The Sister, Part 37

Read Part One

Part 37

It definitely didn’t feel like I was in charge.

I was older and taller than Natalie, and presumably stronger. Yet even after exploring a bit of roughness with the girl, I was still hesitant on some level. If I didn’t say or do something, however, she was almost certainly going to be smug about my indecision and come up with her own idea.

“Close your eyes,” I said. Somewhat stalling, but I’d also be able to think better when she wasn’t gazing at me with that innocent yet seductive look.

She did as she was told. After letting her eye contact linger for another second or two, she gently lowered her lids. Putting her own spin on my command, she also softened her expression.

Fuck me. Though her smirk could drive me crazy sometimes, I’d almost prefer that to the vulnerable image before me. For a younger girl, she seemed to know what she was doing, and how to make me want her even more despite all the reasons I shouldn’t. Meanwhile, I still had to figure out where I was taking this. “Don’t speak.” If she was going to play games, I might as well do the same. She wouldn’t be able to tease me nearly as well in this state.

Ever the brat, she responded with a sultry hum. Technically following the rules, especially since I couldn’t fully ban her from making sounds. I wanted to hear what worked on her, not to mention the fact that it would quickly get awkward if she was completely silent moving forward.

Going for her breasts again would be too obvious. I did take a nice long look, as now I could do so without her taunting me about it. After briefly considering simply grabbing the soap and proceeding to wash her, I opted for something that might actually catch her off guard.

Glancing down to make sure I was completely avoiding her hips and thighs along the way, I positioned my hand inches from her slit before closing the rest of the distance and giving her a good rub.

To my satisfaction, she tensed up and let out a little squeak of surprise. To her credit, however, she recovered quickly. Natalie quietly exhaled and gently thrusted her hips towards my hand, both giving me permission and asking for more while abiding by my rules.

“Slut,” I murmured. She had been throwing herself at me all day. I would never dare say that to Jessica in the bedroom, as she wasn’t into such things, but Natalie had literally suggested that as an option. And, at the moment, it felt more appropriate than ‘brat.’

It was difficult to tell whether or not she was wet down there due to the setting, though her reaction was telling enough. Considering my persistent reluctance throughout the day, the focus had really only been on my own pleasure as she worked her seductive magic. Natalie had literally told me as much recently, about how I was the only one who got off earlier.

For a minute or two, I gave her a taste or her own medicine. Tracing up her slit with my fingertips, lightly stimulating her clit from the outside, and generally keeping my touch as soft and slow as possible. She deserved being teased in such a way, and I couldn’t deny that I took some satisfaction when she eventually whined as I prodded her entrance for a moment, only to slip back out the moment my fingers parted her lips.

After a full day of dealing with her nonsense, it felt good to hear her needy sounds. Natalie would occasionally roll her hips forward, clearly trying to get more stimulation than what I was giving her. Riding the high of bossing her around, I sternly demanded, “Hold still. Don’t move an inch.”

In response, she thrusted towards my hand.

I don’t know why I expected total obedience, considering her bratty tendencies. In response, I removed my hand completely, instead using it to give her nipple a sharp pinch.

That got her attention. Natalie yelped, slightly jumping as well. “Hey!” she exclaimed, with a soft giggle rather than any kind of negative reaction. Opening her eyes, she smirked up at me, “Fucking finally. I told you, I like it when my boys are rough.”

If you insist,’ I thought. With only so many experiences under my belt at my age, I hadn’t experimented that much with roughness. Mostly since girls like Jessica weren’t into that. But with Natalie both offering and overtly baiting me with her attitude, I was less hesitant. Pinching her nipple again, adding a slight twist this time, I said, “And I told you to hold still.”

After a breathy inhale, meeting my eyes the entire time, she bit her lip and finally did as she was told. The unspoken message was clear–‘If you play along, I’ll play along.’

I just had to figure out what to do next. She wanted me to be rough with her, though I was hesitant to do too much with her nipple. I wasn’t sure where the line was where pinching was concerned, plus it was a little inconvenient to keep the grip up when her chest was wet from the shower. Thinking on my feet, and going with the end goal of what she had been reminding me of for quite some time now, I said, “Turn around.”

“Mmm,” she hummed. Rather than doing so right away, Natalie kept her gaze trained on me and reached out to cup my hardness for a moment. “Anything you say, babe.” She dropped her hand again and turned in the direction that allowed my hand on her chest to brush against her opposite breast. Without being prompted, she bent over slightly and placed her hands on the tile wall and glanced over her shoulder. “Like this?”

Well, if she was going to make it easy. “Just like that,” I said. Taking in the sight of her pert rear for a moment, I wasted no time in giving it a firm slap.

Part 38


The Business Trip, Chapters 1-10


SubscribeStar Story: The Teaching Assistant, Part 32