,” I said. Somewhat stalling, but I’d also be able to think better when she wasn’t gazing at me with that innocent yet seductive look.

She did as she was told. After letting her eye contact linger for another second or two, she gently lowered her lids. Putting her own spin on my command, she also softened her expression.

Fuck me. Though her smirk could drive me crazy sometimes, I’d almost prefer that to the vulnerable image before me. For a younger girl, she seemed to know what she was doing, and how to make me want her even more despite all the reasons I shouldn’t. Meanwhile, I still had to figure out where I was taking this. “Don’t speak.” If she was going to play games, I might as well do the same. She wouldn’t be able to tease me nearly as well in this state.

Ever the brat, she responded with a sultry hum. Technically following the rules, especially since I couldn’t fully ban her from making sounds. I wanted to hear what worked on her, not to mention the fact that it would quickly get awkward if she was completely silent moving forward.

Going for her breasts again would be too obvious. I did take a nice long look, as now I could do so without her taunting me about it. After briefly considering simply grabbing the soap and proceeding to wash her, I opted for something that might actually catch her off guard.

Glancing down to make sure I was completely avoiding her hips and thighs along the way, I positioned my hand inches from her slit before closing the rest of the distance and giving her a good rub.

To my satisfaction, she tensed up and let out a little squeak of surprise. To her credit, however, she recovered quickly. Natalie quietly exhaled and gently thrusted her hips towards my hand, both giving me permission and asking for more while abiding by my rules.

“Slut,” I murmured. She had been throwing herself at me all day. I would never dare say that to Jessica in the bedroom, as she wasn’t into such things, but Natalie had literally suggested that as an option. And, at the moment, it felt more appropriate than ‘brat.’

It was difficult to tell whether or not she was wet down there due to the setting, though her reaction was telling enough. Considering my persistent reluctance throughout the day, the focus had really only been on my own pleasure as she worked her seductive magic. Natalie had literally told me as much recently, about how I was the only one who got off earlier.

For a minute or two, I gave her a taste or her own medicine. Tracing up her slit with my fingertips, lightly stimulating her clit from the outside, and generally keeping my touch as soft and slow as possible. She deserved being teased in such a way, and I couldn’t deny that I took some satisfaction when she eventually whined as I prodded her entrance for a moment, only to slip back out the moment my fingers parted her lips.

After a full day of dealing with her nonsense, it felt good to hear her needy sounds. Natalie would occasionally roll her hips forward, clearly trying to get more stimulation than what I was giving her. Riding the high of bossing her around, I sternly demanded, “Hold still. Don’t move an inch.”

In response, she thrusted towards my hand.

I don’t know why I expected total obedience, considering her bratty tendencies. In response, I removed my hand completely, instead using it to give her nipple a sharp pinch.

That got her attention. Natalie yelped, slightly jumping as well. “Hey!” she exclaimed, with a soft giggle rather than any kind of negative reaction. Opening her eyes, she smirked up at me, “Fucking finally. I told you, I like it when my boys are rough.”

If you insist,’ I thought. With only so many experiences under my belt at my age, I hadn’t experimented that much with roughness. Mostly since girls like Jessica weren’t into that. But with Natalie both offering and overtly baiting me with her attitude, I was less hesitant. Pinching her nipple again, adding a slight twist this time, I said, “And I told you to hold still.”

After a breathy inhale, meeting my eyes the entire time, she bit her lip and finally did as she was told. The unspoken message was clear–‘If you play along, I’ll play along.’

I just had to figure out what to do next. She wanted me to be rough with her, though I was hesitant to do too much with her nipple. I wasn’t sure where the line was where pinching was concerned, plus it was a little inconvenient to keep the grip up when her chest was wet from the shower. Thinking on my feet, and going with the end goal of what she had been reminding me of for quite some time now, I said, “Turn around.”

“Mmm,” she hummed. Rather than doing so right away, Natalie kept her gaze trained on me and reached out to cup my hardness for a moment. “Anything you say, babe.” She dropped her hand again and turned in the direction that allowed my hand on her chest to brush against her opposite breast. Without being prompted, she bent over slightly and placed her hands on the tile wall and glanced over her shoulder. “Like this?”

Well, if she was going to make it easy. “Just like that,” I said. Taking in the sight of her pert rear for a moment, I wasted no time in giving it a firm slap.

Part 38

I was tempted to go right for it.

Natalie was in position, she had taunted me with this numerous times at this point, and I was ready to take a little control after her shameless advances that continued to jeopardize my relationship with Jessica. There was also the justification that as soon as I fucked her like this, we could theoretically be done fooling around behind her sister’s back. Obviously I knew that such logic was ridiculous when I was naked in the shower with Natalie, and I couldn’t push all the blame on the seductive eighteen year old, but I wasn’t exactly thinking with just my brain at the moment.

She yelped in a playful way when I spanked her. Looking forward now, she tilted her head from side to side, as if she needed to crack her neck to prepare for what was coming. “Jessica has good taste,” she murmured.

I couldn’t tell if she was trying to bait me, or just remind me of my girlfriend’s existence with the casual ‘compliment.’ Either way, I slapped the same side as before. “Shut up,” I simply said. She wanted me in charge, unless that was just another tease. And she liked her boys rough, which made one sister who was into that stuff. Deciding to preempt whatever bratty response she might think of, I gave her another spank. “And behave.”

Natalie jumped a little bit at the third slap, then proceeded to do her usual ‘obedient but not quite obedient’ thing in response to my bossy treatment of her. While she didn’t say another word, she let out a content hum and gently swayed her hips from side to side.

Though I knew in the back of my mind that I didn’t have anything to prove to her, all things considered, I didn’t want to just shove it in. Part of that was my experiences with Jessica, and how she appreciated a decent amount of foreplay; I also didn’t want to give Natalie the satisfaction of immediately caving while she was flaunting herself and all but inviting me to take her from behind.

Splitting the difference, I held her hips and pressed myself against her. Despite the occasional sister references that made me hesitate whenever I remembered who I was doing this with, I was fully hard now that I was up against Natalie’s ass.

Ever the temptress, Natalie was quick to bend slightly further over and shift her weight in a way that ensured that we were more rubbing than brushing. Fuck. As usual, she knew what she was doing.

I wasn’t going to say it out loud without being prompted like before, but she really was better. In the physical sense, at least. My first time with Jessica was good, yet it still took a little while for the two of us to really sync up and get used to each others’ bodies when it came to intimacy. By contrast, everything with Natalie felt so natural. That, and the obvious fact that only the younger sister between them was offering this.

Gliding my hands up and down her sides, I briefly considered kissing her neck like I would sometimes do with Jess when I was embracing her in a similar position. Dismissing that instinct, both because of the angle of Natalie’s body and the fact that this was more about sex than anything else, I instead pulled her further towards me and worked against her hips with my own movements. “Ready, brat?” I quietly asked.

“Am I allowed to talk again?” Natalie replied, in the familiar teasing lilt.

Ignoring the obvious, in that she was doing so anyway regardless of the answer, I muttered the first thing that came to mind. “Only if you hold still.”

“Mmm,” she hummed, “Then, yes. I’m ready, babe.”

I was definitely ready, too. In a way, I had been edging myself by resisting her advances to some degree as she threw herself at me. Now that we were in here together, and my manhood was pressed against her lower curves, no amount of self control would be enough to keep me from doing this with her. This was theoretically the last time we were going to be sneaking around like this, as well as a pretty big first when it came to the more promiscuous of the two sisters. Whatever self control I did have left would need to be spent pacing myself, after being teased for so long.

Last time I had penetrated Natalie, she had literally guided me inside her. It had been pretty unique as far as seduction went, even if we ended up being interrupted by Jessica shortly afterwards. This time around, I’d get the chance to do things myself, and there was no rush. Hopefully. We were probably pushing the limits of the lake house’s water heater, but the shower’s temperature hadn’t dropped so far.

Reaching down and cupping the same cheek I had spanked a few times, while staying close enough to continually brush my cock against her, I gave her a good squeeze while adjusting my weight and preparing for the necessary angle. Then I lightly traced my fingers between her cheeks, both as a tease and a way to get a better sense of her size.

Natalie stilled in anticipation. “I’m all yours,” she said, “Fuck me as hard as you like.”

With pleasure. Unless Jessica was suddenly open to stuff like this, I wasn’t going to have another opportunity to do so with a girl any time soon. Well, assuming that I still had a girlfriend after this trip. Positioning myself just right, I pushed my tip between her cheeks ever so slightly. Partially as a tease, as well as testing the waters while we were doing this without a drop of lube.

Of course, this was Natalie. She seemed to be a natural at everything sexually related. I was guessing she could take it, especially since she had just given me permission to fuck her as hard as I wanted.

Part 39

Natalie was so fucking tight, in the best way. At the same time, she was quite adept at relaxing and opening up for me back there. I gripped her hips and pulled her towards me while simultaneously pushing forward. Slowly and gently. Not because I was worried about the young vixen, considering her confident and seductive attitude about all this; I just wanted to appreciate the experience as I explored the third hole she had taunted about for so long.

Even when I was taking her from behind, with less of a connection in terms of eye contact and what she could do with her hands, the girl knew how to actively participate anyway. She shifted her hips here and there, coaxing me further in and ensuring I stayed nice and hard for her by pressing back into me in just the right way. All the while, she let out little gasps and almost-moans as I progressed.

At this point, it took all my self control to not explode inside of her immediately. My endurance was normally pretty good, except Natalie had slipped into my room quite some time ago and had been playing her usual games since then. She could also only relax for me so much where her ass was concerned, and I was quickly finding more resistance as I pushed deeper and deeper, starting to thrust to work my way further.

She could feel it, too. How I was throbbing with need between her cheeks, especially as both her body and her bedroom noises continued to encourage me. “Fuck!” she exclaimed, her voice both breathy and a little bit strained. “I’m- I’m better. Say it!”

For fuck’s sake. Maybe she really did have a sister complex, or was just excited about fucking her sister’s boyfriend and refused to let me forget that she was better from a sexual standpoint. Either way, I was too far gone at this point to care about the fact that I was cheating on Jessica. “You’re better,” I grunted. Whatever. It didn’t matter. I had more pressing things on my mind. Also, she was in no position to be making demands, which I only considered after going along with it.

Whether it was the echoed words or how I was starting to thrust for real, she let out a moan that sounded particularly loud in the resonant bathroom. So much for keeping things down to avoid potentially being overheard. Hopefully Jess was already asleep after a long drive and a stressful week of midterms. Or maybe she’d assume it was just Natalie fingering herself and not being particularly discreet. Although since I was here, maybe my girlfriend would deal with the awkwardness of knocking on her door and telling her that she could hear everything through the vents? My mind rapidly projected through Jessica finding her sister’s room empty, walking in on the two of us, and . . .

Fuck. I should have been nervous about the prospect of being caught, but the risk was somehow hot at the same time. It was probably just the fact that I was horny and not thinking rationally, but I couldn’t deny that fucking Natalie was suddenly more enticing than it had been all day.

Meanwhile, Natalie didn’t seem worried either. After another moan that echoed off the tile around us, she exclaimed, “Harder!” It was too insistent to really count as begging, especially as she began rocking her hips to get more from me.

“Shut the fuck up, brat!” I snapped back. Honestly, it wasn’t about lowering her volume. As I tightened my grip on her waist and worked her body until our rhythms were perfectly in sync, I was trying to remind her that I was in charge, especially in a position like this. Even if it never really felt like that when Natalie was such a flirt.

Sure enough, she didn’t play submissive this time around. “Make me,” she exhaled. Then, to further taunt me, she let out a more porn-like moan, complete with tilting her head back to an exaggerated degree.

The way she was faking it bothered me a lot more than her response. All day, her reactions had been more natural, and somewhat familiar due to the noises I was used to hearing from her sister; fucked up as it was, that was why I knew Natalie was being genuine with such things, despite how she acted the rest of the time. Between that, and the lilt in her voice as she challenged me with those two little words, I stopped holding back entirely.

Fucking her properly, and fucking her hard, I moved one of my hands up to her chest to grope at her breasts while thrusting deep into her ass. Purposely screwing with the rhythm we had leading up to this, leaving her to catch up with the sudden intensity, I took immediate satisfaction in the breathy yet shrill ‘OhmyGod’ I drew from her lips.

To her credit, she adjusted pretty quickly, working her body against mine as she began moaning in a way that was a lovely combination of pleasure and pain. After everything, she deserved to hurt a little bit–in a good way–plus she had both asked for it and baited me. If it was ever too much, she could say so, though I highly doubted she would. Natalie had enjoyed it when I called her a slut earlier.

I was also rather focused on my own pleasure. This kind of penetration was different, obviously, and it felt fucking amazing in both the physical and emotional sense. The dynamic, the energy, the persistent wrongness of all this, not to mention the tightness around my cock that only felt better the longer we were going at it.

With every thrust, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to what was going to be an unforgettable climax. And, before even getting there, I was starting to wonder if I would be able to do this again with Natalie before the end of the weekend.

Part 40

As I released into Natalie, our moans echoed off the tile around us and mingled in the confined space in a way that only heightened what was already an intense experience. This might have been the hardest I had ever climaxed, as well as the loudest I had ever allowed my sounds of pleasure to get with a girl.

Part of it was probably the resonance of the shower, as well as the fact that Jessica and I had to keep it down when fucking in a dorm room, but that logic only worked for the audible side of things. In terms of the physical, the sensations of fucking Natalie like this were amazing, and I was determined to ride that wave for as long as I could as I thrusted again and again and again.

Like always, Natalie was the perfect partner. She matched my rhythm every step of the way, rocking her hips to draw out as much passion as possible from me. Despite the receiving position she was in, she played an active role the entire time with her reactions and her movements, keeping the energy up until she had coaxed out and taken every last drop I had to give.

At this point, I didn’t care if she was going out of her way to be the best partner I ever had or if she was just that gifted where intimacy was involved. Either way, it felt too good to think about much of anything while I was caught up in it all.

Fuck,” I groaned, lightly resting my forehead against the back of her head as I caught my breath. Based on her moans and whines along the way, Natalie should have been the one who was totally spent at this point, but I ended up being pretty exhausted as well. The long drive, the emotional roller coaster since the younger girl arrived, and now this latest experience with her. Now that I had a bit of clarity, it was starting to feel like this whole Natalie thing would be easier to deal with after a full night’s rest.

She hummed a contented sigh and let me come down for a few seconds before shifting forward and separating the two of us down there. Then, graceful as ever, she slowly swiveled on her heel to face me and placed her hands on my shoulders. Looking up at me with the deep eyes that never failed to capture my attention, she quietly suggested, “Kiss me?”

That was all it took. Whether it was exactly at this moment, or if it was just now hitting me, something had changed between us. I didn’t like Natalie or anything like that, but I also wasn’t trying to distance myself from her. Not even when my mind was more clear, and after we had finished what was supposed to be the last sexual act she had promised me.

As we stared at each other in the steamy shower, there was an unspoken desire hanging in the air. Both in her eyes, and in mine. Barely thinking about it, I leaned in and locked lips with her. I did so again and again and again, until we were tangled up in each others’ arms and completely out of breath. It didn’t take much, considering we were both already a bit winded from everything before.

By the time we were done, the cascading water was starting to feel a bit lukewarm. Maybe we just hadn’t turned up the heat in a while, or the water heater couldn’t keep up any more. Either way, I didn’t have the stamina for another round. I wasn’t sure where to go from here, either. I hadn’t forgotten who Natalie was or why we shouldn’t be in here together; at the same time, I wanted her. Even if it was wrong, or made me a horrible person. Against all odds, she had managed to seduce me to the point where I wanted to have a conversation that didn’t revolve around us ending whatever this was.

Natalie decided what was next, no doubt upon feeling the temperature as the gentle passion subsided. Pressing into me, making sure I couldn’t ignore her bare body against mine, she murmured in my ear. “Go get ready for bed. I’ll be out in a minute.” It was more seductive than bossy; she also managed the teasing lilt even when her voice was barely louder than a whisper. With that, she stepped back and gave me a flirty smirk, letting me check out her naked self again.

Just because I had accepted that I was into her beyond what I had originally justified as a horny mistake or two thanks to Natalie’s shameless advances didn’t mean that she wasn’t a brat. Although that was turning into part of her ‘charm’ at this point, considering the buttons she was learning how to push. “Take as long as you want,” I replied. It’s the first thing I thought of, and would hopefully serve to show her that I wasn’t wrapped around her finger or anything like that.

Leaving Natalie to scrub down after I fucked her like that, I stepped out of the shower and made short work of drying off and pulling my clothes back on. While I was still in the bathroom, I brushed my teeth as well. Now that I was settling back into reality, I finally started thinking about Jessica again. As in, what if she was standing on the other side of the bathroom door with her arms crossed, waiting for me to emerge? Natalie and I really hadn’t been that quiet. Although I knew Jess pretty well, and I’m pretty sure she would opt to storm into the bathroom and catch us in the act, rather than taking a more dramatic approach.

Only one way to find out. Once I was done with my toothbrush, I had nothing else to busy myself with while Natalie was still rinsing off. Ripping off the potential bandaid, though mostly praying that Jessica was fast asleep down the hall, I opened the door.


The Housekeeper, Chapter 26 (Coming Soon!)


SubscribeStar Story: The Step-Sister, Part Thirteen