The Housekeeper, Chapter 23

Read Chapter One

Chapter 23

Finding Lillian in the crowded courtyard was difficult enough, with nearly every table and other social area taken. Doing so while my eyelids fluttered every thirty seconds or so thanks to a wave of pleasure only made the ordeal worse.

Finally, after I had scanned from left to right at least three times, I spotted the girl a lot closer than I expected her to be. She was just a couple tables over, and gave me a little wave when we made eye contact. “There,” I told Hannah, “She-” It belatedly dawned on me why Lillian was over there. She was sitting with a group of college looking guys, no doubt enjoying their summer break like pretty much every student except for me, and one of them made a point to hold up a device in his hand for me to see before pressing a button.

The panties began vibrating even more quickly. How was that even possible?! Though I wasn’t at all familiar with the underwear Hannah had given me, the previous speed had already been so overwhelming. I reflexively lifted my hand to cover my mouth when I felt another moan forming in the back of my throat, but managed to stop myself halfway up. Right. No covering my body or my mouth. Unattractive as they were, my glasses were expensive and I only had the one pair. My contacts were still somewhere, of course, yet I doubted Hannah thought to bring those when everything she had given me so far made things more inconvenient and embarrassing for me.

Then there was the most recent revelation. I had assumed Lillian was the one controlling the sex toy I had unknowingly put on earlier, and naively thought that it would be as simple as finding her in order to make them stop. Instead, she had given it to some random guy. He and his friends were all looking my way, which only caused me to flush more deeply. They were close, but not that close. Had they heard any of my noises or the recent conversation with Hannah? There was so much white noise around us due to the crowds. While I hated that my chest was partially on display in the white top, the silver lining was that the people around us drowned out the vibrations that felt SO loud to me personally. No one had seemed to notice thus far, or so I hoped. However, such wishful thinking didn’t apply to a table where Lillian was literally involving others in my humiliation.

Before I could process much more than that, my head tilted back in a way that was completely out of my control as I took a sharp, breathy inhale. I realized right away that holding that breath would only risk a more audible exhale, so I opted for the lesser evil of releasing it right away and letting out a soft moan. This couldn’t be happening! Maybe a sound like that would be masked by all the other voices in the area, but there was no telling what kind of reactions I would have moving forward. Also, this was the first time I had ever made such noises in front of anybody else, because of the whole virgin thing. It was mortifying, and also unfamiliar from a physical standpoint. I didn’t even pleasure myself that often and, when I did, it was only ever with my hand. Now I was wishing I had experimented a little more, as I had idea what to expect with something that vibrated against my most private area.

Apparently the visual reaction inspired the guy with the remote to toy with me in a less predictable way. Suddenly, the vibrations stopped entirely. He gave me a smile and a wave, then said something to the guy next to him.

Drawing my attention from Lillian and the guys for a moment, Hannah said, “Don’t be rude, Virgin. Aren’t you going to wave back?”

Wave . . . to a group of guys who all knew I was turned on? Even if they couldn’t hear me, they could certainly see my flushed cheeks and telling body language. Almost robotically, I raised my hand again and gave an awkward wave to the table. I had to do everything Hannah said. Overwhelmed as I was, I remembered that much. I was also distracted by just how wet I was down there. When dealing with the vibrations, it wasn’t something I had noticed. Now that things were still, I could absolutely feel the dampness between my thighs.

Then, just as I was getting used to the relief of the break, the panties started rapidly vibrating, at the same pace from a minute ago. I was not prepared in the slightest for the sheer lack of build-up, and couldn’t stop myself from letting out a voiced exhale that sounded so slutty and out of character for me. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that I caught myself bracing against my seat with one hand, while arching ever so slightly with my chest.

Hannah smirked and scoffed, while Willow merely popped a fry into her mouth and studied me with a smile. I couldn’t bring myself to glance over towards Lillian and company, as they all would have definitely seen that.

On top of that, the vibrations were unrelenting. Before, I had the gradual increase in intensity. While I never really acclimated to each setting, it had been better than the zero to a hundred I was now faced with. “H-Hannah, please . . . ” I murmured. My eyelids fluttered again, and all I could do was stay grounded in reality to the best of my ability when I could feel myself being clouded by reluctant lust. Though Lillian was the one with the remote that she was lending out to a total stranger, or maybe a guy she knew who happened to be here on the same day we were, Hannah was ultimately the one who could call this off.

“Are you serious?!” Hannah replied, “Don’t moan my name, slut. I don’t care if you have a lesbian crush on me or not. I’m not into maids, or servants, or girls who have accidents all the time.”

Wait, that’s not what I meant! I actually couldn’t tell if she was serious or not with that interpretation. “N-no, I mean-” That’s about as far as I made it before my voice caught in my throat. The panties were still vibrating at full speed, and I could only keep my composure so well as the pleasure kept on coming. “Just- Lillian, and-”

Willow giggled. “Wait, you want to fuck Lillian? I thought you were obsessed with Hannah.”

“I think she just wants to fuck me the most,” Hannah said, “Like she admitted. But, Lillian is pretty hot as well. Anyone else, slut? Do you have a thing for Willow, too?”

What was I supposed to say to that? It was such a blatant trap. Rejecting the suggestion could be interpreted as rude, but I didn’t even like girls. Especially not this group of troublesome eighteen year olds that had made my life so difficult ever since I arrived as Hannah’s ‘housekeeper.’ It didn’t help that I was physically turned on, so phrases like ‘fuck Lillian’ and ‘she just wants to fuck me’ sparked a series of visuals that weren’t actually what I was into. “I don’t-” Once again, I ended up cutting myself off with an unladylike grunt. I quickly bit my lip to keep it from turning into something more.

“Oh, my God. Look at her nipples!” Hannah exclaimed.

My eyes widened. Both at the words themselves, as well as the fact that she was making no effort to keep her voice down. I couldn’t help but look for myself and, sure enough, my nipples were practically poking through the top. Since the borrowed shirt was so tight, there was absolutely no hiding it. Again, I so badly wanted to throw my arms up to do what the thin, white top was failing to do. And again, I resisted, as I knew from experience that Hannah wouldn’t show mercy on me if I did.

“What the fuck is wrong with her?” Willow asked, “Is she seriously getting off just because we’re wearing bikinis? I can’t imagine what it’s like for her in the locker room.”

“Apologize, Virgin,” Hannah snapped.

For what . . . ? Knowing better than to argue, I merely mumbled, “I’m sorry.” Then, to my horror, I ended up moaning right when I met Hannah’s eyes.

That wasn’t good enough. “Sorry for what?” she pressed, “For being obsessed with me? For being the sluttiest virgin I’ve ever met? Or for your boobs being total bullshit?”

All of the above? I didn’t know what she was fishing for. The first two were thinly veiled insults that were blatantly untrue, and it still didn’t make any sense that she was annoyed at me for my size. “For- for everything,” I practically whispered. Gasping right afterwards as I was hit with a wave of pleasure that lasted a few seconds longer than I expected, my eyelids fluttered and I moaned more audibly than before.

My instincts took over and I tried to cover my mouth before something like that happened again. However, Hannah grabbed my wrist with what seemed like inhuman speed. That, or my senses were a little off from how my womanhood was drawing so much of my focus. “Don’t you fucking dare,” she snapped, “I will break your glasses if you’re a bad girl.”

I did still have a free hand, but the threat/reminder was enough to keep me from trying again. Meanwhile, the panties vibrated away and pushed me closer and closer towards the edge that I was still in denial about. We were in public! I definitely didn’t get off on anything risky like that, or about girls, nor could I believe that some guy I never met was technically the one causing this to happen. Of course, Hannah was really the one pulling the strings, with Lillian as her conspirator.

No matter how hard I tried to push away the cloud of lust, my body seemed to win out over my mind. The more stimulated I was down there, the more I shifted and squirmed in my seat, somewhat helping the process along by squeezing my thighs together and being at least a little involved in my own pleasure. Was it even possible orgasm with just vibrations? I was too inexperienced to know the answer, yet it felt like I was about to find out.

The guy at Lillian’s table hadn’t changed the toy’s settings in quite some time, leaving me suspended in what I had to imagine was the fastest option possible. It was reaching the point where I couldn’t focus on anything. Not the blonde holding my wrist, or the girl next to her. Not the table Lillian had picked to partake in my torment. My vision was totally glossed over, and not in the way that it was when my contacts weren’t in. And, while I was no longer in a state to think clearly, I parted my lips and released a moan that was so much louder than any of the previous ones.

As I did, the panties went completely still.

For a moment, I was pissed. Similar to my total lack of experience with toys, I had really never been teased in such a frustrating way. How could somebody do that to me?! I was right there, I was so close, and then . . . nothing.

It didn’t take me long to come to my senses, however. Being denied at the last second was absolutely better than the alternative. My cheeks were flushed at the thought of what might have happened if I had kept going, and they only darkened as I realized that I was soaked down there.

Not really giving me any time to recover, Hannah said, “Hey, Jessie. Where’s Lillian?” She let go of my wrist and took a few fries for herself.

My ability to register pretty much anything was still pretty bad. While I heard her words, I didn’t process them for another few seconds. And, when I did, the thought of looking over towards those guys was daunting. Surely they just saw all of that. Also, how loud was that moan? For all I knew, everyone around us was staring at me right now. There was no way to know for sure, as my own gaze was trained on the table below me.

Taking a deep breath, I willed myself to do what Hannah said. Glancing up, I reluctantly returned my attention to the group of guys. Could they see how dark my cheeks were? Tell how wet I was from all that? This was so unlike me. While I had no reason to care about the opinions of strangers, I still didn’t enjoy the prospect of people thinking that I was into stuff like this. Wait, what if they took pictures along the way?? Hannah had her own collection of photos and videos, but I was assuming that would be contained to my time with her this summer, and mostly used for leverage. These guys didn’t know my name, unless Lillian told them, though I was still nervous about anything like this posted online. There was always the chance someone I knew could see.

When Lillian crossed my mind, I remembered why I was looking in the first place. Most of the guys were still checking me out. Did one or two of them look aroused? Oh, God. I couldn’t really tell from where I was sitting, nor did I have a great understanding of guys’ reactions to XYZ, but it still felt like that’s what I was seeing. The one who had been in control of the remote blew me a kiss, which was when I realized his hands were empty, and Lillian was no longer next to him.

“What-” I muttered, immediately averting my gaze from the guy. A quick scan of the area around the table wasn’t enough to find Lillian. Before I could connect the dots myself, I stiffened when I felt a gentle hum between my thighs. “N-no!” I exclaimed. Not again! Had she already found another table, or was she doing this herself? If it was the former, then my theory about her knowing the guys wasn’t very likely. While everyone around where Hannah lived would be strangers to me, I found it even more mortifying that Lillian would go around choosing totally random people to partake in this.

“What’s wrong, Virgin?” Hannah smirked, “Can’t find her? You should really get those tits of yours under control, by the way.”

My lips parted in surprise, as I wasn’t used to the more crass term regarding breasts, particularly when it came to my own. And I couldn’t help what my nipples were doing! Just because my almost-orgasm was cut off didn’t mean that my body could instantly reset to its normal state. There was still a noticeable warmth below my waist, which made me far more susceptible to the slow vibrations than I had been the first time around. Since I hadn’t been given nearly enough time to calm down, of course my chest had its own issues on that front. And I wasn’t allowed to cover.

Making myself look at Hannah, which was almost more daunting than when I had just done so for the table of guys, I said, “That’s- that’s not fair.” Ugh, I sounded so immature. I was supposed to be this girl’s babysitter! But even on a lower setting, my underwear was stimulating me in a way that made focusing on something as simple as speaking more challenging. Not to mention that dealing with Hannah was never an easy thing.

She just rolled her eyes. “It’s completely fair. You’re my servant, and I can talk about you as much as I want. Don’t you do the same, Willow?”

“Mm hmm,” she nodded, “One of my maids has big boobs. Like, way bigger than Jessie’s. We mention it all the time.”

“See?” Hannah said, “So, hush.”

That’s not what I meant! Was Hannah being ignorant on purpose, or did she actually not know what was happening? No, she had to know. Why else would she tell me to find Lillian? I hadn’t seen the girl move to a new table, but Hannah almost certainly would have, which meant she would also have seen the remote being given to someone else.

Like before, it didn’t take long for the speed and intensity of the vibrations to increase. Only one step, I was assuming, but very much noticeable now that I was more sensitive to the sensations than before. How many settings were there? It wasn’t as if I was counting before. I wish that I had done so, as at least then I would have some sense of what I was in store for.

After I went quiet, proving that I would still do whatever Hannah said, she reminded me, “Find Lillian.”

But, why? Spotting her last time didn’t change anything. In fact, it made things worse. If I was going to be toyed with from afar either way, I’d rather not see who Lillian had given the remote to this time around. Unless failing to find her in the crowd meant some form of punishment she and Hannah discussed ahead of time? That, or Hannah could just do something right here and now.

Not wanting to risk it, I started looking around. Lillian would be close, right? If she was pointing me out and telling them about this, she would have to stick with tables that could see me fairly well.

Of course, I was very much stuck in the present thanks to how mortifying and overwhelming my situation was. Which meant that, as usual, I wasn’t thinking about how Hannah was always capable of making life worse for me.

Chapter 24


SubscribeStar Story: The Road Trip, Part 34


The Present, Part 21