The Present, Part Seventeen

Read Part One

Part Seventeen

“Of course!” Amy darted out of the room and up the stairs.

Julia took Chris’s hand and walked him the opposite way towards the kitchen. “Better lighting in here,” she explained, “You do want your boobs to be just right, yeah?”

He didn’t dignify that with a response.

A minute later, Amy was back with her make-up kit, as well as the small bluetooth speaker from her bedroom. It didn’t take long for her to resume the playlist of girly pop music from before before setting up her supplies on the counter. “Hmm, okay. This will be easier than your face . . . but also, more difficult? Anything I need to know, Julia?”

“They’re designed for it to be easy. Should mostly be a foundation and concealer combo. The only tricky part will be blending the edges with her skin. Oh, and make sure you go slightly under the bra cups, like with sunscreen.”

“Got it,” Amy nodded. With that, she got to work.

All Chris could do was awkwardly stand there. The breast forms were an extension of himself at this point and, though he couldn’t feel as his cousin brushed and rubbed and meticulously worked her make-up into the silicone, there were still some sensations due to how they shifted here and there on his chest. He also had to deal with the idle smirk on Amy’s face, as she was clearly having the time of her life being able to do this with him. It was clear to both of them that he was in too deep to back out now.

In the meantime, Julia hopped up onto the kitchen counter and hummed along to the music, scrolling on her phone while she waited for Amy to be done. There wasn’t much else to be done in the meantime.

After what felt like forever, Amy stepped back. She set her things down and dusted off her hands for dramatic effect. “Done! Damn, I’m good. What do you think, Chrissy?”

He didn’t want to look. But it was difficult not to, if only to see the damage. Sure enough, Amy had done an impressive job of making it nearly impossible to tell that the curves on his chest weren’t real. It actually took Chris a moment to tell where the make-up stopped and his body began, even though he knew more or less where the breast forms had been glued.

“Umm, Chrissy? You’re staring.” Though Amy had been the one to ask his opinion, she was quick to call him out when he took a second too long to examine the surprisingly realistic image of his feminine chest. “That’s a little vain, cousin dearest. You’re supposed to look at other girls’ boobs, not your own.”

“Wait, does that make her a lesbian?” Julia giggled, “Also, I want to see!” She slid off the counter and circled around to check out Amy’s handiwork, grinning as she saw what Chris had already seen for himself. “Damn, Amy! You are good. This is fucking amazing.”

“Just like me,” Amy said, “Chrissy, you didn’t answer Julia’s question. Do you like girls? Or . . . do you like boys?”

If he weren’t blushing already at being ogled by the duo before him, Amy’s teasing question certainly brought on a renewed flush. “Girls!” he snapped, just barely remembering to speak in the higher tone. There was nothing wrong with being gay, of course; Chris was just 100% straight, and didn’t appreciate the insinuation otherwise.

“Bad girl!!” Amy snapped. Narrowing her eyes, she said, “You are a SISSY, remember? Sissy Chrissy. You already agreed to that. Girls like you are into guys. Right, Julia?”

“Absolutely,” she agreed, “I bet she likes taking it up the ass. Or do you prefer a hard cock in your mouth, Chrissy?”

“Neither!” Chris exclaimed. Speaking of things going too far. The craziest part was, neither girl’s tone was particularly teasing or taunting. They were speaking in a more matter-of-fact way, despite the absurd twist the conversation had taken.

Of course, Amy didn’t intend to actually push her cousin to hook up with a guy, mostly since she only had Julia and Sadie to work with at the moment. At the same time, the topic alone seemed to be enough to make the girl squirm, which was good enough. Also, Chrissy did have a little crush on Sadie that was no doubt still lingering after all this time; maybe there was some potential there. Filing that idea away for later, Amy focused on the present now that Julia had jumped in with a rather crass visual. “You have to choose, Chrissy!” she insisted, “Haven’t you ever played ‘Would You Rather?’”

“That’s right!” Julia smiled, “Which would you rather, Chrissy? Getting fucked in the ass? Or giving a blowjob?”

Committing to his original reply, Chris said, “Neither.” Because there was obviously no safe answer; either way, he’d be giving ammo to the girls.

Just because he could see through the thinly veiled either/or, however, didn’t mean he was able to get away from it. “Whatever,” Amy scoffed, “Julia, be a peach and keep her company, will you? I have a couple things I’ve been meaning to post . . . ”

“Wait.” All it took was a single reminder for Chris to cave. Classic sunk cost fallacy. He was sitting there in Amy’s bra and jean shorts, complete with breasts, make-up, and painted nails. If she pulled the trigger on the pictures that started all of this, he would have done all of this for nothing.

Playing dumb, Amy tilted her head. “Yes, Sissy Chrissy?”

Wincing at the nickname, he muttered, “I’ll choose one.” If he knew which one, he would have begrudgingly said it already. Neither was ideal, and now he was on the spot.

Now that he had relented, Amy was in no rush. Not when she could make the decision even more difficult. “So which is it, Chrissy? Do you want a guy fucking you in the ass with his hard cock? Or blowing his load in your mouth, while you swallow?”

Julia chimed in with her own smirk, “Or maybe you’d prefer both at the same time?”

Part Eighteen


The Business Trip, Chapter Seven


The Sister, Part 31