Happy Holidays, from Lady Lucia!

Hey, everyone—

As the title says, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and an early Happy New Year as well!

Just two quick things to share with all of you today:

Jamie & The Mall Elf

A new winter-themed short story is now available on my SubscribeStar! Thank you so much to all of you, new and long-time readers, who continue to support my writing endeavors. And, for my currently free readers, perhaps another addition to my exclusive platform will entice you to check it out. ‘Tis the season to pledge to a writer in need of new subscribers. :)

Website Catch-Up

New year, new me! I know I’m a little behind on my website stories, and I plan on tackling the writing backlog between 12/30 and 01/04. The good news is, it will be a shorter wait for the January installments.


Alright, that’s everything; I’ll save the more involved update post for January.

I hope you all have a great end to your year!

Much love,

Lady Lucia


SubscribeStar Story: The Teaching Assistant, Part 36


SubscribeStar Story: The Babysitter, Part 33