SubscribeStar Story: The Step-Sister, Part Twelve

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Part Twelve

Sara wasted no time in displaying that had no problem getting access to Claudia’s phone. She typed in the password and flicked open the screen, turning the device around so her sister could see that it was now unlocked. “You’re not as discreet as you think you are, sis. Not about your passwords, and certainly not about being a lesbian.”

“Give it back!” Claudia exclaimed. She took a single step forward in an effort to take her phone back, but that’s as far as she made it. All of a sudden, it was like the plug inside her had been cranked to eleven. Faltering with a breathy gasp, her legs buckled way more than before and she found herself reaching out for Celeste in order to avoid crumbling completely under her own weight. Claudia had only ever used the toy while sitting or lying down, and her body wasn’t remotely prepared for the highest setting while she was still on her feet.

Celeste was more than happy to help in her own way. She took Claudia’s hand and guided it up to her shoulder, then shifted her own body so the two of them were face to face. “I’ve got you,” she quietly said. Then, gently yet assertively, she took Claudia’s other hand and brought it to the opposite shoulder. “Look at me, babe. Do you like me?”

Before this, Sara had only used the higher settings to subtly chastise Claudia and to nonverbally communicate that she should behave. Occasionally just to make her squirm, of course, but it was mostly a tool to keep her compliant amidst the surprise of Sara’s two friends being here. Now, the plug was vibrating nonstop, and Sara had no intentions of relenting until she got what she wanted.

Looking up at the taller girl and trying her very hardest to focus, Claudia opened her mouth to dismiss the absurd suggestion. All that came out was a soft moan as her control continued to slip away. Blushing, and realizing that she was coming across just as slutty as Sara and company kept suggesting, Claudia settled for shaking her head back and forth. No. She obviously didn’t like Celeste.

Not looking particularly discouraged, Celeste softly smiled. “Do you want to hear a secret?” Her fingertips brushed the base of one of Claudia’s thighs. Ever so slowly, she settled her hand just above the horny girl’s kneecap. Offering ample opportunities for Claudia to reject her if she really didn’t want it, but also touching her in a teasing way that was difficult to risk. The silence dragged on forever, until Celeste shifted her hand up a few inches and rubbed a sensual circle around a spot that was dangerously close to a more erogenous zone on the girl’s inner thigh. “I asked you a question, Claudia,” she whispered. Following the first gesture up with a smaller circle with just two fingers, she repeated, “Do you want to hear a secret . . . ?”

The kiss had been sudden, and Claudia had at least been able to blame her reflexes for how she had reciprocated amidst the shock paired with her body being too warmed up to do anything else but make out with her. This was different. She had so much time to shove Celeste back, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to.

Sara was the one with the remote. Sara was the one with Claudia’s unlocked phone. Sara was the one who started all of this to begin with. And yet, Claudia found herself completely under Celeste’s spell. The plug was already doing plenty to make her wet and desperate, and those feelings were multiplied as Celeste’s hand gradually worked its way underneath Claudia’s skirt. Well, Sara’s skirt, but that’s not what Claudia was thinking about at the moment. Clinging to the taller girl’s shoulders, still unable to do anything else while she was so weak at the knees, Claudia meekly nodded. She had never been this pathetic in an intimate setting with another girl. While the living room with a couple other girls wasn’t technically ‘intimate,’ what Celeste was doing with her certainly was.

Instead of replying right away, Celeste smirked and slid her hand much farther up Claudia’s leg. Stopping just shy of her most private area, she gave a firm squeeze to the girl’s inner thigh. Leaning forward until she was inches from Claudia’s ear, Celeste murmured, “I like girls, too.” Then she flicked her tongue out to brush the shell for a second.

Claudia couldn’t help herself. She breathed out another almost-moan, managing to catch herself and clamp her mouth shut before making an even more damning sound. As for the secret, it wasn’t that crazy. While Claudia hadn’t known, as she didn’t particularly care for Sara’s friends, the fact that Celeste had made out with her so passionately was fairly telling. Unless she was straight and being completely shameless in the name of messing with Claudia, she was probably gay or bi. Her ‘secret’ confirmed as much. Claudia was less turned on by the words, and more the sensations of the girl’s breath against her ear, followed by the light lick. It was one of Claudia’s weak spots, and was especially effective when layering with everything else.

Pulling back so she could meet Claudia’s eyes again, Celeste kept her lips pursed in her smug little smile. More slowly than before, if that was possible, she traced up the last few inches of Claudia’s thigh. “Do you want me to stop?” she asked, barely louder than a whisper. Over the triangle of the thong, Celeste placed two fingers against Claudia’s slit and gave one of those teasing circles from before. “Or do you want me?”

Claudia’s whole body tensed up, but it wasn’t a negative reaction. Such a simple touch was wildly effective. The persistent vibrations of the plug and the recent make-out session had kept her reluctantly turned on. That was it. Now, she craved release. Even if it was at the hand of Sara’s preppy friend. And they both knew it.

Meanwhile, Sara was having her own fun on Claudia’s phone. Not nearly as promiscuous, but absolutely satisfying in its own way. The first thing she did was message her step-sister’s friends. It was beyond easy to find the group chat, as there were several unread messages waiting for Claudia. A few asked what was taking so long and when she was coming back, and then someone named Derek informed her that they were heading to a nearby diner to grab some food. With her own smirk, Sara found the best picture she could of Claudia and Celeste making out and sent it to the group. ‘Staying in with my girlfriend tonight,’ Sara typed, following Claudia’s general style of texting, ‘I’ll text you later.’

That wasn’t enough for Sara. She was enjoying the power trip, and screwing with her sister was just too fun. If there were consequences when their parents got home, so be it. Although Sara would do her best to set things up so Claudia wouldn’t say a damn word at the end of the weekend. “Everyone knows you’re a lesbian, anyway,” Sara whispered to herself. She was far enough across the room that it wouldn’t disrupt Celeste’s games. Besides, something told her that the plug’s current setting would keep Claudia thoroughly distracted.

Sara got started on Claudia’s social media accounts next. She posted a slightly more PG picture of the two girls kissing, the kind that would look more cutesy and romantic when posted online. For a minute, Sara attempted to draft a good status, but couldn’t think of something that aligned with Claudia’s usual aloof self and the proper girl that she was now dressed as. Eventually, Sara decided that less is more. She merely put Claudia in a relationship with Celeste, and uploaded the picture as a way to make the public post more dramatic and undeniable. Thankfully, Celeste had game for this idea. Since she wasn’t currently in a relationship, and didn’t plan on dating anyone that would inevitably fall apart with graduation and university on the horizon, Celeste was fine with the fake pairing. It would be easy enough to explain away as a joke if anyone important asked, anyway. Sara used the accounts on Celeste’s phone to confirm the relationship, then started browsing Claudia’s photos to see if there was anything interesting in there.

Celeste was working the angle as well, albeit in a much less appropriate way. Giving a bit more pressure with her fingers, she echoed, “Do you want me, Claudia?” To punctuate the question, she gave a good rub to the girl’s outer lips. “Oh my God, you’re soaked,” she whispered.

F-fuck!” Claudia exhaled. Her fingers dug deeper into Celeste’s shoulders and she stared up into her eyes. Claudia was always the girl on top, and that included when she had been the shorter girl in past flings. Sometimes a bratty bottom on rare occasions. This was like nothing she had ever experienced, yet she felt completely powerless compared to her normal sexual self.

After one more teasing circle in just the right spot, Celeste shifted up and began toying with the waistband of the thong with her fingertips. “Do. You. Want. Me.” Finally slipping her fingers underneath the fabric, Celeste traced down Claudia’s bare mound until she could nudge her clit from the outside. But that’s all she did. One little prod, without going any further for the time being.

Rendered speechless all over again, mostly due to the fact that she didn’t want to accidentally moan like before, Claudia dipped her head into a slow nod. She had somehow ended up wrapped completely around Celeste’s finger and would no doubt remain that way for as long as she was stuck in such a needy state.

As if rewarding her for the barely noticeable affirmation, Celeste lightly rubbed the girl’s clit again before shifting down to brush her outer lips for real this time. Fingertips grazing Claudia’s bare womanhood, but not doing anything more than that until Celeste got what she wanted. “Say it, Claudia,” gazing down at her with a more intense expression, Celeste quietly demanded, “Say what you want.”

With the plug constantly vibrating and working all the right spots in her backside, and Celeste’s fingers teasing from the front, Claudia was ready to do just about anything to get the release that she wanted. Anything but pleasure herself, apparently, as her hands were firmly locked in place to support herself on Celeste. Taking a shaky breath, Claudia forced out, “ . . . I want you . . . ”

“That’s what I thought.” Celeste grinned at the admission, even if it was coaxed out rather heavy handedly. She settled her fingertips onto Claudia’s outer lips again, this time underneath her thong, and gently traced up and down her wet slit without yet doing anything that would actually bring her closer to release. “Just one more thing, Claudia. If you want me so badly, you can do one little favor for me, can’t you?”

Something told Claudia it wouldn’t be that little, but she was also in way too deep to back out now. At this point, she’d do just about anything to get what her body wanted.

What will Celeste ask for?

For them to be girlfriends, to line up with what Sara is doing?

For Claudia to stop holding back her moans?

Or for the horny girl to be their servant for the evening in exchange for this service?

Read more of “The Step-Sister” (20+ parts) and vote on future outcomes on my SubscribeStar!


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