The Sister, Part 31

Read Part One

Part 31

Was this really the right time to talk?

Despite how nonchalant Natalie was being about all this, the situation still felt somewhat charged. She was naked save for a towel. My hands were on her, which meant I was stuck looking into her eyes as we stood face to face. And we were together behind two closed doors, where no one would catch us. Not that we were doing anything. Not that I was going to do anything.

At least, that was always what I told myself, but the effortlessly flirty eighteen year old had a way of changing my mind every single time.

When the silence dragged on a few seconds too long, I realized I was going to have to be the one to kick the conversation off. She was clearly more than content staying suspended in the intimate position. To make things more daunting, Natalie gently rested her hands on my shoulders. Now that she was done guiding my own hands, I could already hear her saying something along the lines of, ‘Well, I have to put them somewhere!’ With the usual lilt, of course. And if I mentioned her ‘innocent’ touch, that would delay what we actually needed to talk about.

Against my better judgment, I ignored the rest and launched into the talk that would have been a lot better in pretty much any other lake house room. With Natalie dressed, of course. It also felt somewhat pointless, as I was really only echoing what I had tried to say several times before. Without any preparation for this, my thoughts weren’t exactly organized.

“Natalie.” That already felt like a mistake. She perked up slightly at her name, gazing up at me with a cute smile. “I’m dating Jessica. Your sister.” Did I really need to state why all of this was wrong? Of course, I was assuming it was the taboo she was chasing. While I liked to consider myself decently attractive, I doubted a girl like her would take one look at me and decide that we should hook up.

“Mm hmm. I know.” Her fingers idly fiddled with the shoulder part of my tank top, and she never once took her eyes off me. “Don’t you remember what I said, babe? I can’t let you date my lovely sister until I know that she has someone who can satisfy her. And since I doubt she will talk about her sex life . . . ”

Right. I had completely forgotten about that little line she had used earlier. It was just as crazy the second time around; in order to get Natalie’s approval, she wanted me to fuck her? Granted, I knew she didn’t actually mean it. It was teasingly logical on the surface, while actually just a seductive excuse to break the rules and fool around with me behind her sister’s back.

Internally cringing at what I was about to remind her of, even if Natalie had literally been there and was well aware of what we had done, I pointed out, “We already did all that. Earlier.” When she had gone down on me, before I ended up fucking her with Jessica’s voice in the background.

Apparently Natalie was ready for that. “Uh huh. And was I satisfied? Or were you the only one that got off?”

“I- That’s not what I mean,” I flushed. Also, she had been the one leading everything earlier. There was never once a chance to reciprocate, especially considering how quickly we had to wrap things up.

“In your defense, it did feel good,” she softly smirked, “When you were inside me, that is. But you were the only one who got an orgasm, so it didn’t really count. How can I trust that you don’t leave Jessica wanting?”

I hesitated. Not because I was actually considering the concept of pleasuring Natalie for the sake of her approval; it just felt like a bad idea to say anything about my sex life with her sister. The two of them seemed to have a good enough relationship, though there was still the matter of trust. Somehow that line felt more important than the lines Natalie and I had already crossed. At the same time, saying nothing would imply that she was right. So, I aimed to deflect. “This is cheating, Natalie.” Perhaps saying the obvious would have some effect.

“And that doesn’t turn you on? Not even a little bit?” she asked, with a cute tilt of her head, “It’s not like she has to know. You’re not going to tell her, are you?”

What Jessica doesn’t know won’t hurt her.’ That’s what Natalie said earlier. A classic line. I also couldn’t deny that the younger girl before me didn’t turn me on. However, this had all spiraled out of control so quickly. I genuinely had no idea if the wrongness was part of the arousal that Natalie was so easy to spark, or any number of other factors–her shameless flirting, her ‘innocent’ routine, the fact that she was more or less a younger Jessica, etc. Her age and her relationship with my girlfriend could easily be part of it; I still hadn’t had any real time to process Natalie’s advances since she first arrived, including how I was going to handle this conversation.

“Of course I’m not going to tell her,” I muttered, “But, that doesn’t mean-”

“And my lips are sealed,” Natalie cut me off, with that same sultry smile, “These lips, anyway. You’re welcome to penetrate the other ones.”

So much for finesse. Now that I had fucked her once, she clearly had no problem being more direct with me. Which was fair, when she was practically naked in here. And also made it difficult to have a rational discussion.

Natalie was more than happy to run with my hesitation. “And I did promise you my last hole.” Shifting forward and glancing up with those deep ‘fuck me’ eyes, she said, “You’ll know I’ll be clean back there if you shower with me.”

Part 32


The Present, Part Seventeen


SubscribeStar Story: The Road Trip, Part 32